Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 571 Are ants going crazy?


Almost at the same time, countless martial arts skills suddenly bombarded Chu Fengmian at this moment.

The remaining Tianmeng disciples on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Take action all.

A total of seven Tianmeng disciples joined forces at the same time and used countless martial arts skills to attack Chu Fengmian.

The seven Heavenly Alliance disciples joined forces, and the power contained in the countless martial arts was several times more powerful than that of Hong Yu.

Almost everyone among the Tianmeng disciples is a leader among the Void Sea Lone Walkers, and their strength is not inferior to the top ten warriors in the inner sect of Beimang Academy.

How terrifying the power that these seven geniuses can unleash when they join forces.

The seven people joined forces and each used their supreme mysteries to attack Chu Fengmian.

The intention was to save Hong Yulai from Chu Fengmian.

"Chu Fengmian, if you let Hong Yu go now, we can let you go this time. Otherwise, if the seven of us join forces, you can't be our opponent!"

A Tianmeng disciple looked at Chu Fengmian and said coldly.

"You are getting stronger, but after all you are just one person, and our Tianmeng is a behemoth. You know how to choose!"

These Tianmeng disciples suddenly took action, and the countless people present were not surprised.

The Tianmeng has always been a whole. The strength of the Tianmeng is not due to the strength of one of them, but to the strength of the whole.

In the Void Sea, there are not many warriors in the divine power realm who can defeat Hong Yu, but even those who are powerful cannot compete with one force.

Even in the face of powerful forces and forces, they are extremely weak.

Many people looked at Chu Fengmian and felt in their hearts that Chu Fengmian was about to retreat now and he had to know how to advance and retreat.

Chu Fengmian had already stolen the limelight by defeating Hong Yu. Now that he has retreated, although the limelight has been suppressed, he can still escape unscathed.

But if Chu Fengmian refuses to retreat now.

Not to mention the entire Heavenly Alliance, even if the seven Heavenly Alliance disciples present attack together, they are definitely not strong enough for any divine power realm warrior to fight against.

The ants will bite the elephant to death, not to mention that these Tianmeng disciples are all elites, how can they be ants.

"Mr. Chu, retreat when you must."

Elder Li was on the side and whispered quietly.

He also didn't want to see Chu Fengmian collide head-on with the Tianmeng, because even if Chu Fengmian was strong, how could he compete with the powerful Tianmeng alone.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke the Tianmeng, the Tianmeng will not always retaliate against Chu Fengmian.

Retreating now is the best option.


To retreat under such a threat.

Chu Fengmian would never do it.

He didn't know how to do it in his previous life.

In this life, he still won't.

"Celestial Alliance? A giant? A group of ants gather together, do you really think they can change the world?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly laughed, looked at the seven people, and said coldly.

"The people of Tianmeng are indeed idiots. Since you want to save Hong Yu, then you should all kneel down just like Hong Yu!"

While speaking, Chu Fengmian's palm suddenly moved, and a dragon's power condensed in Chu Fengmian's palm.

Immediately, his right hand turned into a huge war dragon claw, which fell directly from the sky and struck down suddenly.

While Chu Fengmian was condensing the claws of the war dragon to attack, his left hand suddenly directly clawed at Hong Yu's head.

I saw Hong Yu's body trembling, and the spiritual power in his body began to become extremely erratic, and all the saint's essence and blood was being drawn out.

"Damn it! This person is so arrogant!"

"Let's work together to crack his dragon martial arts first! Then save the deputy leader of Hongyu!"

"Kill! Kill!"

"If he dares to compete with our Tianmeng, he will die today even if he has ten lives!"

A disciple of Zuntian Alliance roared crazily when he saw Chu Fengmian taking action.

Each of them displayed all their spiritual power and turned it into countless mysterious martial arts.

These martial arts skills were bombarded at the War Dragon Claws at the same time, trying to compete with the power of the War Dragon Claws.

"court death!"

Chu Fengmian said two words calmly.

These two simple words have sentenced all these Tianmeng disciples to death.


On the huge claws of the war dragon, the scales carved countless lines at once, and these lines contained mysterious power.

Immediately, the power of the War Dragon's Claw increased by nearly ten times compared to just now.

"No matter how many ants unite, they can't compete with the war dragon! The claws of the war dragon will crush everything!"

Chu Fengmian roared loudly, and the claws of the war dragon fell from the sky.

The huge power swept over everyone present, especially the seven Heavenly Alliance disciples.

In front of the power of the War Dragon's Claw, they were almost motionless and unable to compete with this terrifying power.


The claws of the fighting dragon collided with the martial arts of these seven Heavenly Alliance disciples.

These incomparably mysterious martial arts were unable to break any of the scales on the War Dragon's claws, and were far from being able to shake them.

As for the Zhan Dragon Claw, with a little force, the martial arts of these seven Heavenly Alliance disciples were directly crushed.

In terms of strength, it's not on the same level at all.


The strong spiritual power contained in the claws of the war dragon directly turned into a terrifying pressure and fell suddenly.

The bodies of these seven Heavenly Alliance disciples were shaking continuously under this pressure, and their bones were about to be crushed.

In an instant, everyone fell to their knees on the ground.

The seven Heavenly Alliance disciples, all in perfect order, knelt in front of Chu Fengmian.

Everyone present almost stopped breathing and did not dare to take a breath.

The seven Heavenly Alliance disciples join forces, even if Hong Yu comes, they can't resist this terrifying power.

But now, it's just one move.

These seven Heavenly Alliance disciples were defeated by Chu Fengmian and fell to their knees directly on the ground.

"Could this be this person's true strength? When he fought against Hong Yu before, he was just playing around?"

A warrior muttered to himself blankly.

The power of the Dragon Claw just now was several times stronger than when Chu Fengmian defeated Hong Yu.

This means that when Chu Fengmian just defeated Hong Yu, he didn't use all his strength at all, he was just playing around.

If Chu Fengmian had used all his strength from the beginning, everyone present would have been suppressed by his one move.

None of the seven Heavenly Alliance disciples could resist Chu Fengmian's move. Who would believe it if this news spread?


This is the true invincible creature.

There are many people in the Void Sea who are invincible in the realm of divine power.

But those people, in front of Chu Fengmian now, are extremely ridiculous existences.

"This person is already invincible in the realm of divine power."

A warrior murmured to himself, almost representing the thoughts of everyone present.

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