Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 569 Three Thousand Illusions

Hong Yu takes action.

A palm was struck with a bang, and at the moment when the palm was condensed, countless black mist suddenly appeared around him.

This black mist is not demonic, but something more sinister and extremely evil.

Surrounded by countless black mist, he struck out with a palm. Seeing this scene, countless people around him felt chilled in their hearts, as if they were plunged into incomparable fear.

"The Palm of Purgatory!"

After this palm was struck, Bai Xuan's expression next to Chu Fengmian changed.

"This is Hong Yu's secret skill. It is said that he once had a great adventure in the void sea and learned a purgatory magic skill. This purgatory magic skill even surpasses the eternal ancient demon realm. It is extremely terrifying. Once it is beaten, it will be defeated. Endless pain, torture to death!”

Once this purgatory palm hits a warrior, it will cause endless pain.

This pain is enough to make many warriors with unstable minds die from the pain.

The pain of purgatory magic is not only caused by the body, but also from the soul. Even a saint cannot resist it.

"Boy, prepare to accept endless pain, I will make you unable to survive or die!"

Hong Yu smiled ferociously, he wanted to use this purgatory demonic skill to thoroughly torture Chu Fengmian.

"You know some useless magic skills, but you dare to show off your power in front of me?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Hong Yu's slap, his expression extremely calm.

"This little magic power, break it for me!"


In Chu Fengmian's mouth, he spat out a word calmly, and a dragon roar suddenly resounded.

In this dragon roar, there is the essence of the fighting dragon's power, the power of the ancient fighting dragon, which can restrain all evil spirits.

The purgatory magic technique cannot escape the possibility of being restrained at a glance.

Although this purgatory magic skill is powerful, it is impossible to have much effect in front of Chu Fengmian's power of fighting dragons.

Under this dragon roar.

The palm formed by Hong Yu's purgatory magic skill immediately dissipated, and all the power in it was directly resolved.

All the onlookers around were shocked.

This Hong Yu took action, but he showed no mercy. Instead, it could be said that he used all his strength, even using the demonic power of purgatory.

This move at least had the intention of killing Chu Fengmian.

Among the divine power realm warriors in the Void Sea, less than ten people can block this move of the Purgatory Demonic Palm. Even if many people block it, they will have to pay a huge price.

Like this, just one word from his mouth can directly dissolve the power of the clutches of purgatory.

It's simply unheard of and unprecedented.

"What is the origin of this person? He first defeated Ouyang Lie and extracted Ouyang Lie's saint blood, and now he actually has enough blood to compete with Hong Yu!"

"We have never heard of such a number one figure in the Northern Territory."

"To be able to compete with Hong Yu, this person's strength is indeed terrifying."

"However, the reason why he was able to resolve Hong Yu's demonic power was not because of how powerful he was, but because of his skill. It was vaguely the ability to restrain the demonic power of purgatory that allowed him to resolve it so easily."

"Let's see, Hong Yu's strength is not that simple. The big figures of the Tianmeng, even if they don't have the magic power of purgatory, they are still standing at a fixed point."

This brief confrontation aroused countless discussions.

A big shot in the Tianmen League like Hong Yu rarely takes action. Unexpectedly, Chu Fengmian blocked his action, which surprised countless people.

However, no one is optimistic about Chu Fengmian. Hong Yu's strength is far from being as simple as shown. The purgatory demonic power has been restrained, but Hong Yu is still a terrifying figure without using the purgatory demonic power.

In everyone's opinion, how many moves could Chu Fengmian survive from Hong Yu's hands?

"Dragon martial arts?"

Seeing his purgatory demonic power being resolved, Hong Yu understood it instantly.

This Dragon Clan martial arts is indeed extremely restrained against all demonic arts.

His purgatory magic skills are indeed naturally restrained when it comes to dragon martial arts, and there is no room for him to display them.

Chu Fengmian looked at Hong Yu, shook his head and said, as if his eyes were full of disdain.

"Do the people of Tianmeng only have this level of strength? That would be too disappointing."


When Hong Yu heard Chu Fengmian's words, he suddenly roared, with murderous intent in his tone.

"Boy, it seems that you have really had some adventures. You don't know how high the world is. So what if you know a few dragon martial arts? You don't need the purgatory magic skills. In front of me, you are just an ant!"


From Hong Yu's hand, he suddenly saw an extremely dark stick condensed out of it.

This jet-black stick appeared out of thin air and hit Chu Fengmian at once.

This stick shot seemed ordinary, but it was divided into thousands of parts, turning into three thousand phantoms.

Every shadow is illusory and real, making it unclear whether it is true or false.

"Three thousand illusions! Hong Yu's military art! It has actually reached this stage. Each of these three thousand illusions is half true and half false. Each one may be true! If you want to resist, you must use these three thousand illusions. Thousands of phantoms must be resisted!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Hong Yu's methods.

This move is indeed extremely powerful. Unless the three thousand shadows are blocked at the same time, otherwise, they will fall into a siege.

In a confrontation of this level, falling into a disadvantage is like being doomed. It is difficult to make a comeback and can only be defeated one after another.

"Boy, you angered me, and now you have to pay the price for my anger! Die!"

Hong Yu roared ferociously, and the shadows of three thousand black sticks fell down at the same time.

"Three thousand illusions? You dare to talk nonsense? It's ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian strode out and faced the phantoms of three thousand black sticks. He faced them directly without dodging or dodging.

"What is he going to do?"

"Do we have to resist Three Thousand Illusions?"

"This person is looking for death! There are three thousand phantoms, and it is impossible to escape. If you fight head-on, how can you possibly fight against three thousand with your own strength?"

Facing these three thousand illusions, most people can only think of running away.

Face the phantoms as little as possible to fight against them.

This kind of head-on resistance is simply the behavior of a lunatic.

Even Elder Li frowned.

He also knew that the most powerful move of Hong Yu's Three Thousand Illusions was a frontal strike.

Confront three thousand illusions head-on.

A warrior in the realm of divine power.

Must die!


At the moment when everyone looked at Chu Fengmian, they felt that Chu Fengmian was about to be beaten into a pulp by San Qian Huan in the next moment.

Chu Fengmian called softly, and in his hand was the Sword Intention Condensation Sword.

"A sword weighs ten thousand!"

The moment Chu Fengmian's sword edge fell, the sword energy suddenly burst out.

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