Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 572 Nirvana Dragon Egg

This battle will spread throughout the entire Void Sea within one day.

And Chu Fengmian's name will also ring out in every corner of the void sea.

"Boy, don't be proud! You dared to make us kneel down today. Have you completely offended the Heavenly Alliance? Do you think you are an invincible figure in the realm of divine power? Our leader of the Heavenly Alliance is enough to kill high-level existences in the life and death realm. , is a real big shot, and you will die if you arouse his anger!"

A Tianmeng disciple was kneeling on the ground, motionless, his face flushed red.

The gazes of countless onlookers around him almost made him feel endless humiliation, but even so, he still refused to admit defeat in his heart.

He had hope in his heart. He believed that the leader of the Tianmeng would definitely kill Chu Fengmian and avenge them.

In the hearts of all Tianmeng disciples, the leader of Tianmeng is the truly invincible creature.

"Yes, boy, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will only die."

Another Tianmeng disciple roared wildly.


Chu Fengmian smiled coldly and waved his hand, and the chests of all Tianmeng disciples present suddenly opened a hole.

From it, the essence and blood of countless saints were directly drawn out by Chu Fengmian and integrated into his body.

"The leader of the Tianmeng Alliance? He is here, and he will suffer the same fate as you."

Chu Fengmian sneered.

The leader of what Tianmeng?

Enough to kill high-level existences in the realm of life and death?

Chu Fengmian can kill even the Immortal Demon Lord, so what does it mean to be the leader of the Heavenly Alliance?

What's more, as long as Chu Fengmian's strength improves and his body reaches perfection, he will be able to survive the catastrophe of life and death.

Once he has passed through the catastrophe of life and death, Chu Fengmian can really be unscrupulous and do whatever he wants in the Northern Territory.

"All of you, kneel here. I want everyone to know what will happen if you dare to provoke me, Chu Fengmian!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, turned his head and spoke to Elder Li next to him.

"Let's go to the auction."

Elder Li glanced at the Tianmeng disciples kneeling on the ground, hesitated for a moment, but still did not speak.

He took Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan and left directly.

It was not until Chu Fengmian's figure disappeared that countless people present heaved a sigh of relief.

Chu Fengmian's methods were really ruthless. Not only did he defeat the Tianmeng disciples, but he also drained their saint blood.

Including Hong Yu, the deputy leader of the Tianmeng.

Taking out 90% of their saint blood essence means that all these Tianmeng disciples have become useless.

This is definitely a huge loss for Tianmeng.

Especially now, these Tianmeng disciples are all kneeling on the ground.

In front of the Tianshang Guild City Gate, there is a very dense crowd of people coming and going, and everyone can see this scene.

This is an absolute insult to Tianmeng.

In the void sea, Chu Fengmian is the only person who dares to deal with Tianmeng like this.

"This person's methods are really too terrifying. Now that he is completely torn apart, Tianmeng will not let it go."

"So what? Hong Yu, the deputy leader of the Tianmeng, was defeated by this person. Even if the Tianmeng wants revenge, there is nothing they can do."

"What's the Hong Prison? The most terrifying thing among the Heavenly Alliance is their leader. This Heavenly Alliance was established by that leader himself. It's hard to say if the leader of the Heavenly Alliance takes action."

"Don't worry about it so much. Anyway, the Tianmeng does not bully us less on weekdays. We just need to watch the fun."

The warriors gathered around gradually dispersed.

Only part of it was scattered, but everyone knew that there was a terrifying genius in this void sea.

On the other side, Elder Li took Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan, and they flew towards the center of Hunyuan Continent together.

Today, the auction house in Hunyuan Continent is hosted by Tongtian Pavilion, the number one force in Hunyuan Continent.

Tongtian Pavilion is located in the center of Hunyuan Continent.

"Chu Fengmian, the leader of the Tianmeng, is indeed not a simple figure."

While flying here, Bai Xuan secretly said to the side.

"The leader of this Heavenly Alliance is named Hun Cangsheng. I have heard of his name before. It is said that he has indeed killed powerful men at the high level of the life and death realm. His strength is unfathomable. You must be careful."

"Oh? Being able to kill powerful men at the high level of the life and death realm with the divine power realm is indeed good. But if he dares to provoke me, I will make him pay the price!"

Chu Fengmian said with a smile, not paying attention at all.

His strength was already in the divine power realm, almost invincible. Chu Fengmian did not believe that there was another divine power realm warrior who could be his opponent.

What's more, as long as Chu Fengmian buys some rare objects from the heavens from the auction house, it will be enough to condense his body to the extreme.

When the time comes, it is not impossible for Chu Fengmian to compete with some old antiques among the high-level experts in the life and death realm.

"As long as I can find enough rare objects and arrange holy sacrifices, my body will soon be able to reach the ultimate level of divine power."

Chu Fengmian thought about the dragon egg in the empty ring, and felt extremely excited.

It was Chu Fengmian's good luck to come across this dragon egg.

This dragon egg is indeed a lifeless dead egg, but it is not a dragon egg looking for a real dragon, but an egg of nirvana.

In a day when powerful existences will all fall away in the years, the only way to compete with the years is to be reborn in Nirvana.

This way of Nirvana has been passed down since ancient times. When some strong men are about to run out of life, they gather all the strength in their bodies and reborn in Nirvana.

In exchange for a lifetime of longevity.

The dragon egg in front of him, Chu Fengmian could tell, was the rebirth of a strong dragon from the dragon clan. However, this strong man failed to be reborn and lost his vitality.

The path to Nirvana is one that goes against the will of heaven, and less than one tenth of the people are actually likely to succeed.

Although the strong ones among them lost their vitality, the spiritual power in the dragon egg was preserved.

The dragons who can choose Nirvana and rebirth are at least strong at the Dragon King level among the dragons.

The spiritual power contained in this dragon egg is probably extremely strong, but the power within it cannot be extracted directly. Instead, the power must be refined and extracted using a holy sacrificial technique.

This technique of holy sacrifice is extremely ancient. It was used by the ancient Manchus to sacrifice living bodies and extract spiritual power.

The spiritual power in this dragon egg cannot be used, but using the Holy Sacrifice technique is enough to extract all the power from it.

"The power contained in this dragon egg, as long as it is used as a holy sacrifice, is enough to bring my body to perfection. The holy sacrifice requires many materials, but I have already obtained many materials in Yan Gu Longdi's cave. I only need After purchasing a few of the most important items, you can arrange the holy ceremony.”

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

Thanks to Fang Xianwen for the reward.

Shao Yu has been moving in the past two days, and he basically writes in the early morning, so the updates are very late. You can read them in the morning to avoid waiting anxiously. They will definitely be updated in the morning.

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