Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 468: Fighting between the Dragon and the Tiger

"The strength of this newcomer is indeed extremely strong, but it is still not a step ahead of Wu Fengyun."

"Wu Fengyun was really angry, and he even used this move."

"The strength of this newcomer cannot be underestimated. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Wu Fengyun to deal with him even if he doesn't use such killing moves."

"In terms of strength, this newcomer is almost no longer as good as Wu Fengyun, but he still lacks the foundation. After all, he is still a newcomer who has just joined Beimang Academy and has no time to accumulate foundation."

"This person's future achievements are limitless. Promotion to the inner sect is almost certain, and he may even be promoted to a seed disciple."

"Promoting to a seed disciple is not easy. None of those seed disciples is the pride of heaven. Many of them are even super monsters with innate divine bodies and great adventures.

"This kid was defeated by Wu Fengyun today. I'm afraid he will seduce inner demons. It will be difficult to make progress in the future, let alone the future."

At the moment when many onlookers were talking about the warriors, the situation in the sky suddenly changed.

The forty-nine tigers had already joined forces and set up a killing array, eroding the golden dragon layer by layer.

I am afraid that the golden dragon will be completely swallowed up soon.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the golden dragon suddenly roared. The moment the dragon roar sounded, the appearance of the golden dragon changed drastically.

The scales in it all transformed and turned into a completely different appearance.

At the same time, the power on the golden dragon is also increasing exponentially.

"what happened?"

Wu Fengyun was stunned by this sudden change, as if he didn't understand where Chu Fengmian got such a powerful power.

However, his expression quickly calmed down. After all, he had seen countless storms, so this sudden change was nothing.

After all, every warrior has his or her own trump card. Even if Chu Fengmian has just entered Beimang Academy and is a newcomer, it does not mean that Chu Fengmian has no trump card.

"So what if you have a trump card? Still contending is just a waste of energy. In front of my evil-suppressing white tiger, even a real dragon will be torn into pieces and devoured!"

Wu Fengyun roared loudly.

"Keep fighting!"

Following his order, the evil-suppressing white tigers roared again, rushed forward one by one, and continued to fight against the real dragon.

The battle between the white tiger and the golden dragon is actually the battle between Chu Fengmian and Wu Fengyun. Whoever loses in this move will be defeated like a mountain and will never have a second chance.

"Today, you will definitely lose!"

Wu Fengyun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and Chu Fengmian's qualifications made him feel scared.

Since he has provoked such an opponent, Wu Fengyun plans to completely defeat Chu Fengmian today and plant inner demons in Chu Fengmian's heart, so as to prevent Chu Fengmian's discovery.

If Chu Fengmian really stayed in Beimang College for a few years, I'm afraid he would be far from Chu Fengmian's opponent.

So today, he had to defeat Chu Fengmian.

Wu Fengyun's full strength has been unleashed, and he looks like a god of war. The god of war who will never be defeated has the will to win, and his momentum is like a rainbow.

"A mere white tiger is worthy of fighting a real dragon? Let me show you the power of a real dragon!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and all the 1,296 drops of the dragon's blood in his body burst out, completely blessing the golden dragon.

However, Chu Fengmian deliberately hid part of the blessing power and retained the power of the fighting dragon.

It only shows the power of the real dragon.

In today's era, the ancient war dragons have long been extinct and disappeared, but the real dragons still exist. The adventure of getting a real dragon is nothing.

Although it is enviable, some truly strong people will not snatch it because it is not considered cherished.

But if people knew that Chu Fengmian had the blood of a war dragon, even the big shots in Beimang College would be tempted to take action to snatch it away.

After all, the ancient war dragons were so powerful that they were recorded in ancient books as being capable of destroying heaven and earth. No one would want to have such a bloodline.

Having the blood of a war dragon is much more powerful than many innate divine bodies.

Chu Fengmian was in Beimang College, so he naturally had to hide something until he had enough strength.

Although he didn't use all his strength, it was enough to deal with Wu Fengyun.

"The real dragon dances in the world! Destroy them all!"

Blessed with the power of blood, the golden dragon seemed to be suddenly awakened, and its power suddenly increased.

In an instant, he flew directly into the sky, suddenly let out a dragon roar, and started dancing.

Dragon Dance is absolutely a supreme killing move, carrying supreme dragon power and terrifying dragon power.

The moment this move of dragon dance appeared, countless evil-suppressing white tigers around them all retreated, not daring to compete.

The moment the golden dragon danced, all its power was on the dragon's body. The dragon's body danced and suddenly flew towards the evil-suppressing white tigers.




With three loud noises, a total of twelve evil-suppressing white tigers were killed at once.

These evil-suppressing white tigers were transformed by Wu Fengyun's most essence power. The moment they were shattered, he was vomiting blood.

The backlash was enough to really break his muscles and bones.

"Break it all for me!"

While his illness was killing him, Chu Fengmian certainly would not let go of this opportunity to defeat Wu Fengyun. He shouted angrily throughout his life, and the golden dragon took action again.

Almost in an instant, all the evil-suppressing white tigers around him were directly crushed to pieces, and Wu Fengyun was seriously injured by countless counterattacks.

"How did this person's strength reach this level? What kind of martial arts is this? Dragon martial arts? This is simply more terrifying than the dragon martial arts performed by the real dragon in the records!"

Wu Fengyun's face showed an expression of disbelief. Not everyone in Beimang Academy had experienced Dragon Clan martial arts. Naturally, there were several disciples who knew Dragon Clan martial arts.

Many of these people have some inner disciples, and even a strong man, Long Weiyang, is a seed disciple who contains the blood of a true dragon.

Wu Fengyun once saw the dragon martial arts he performed. Although the power was extremely terrifying, in terms of power, it was not even as good as the move Chu Fengmian had just performed.

In terms of power, Chu Fengmian's move actually surpassed Long Weiyang's, which made him believe it.

The third update today.

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