Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 570: Invincible in the realm of divine power


In an instant, the sword edge in Chu Fengmian's hand fell.


Thousands of sword qi were fired out at the same time, and everything around seemed to be immersed in countless sword qi.

The entire space is a world transformed into swords.


Everyone was in disbelief when they saw this change.

Thousands of sword energy.

Just now, the sword struck by Chu Fengmian was directly divided into ten thousand sword energy.

In the understanding of the art of weapons.

Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship even surpassed Hong Yu's Three Thousand Illusions.

"How can this be!"

"A sword weighing ten thousand weights, this is the legendary realm! Countless sword masters in the Northern Territory have never reached this level!"

"What is the origin of this person! He has such a terrifying swordsmanship!"

Some of the sword cultivators who were watching the martial arts went crazy when they saw Chu Fengmian's sword skills.

A sword of ten thousand weight is definitely a realm that countless sword cultivators in the Nine Realms dream of, and countless people are jealous and crazy.


When Hong Yu saw the ten thousand sword energy, his expression suddenly changed, but in an instant, it returned to his previous self-confidence.

"So what if you are strong in swordsmanship? If you don't have enough strength, it's just a trick. Real power is the kingly way. Just watch my three thousand illusions and ruin your swordsmanship!"


Hong Yu's spiritual power has been fully displayed, all blessing on his three thousand illusions.

To defeat ten thousand forces with one force.

Win with force.

Seeing this scene, Chu Fengmian sneered in his heart.

Even if it was a duel of strength, Chu Fengmian would not be afraid.

"Do you think you are my opponent when you compete with me for strength? From the first moment you dare to challenge me, your failure is doomed!"

Chu Fengmian's face was extremely calm. With a thought, he activated thousands of sword energies and attacked him simultaneously.


Three thousand illusions and ten thousand sword energy collided together in the air. The aftermath was extremely terrifying, no less than the full strength of many warriors present.

The collision was extremely fierce, but in an instant, the winner was decided.

I saw that what still existed from it was thousands of sword energies.

All the power in Hong Yu's three thousand illusions was completely swallowed up by these ten thousand sword energies.

"Not only in terms of martial arts understanding, but also in terms of strength, Hong Yu failed?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

Everyone present is aware of Hong Yu's strength.

Everyone was extremely surprised when he failed in martial arts comprehension.

But it is not incomprehensible that some swordsman geniuses appear in the Northern Territory.

After all, a genius is a genius after all. If you have a high level of understanding of swordsmanship, there is no point in having no strength.

But being able to break the three thousand illusions of Hong Yu is no longer superior to Hong Yu in terms of martial arts understanding.

But in terms of strength, Chu Fengmian even surpassed Hong Yu.

The deputy leader of the Tianmeng League is actually so vulnerable?

This idea suddenly appeared in the minds of some warriors. No one could believe that a figure who had always been nearly invincible could be defeated so miserably.

But most people looked at Chu Fengmian.

It's not that Hong Yu's strength is weak, Hong Yu's strength is still invincible outside, but Chu Fengmian's strength is too strong.

This kind of strength is already powerful enough to crush Hong Yu.

That was why Hong Yu suffered such a miserable defeat.

"Absolutely impossible! I have countless adventures, how could I lose!"

Hong Yu roared crazily, seemingly still unable to accept the scene in front of him.

He would never have thought that he would be defeated by Chu Fengmian.

From Hong Yu's point of view, Chu Fengmian was just a nobody, someone who didn't even have the qualifications to take him seriously. How could he have imagined that he would be defeated so completely at the hands of Chu Fengmian.

There's not even the slightest bit of strength to fight back.

"I said, you are nothing more than an ant in front of me. In the realm of divine power, there is absolutely no way anyone can compete with me."

Chu Fengmian looked at Hong Yu and said coldly.

"Since you offended me, you will suffer the same fate as Ouyang Lie."

"Kneel down!"


When Chu Fengmian spoke, an extremely terrifying coercion appeared on his body, like a mountain, which raised Chu Fengmian's body crazily, making Chu Fengmian look like a giant. .

Endless dragon power emerged from Chu Fengmian's body, as if he were a dragon emperor alive.

Wave after wave of dragon power oppressed Hong Yu's body, causing Hong Yu to spit out countless blood.

"Damn it! You beast! You want me to kneel down, it's impossible! I'm a real genius, and I will definitely become a big shot in the future. Only people can kneel in front of me! No one can make me kneel down!"

Hong Yu roared crazily, gathering all his spiritual power to contend with Chu Fengmian.

"Boy, if you dare to offend me, Tianmeng will definitely not let you go in the future! Letting me go quickly is your only way to survive!"

"Tianmeng? If the people of Tianmeng are all idiots like you, Tianmeng will indeed have no qualifications to exist."

Listening to Hong Yu's words, Chu Fengmian's eyes showed a bit of disdain.

This Hong Yu dared to threaten him when he was about to die.

"Kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and a terrifying pressure directly pressed on Hong Yu's body.

This pressure directly broke the bones of Hong Yu's knees, causing him to kneel directly on the ground.


Hong Yu spit out a large mouthful of blood and almost fainted.

Seeing Hong Yu kneeling on the ground, almost everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Who would have thought that the deputy leader of the Tianmeng, Hong Yu, would be defeated one day and kneel on the ground.

There is no resistance.

Even escaping is impossible.

"Hong Yu was kneeling on the ground, crazy, really crazy."

"Are we dreaming? Even if we were dreaming, we wouldn't think of this."

"Where did this person come from? Beimang College? No one in Beimang College has ever heard of such a number one person. Could it be that he was secretly trained by Beimang College?"

Countless onlookers seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and the defeat of Hongyu exploded in their hearts like a thunderbolt.

But now Hong Yu knelt down, which made them wake up one by one. Hong Yu's defeat just now was not fake.

"Hong Yu, don't you want me to destroy my cultivation? Since you have offended me, then I will let you do the same as Ouyang Lie and collect 90% of your saint's blood essence as compensation."

Chu Fengmian looked at Hong Yu and smiled coldly.

His big hand suddenly clawed at Hong Yu's body.

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