Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 467: The True Form of the God of War

This was not the first time for countless people present to see Wu Fengyun take action.

The eleventh position on the human list is not obtained empty-handed. It is a position that can only be obtained after countless battles.

Wu Fengyun can firmly occupy this position, and there is no doubt about his strength.

But when Wu Fengyun ranked eleventh on this list, his true form of the God of War only had four arms.

But now, the real body of the God of War that Wu Fengyun replaced once again has six arms, which means.

Wu Fengyun's strength now is much stronger than when he was ranked eleventh on this list.

Now Wu Fengyun's strength can be said to have truly entered the top ten in the rankings.

Such people are definitely important figures in the outer sect. They can be promoted to the inner sect at any time. Looking at the outer sect, they are almost invincible.

Even Chu Fengmian's eyes were slightly surprised when he saw the true form of the Martial God.

This Wu Fengyun does have some skills. With this Martial God's true body, his strength is probably not far from that of Tuoba Ding. He indeed has the strength of an inner disciple.

It seems that this Beimang Academy is indeed full of geniuses. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Wu Fengyun is just an outer disciple, and people who have not even entered the top ten on the list are actually so powerful.

How powerful must the top ten people on the list be, not to mention that there are disciples on the Earth List and Heavenly List above them.

"Boy, it's too late for you to regret it now. If you dare to become an enemy of our Fengyun Society, I will suppress you today and put demons in your mind so that you will remember today's nightmare every moment in the future!"

Wu Fengyun looked at Chu Fengmian's expression and thought Chu Fengmian was scared, so he laughed loudly.

Wu Fengyun's six arms suddenly made fists and punched out suddenly. This time, it was the same evil-suppressing white tiger as before, with six heads.

The six evil-suppressing white tigers acted together, but they seemed to be channeling spirits and knew how to cooperate. They actually directly arranged a killing array to surround the golden dragon condensed by Chu Fengmian.

"This golden dragon must have taken a lot of your strength to condense. I will eat this golden dragon first! Let this golden dragon become my power!"

Wu Fengyun laughed loudly.

"Swallow him!"

As he spoke, the six evil-suppressing white tigers pounced on him at the same time and began to bite the golden dragon that Chu Fengmian had condensed.

In the Nine Realms, there is a term "Enter the Dragon and the Tiger Fight" in ancient legends.

The scene in the sky now is one of perfect power.

The six-headed evil-suppressing white tiger condensed by Wu Fengyun and the golden dragon condensed by Chu Fengmian started fighting in the air.

This picture is breathtaking.

"What a terrifying two people. They are both outer disciples. However, the strength of these two people is far superior to mine. They can defeat me with just one move."

An outer disciple murmured to himself.

He raised his head and looked at the scene in the sky, his expression almost dull. It was like a fight between gods.

If he got involved, even a random evil-suppressing white tiger would be enough to completely defeat him.

What's more, the even more terrifying golden dragon was condensed by Chu Fengmian.

"Wu Fengyun is a famous figure in the outer sect. He is ranked close to the top ten in the rankings. It is not unusual for him to have such strength."

"On the other hand, this Chu Fengmian is just a newcomer in this class. A newcomer actually has such strength that he can challenge someone close to the top ten on the list. Such strength is really unprecedented."

"With such strength, generally speaking, he would have been picked out by the elders long ago. I don't know why this person came to the outer sect."

"Don't worry so much. It's a good thing that such a person comes and stirs up trouble. It hasn't been so lively for a long time."

A respected warrior observes this very carefully.

Every move in this fight is filled with supreme mystical powers. With their strength, if they can understand some of them, they will be of great benefit.

What's more, they all want to see what the newcomer Wang Chufengmian can achieve.

If Chu Fengmian could defeat Wu Fengyun, then the outer sect would be very excited. The outer sect of Beimang College had not seen a new student in the outer sect for a hundred years, and was able to defeat the top ten disciples on the list.

Although Wu Fengyun is the eleventh on the list, his real strength is already in the top ten. Now everyone is here to watch the excitement. It seems that between these two people, who is stronger and who is weaker.

Beimang College is located in a unique space. The space in this space has been condensed by some powerful people with supreme magical powers, making it extremely tough.

Although Chu Fengmian and Wu Fengyun were fighting in the air, they did not break the space and their power did not spread out.

Otherwise, this Beimang Academy would have been beaten to pieces by countless disciples.

"Boy, there is no need to resist! Do you really think you can resist me? I just want to test your strength. If I use my full strength, you will be killed by me in an instant. You have no chance. ”

Wu Fengyun looked at Chu Fengmian and laughed coldly.

"It's unprecedented for a newcomer to dare to challenge our Fengyun Association. But it's a good thing. Today I'm going to scare the monkeys and see who dares to challenge the majesty of our Fengyun Association in the future!"

Wu Fengyun's voice contained an extremely confident look, as if he had already secured victory.

"Kill me in an instant? If you have the ability, then do it."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Wu Fengyun, but his expression was extremely calm.

"Okay, you are seeking death! Let me show you how terrifying my real strength is! Let you know that as a newcomer, don't be too ignorant!"

Wu Fengyun frowned and his face turned red, obviously he was really angry.

His Martial God avatar, with six arms, suddenly hit the golden dragon in the air at the same time.

With each punch, an evil-suppressing white tiger condenses out. In an instant, a total of forty-nine evil-suppressing white tigers are born.

As soon as the forty-nine evil-suppressing white tigers appeared, they immediately united and turned into a killing formation, completely trapping Chu Fengmian's golden dragon in the formation.

The forty-nine evil-suppressing white tigers united and attacked together. Even if the golden dragon was powerful, it could not defeat such a large number.

"As expected, Wu Fengyun is stronger."

"His Shinra Fuhu Fist has reached a minor level and can condense forty-nine evil-suppressing white tigers. It is said that if this Shinra Fuhu Fist reaches a great level, it can condense a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one evil-suppressing white tigers. Come on, that is truly terrifying, and those who are strong in the realm of life and death must retreat.”

The second update today, I stayed up late writing like crazy.

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