Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 466 Wu Fengyun


Fang Heng's screams were still ringing out.

The injuries on his body were not important, what was important was the humiliation in his heart. For such talented warriors, the humiliation of kneeling on the ground was unacceptable.

This kneeling will leave a shadow deep in Fang Heng's heart that can never be erased.

In the future, whenever Fang Heng's strength improves and he wants to make a breakthrough, today's step will be recalled in his mind.

There was no possibility for Fang Heng to go any further.

"Fang Heng's life is ruined. His achievements in his life may end here. It is not easy to conquer such a shadow in his heart. Today's scene is like a demon that will follow him. "

"How is it possible to overcome this kind of inner demon of yours? Among a thousand geniuses, it is difficult for one person to overcome it. Fang Heng is completely useless."

"Hey, with Fang Heng's qualifications, promotion to the inner sect was already a certainty. I didn't expect that he would suffer such a disaster today."

"It is extremely miserable for a warrior who ranks among human beings to have fallen to such a fate."

Fang Heng is considered a man of great influence among the outer sect. He is ranked in the list of people and has great hope of being promoted to a warrior of the inner sect in the future.

But now, he was defeated so easily by Chu Fengmian and knelt on the ground. This scene also made many people sigh.

"We can't deal with this vicious man. Run away!"

"Let's go and ask Brother Wu to take action against this kid!"

The few remaining Fengyunhui disciples wanted to escape after seeing Fang Heng being suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

Even Fang Heng was not Chu Fengmian's opponent, and the group of them together could not be Chu Fengmian's opponent, so they flew out quickly.

"Want to escape? You come here to show off your power and then you want to escape. How can it be so easy!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and suddenly waved his hand, and the surrounding space was directly blocked.

No matter how they fled, these Fengyunhui disciples could not escape from this area.

"All of you, please kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and a burst of spiritual power came from the sky and suppressed him.

The Fengyunhui disciples all looked extremely pale and shouted loudly.

"Brother Wu, save us!"

"Save you? Even if Wu Fengyun comes, he will still kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, his expression full of coldness.


The Fengyunhui disciples all knelt on the ground under this spiritual power.

These Fengyunhui disciples knelt in a row in front of Chu Fengmian's D residence. It was a very special scene.

"A newcomer! How dare you make an enemy of our Fengyun Society?"

Suddenly, in the air, an angry shout suddenly sounded, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

Along with the presence of this figure, an extremely powerful fist was suddenly struck from the air, and its target was Chu Fengmian.

This fist wind turned into a tiger-like shape, roaring, and suddenly rushed towards Chu Fengmian.

Although this tiger was transformed by the fist wind, its appearance is lifelike and looks like a real tiger.

This is a supreme and mysterious method that can only be achieved when the fist intention reaches its peak. The fist wind transforms into a tiger. This punch contains the ferocity of the tiger and is even more powerful.

"Evil-Suppressing White Tiger Fist! This is Wu Fengyun's Evil-Suppressing White Tiger Fist!"

Chu Fengmian raised his head and looked at the sky, and saw this tall figure at a glance.

This person has an ordinary appearance, but he contains a mighty and domineering aura. He is definitely a martial arts expert. Here is the leader of the Fengyun Society, the eleventh strongman on the list, Wu Fengyun.

"Boy, you dare to hurt the people of our Fengyun Club, and even make them kneel down! This is simply not taking our Fengyun Club seriously."

"Anyone who dares to go against our Fengyun Society will die! Chu Fengmian, you are just a newcomer, but you dare to challenge my majesty. Today I will suppress you and let you know what it means to be high and low!"

Wu Fengyun looked at Chu Fengmian and shouted angrily.

The tone in every sentence was condescending, as if Chu Fengmian was sentenced to death. If he wanted to punish Chu Fengmian, he would punish Chu Fengmian. He was extremely arrogant.

"Wu Fengyun, do you really think you are a person? A small outer sect disciple who is not even in the top ten, but you want to show off your power in the outer sect?"

Chu Fengmian raised his head, looked at Wu Fengyun, and spoke unceremoniously.

"It's okay for your Fengyun Club to be arrogant on weekdays. Since you dare to be so arrogant on me today, then starting from today, your Fengyun Club will be completely destroyed!"

As Chu Fengmian spoke, he waved his hand and suddenly hit the air with his palm.

Chu Fengmian's palm gathered countless spiritual powers in the air and turned into a golden dragon.

The two forces of the golden dragon and the white tiger faced each other in the air. Suddenly, the golden dragon showed its power, and the supreme dragon power condensed out, biting directly, and swallowed the white tiger directly.

"Destroy the Fengyun Club? I want to see if you have this ability!"

After listening to Chu Fengmian's words, Wu Fengyun said angrily.

"Those in the top ten on the list don't dare to say they ruined our Fengyun Club. How dare you, a mere newcomer, compete with our Fengyun Club?"

"Do you think you can be arrogant just because you have these few adventures? The level of martial arts cannot be compensated by adventures! Supreme martial arts! Only martial arts is the best!"

Wu Fengyun shouted angrily, and suddenly four other arms grew out of his back.

The whole person now looks like he has six arms. He looks extremely weird, like a monster.

But Chu Fengmian knew clearly that this look was that of an ancient warrior god.

According to legend, the ancient god of martial arts was extremely strange when he was born. He was born with six arms and was extremely powerful, ranking at the pinnacle of martial arts.

This Wu Fengyun has now condensed martial arts and directly transformed into the appearance of the ancient Martial God. Although it only has its shape, it is enough to bless the power of the ancient Martial God.

His martial arts skyrocketed to an extremely high level.

"The true form of the Martial God! This is Wu Fengyun's true form of the Martial God!"

"It's just like the legend, with six arms. This is what a real ancient warrior god looks like."

"Wu Fengyun's qualifications are indeed extremely high. The last time he used this Martial God's avatar, he only had four arms, enough to rank eleventh on the list."

"Now I didn't expect that he would actually have another breakthrough. He directly condensed six arms and became a true ancient warrior god. I'm afraid that his current strength is enough to enter the top ten on the list."

This is the first update today. The card writing is very stuck today. I just wrote the first update after writing for a long time. I kept everyone waiting for a long time.

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