Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 465: Establishing Prestige

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being the new king of this year. He is quite domineering. He dares to talk to Fang Heng like this."

"It's interesting. The people in Fengyun Club are used to being arrogant. When they see a newcomer, they want to bully them. Unexpectedly, they encounter a tough fight and they don't buy into their Fengyun Club's fault at all."

"The strength of this newcomer is really very strange. He is at the Wind Control Realm and is able to set up restrictions that even Zhong Jun cannot break."

"Let's see, Fang Heng is not comparable to someone like Zhong Jun. After all, he is a warrior on the human list. Even if he is at the bottom of the human list, he is not comparable to ordinary outer disciples."

Many of the people watching were excited. The silent outer gate was now lively, and everyone came to watch the excitement.


From the mouth of Senior Brother Fang, Fang Heng, two words came out coldly.

His eyes looked at Chu Fengmian with murderous intent.

"Arrogant boy! When I break your restraint and pull you out of D's house, your cultivation will be ruined!"

Fang Heng jumped up, shot in the air, and suddenly there was a huge handprint. Countless demonic shadows actually appeared on this handprint, which looked extremely mysterious.

"This is the magic shadow hand seal! Earth-level martial arts from Beimang Academy! This is Fang Heng's strongest trump card. It seems that he was really angered and used this move."

Some warriors, obviously knowing something about Fang Heng, spoke directly.

"Fang Heng is really angry. This kid should be defeated."

This palm print was shot out in the air and directly bombarded Chu Fengmian's D residence.

The countless demonic shadows behind the palm prints seemed to have a lot of power, and were blessed by the palm prints, bombarding them like overlapping waves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom...!"

There were seven roaring sounds in a row, and this large demonic handprint had seven levels of dark power, all of which struck Chu Fengmian's D house restriction.

"Boy, break your turtle shell into pieces. It's time to get out!"

Fang Heng said with a confident smile.

He didn't believe that Chu Fengmian's restraint could compete with his strongest martial arts.

But at the next moment, a dragon roar suddenly resounded, and a dragon shadow actually emerged from the restriction arranged by Chu Fengmian.

The dragon shadow roared in the air, and with a sudden sound, the attack of the magic sound hand seal was completely destroyed.

Fang Heng's most powerful move, the Demonic Shadow Hand Seal, was actually unable to shake even the restriction placed by Chu Fengmian, and could not harm a single bit of it.

"With such little strength, you dare to speak out arrogant words? You can't even break the restrictions I set. You are just like that Zhong Jun, you are a waste!"

Chu Fengmian laughed loudly.

"How can this restriction be so powerful? No, I don't believe that Fang Heng, a warrior on the Heaven Ranking, can't deal with such a little guy!"

Fang Heng roared furiously, and his spiritual power began to rise crazily. A mouthful of the saint's essence and blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Burning essence and blood! Condensation of demonic shadows! Ten Directions Demonic Shadow Palm!"

In his rage, Fang Heng actually burned his essence and blood directly to break Chu Fengmian's restriction.

Suddenly, above the sky, there were large demonic palms that spanned ten directions, suddenly condensed.

"Boy, don't think you can be arrogant just because you know some restraints? Today I will smash your turtle shell into pieces and see what else you can rely on!"

Fang Heng's face turned red because of his anger, and he shouted loudly.

"Demon Shadow Palm of the Ten Directions! Destroy!"

Suddenly, the large palms of the demonic shadows in the ten directions above the sky fell one after another, and suddenly, they hit Chu Fengmian's restraint.

"I've made you arrogant for a while, but do you really think you are a person?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were cold. He wanted to make these people from Fengyunhui retreat before the difficulties, but he didn't expect them to be so ignorant.

"Get out of here!"

Chu Fengmian shouted loudly, came out of D's house, and faced the Shifang Demonic Shadow Palm in the air.

"Boy, you actually came out!"

Watching Chu Fengmian come out of D's house, Fang Heng's expression became even more ferocious.

"I thought you would always hide in the turtle shell. Since you are willing to die on your own, I will help you!"

"Then I will suppress you now, and then slowly destroy your cultivation!"

Fang Heng laughed ferociously, and with a sudden movement of his mind, the Shifang Demonic Shadow Palm turned around and directed towards Chu Fengmian, bombarding him.

"Crush it for me!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the Shifang Demonic Shadow Palm falling in the air, spoke calmly, waved his big hand, and directly hit the air with a burst of spiritual power.


Chu Fengmian's spiritual power suddenly collided with the demonic palms from all directions in the air.

Almost in an instant, the Ten Directions Demonic Shadow Palm was smashed into pieces and shattered.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

All the scattered spiritual power hit Fang Heng's body, and he was sent flying straight away, making his face extremely pale and seriously injured.

"How is it possible! My Shifang Demonic Shadow Palm! How could it be broken!"

Fang Heng suffered a big loss and was seriously injured. His face was extremely pale. He murmured to himself in a low voice, as if he could not accept what was happening in front of him.

He is a martial artist on the human list, a well-known strong man in the outer sect, but he was actually defeated by a newcomer today, how could he believe it.

"Don't believe it? You still haven't figured it out yet?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Fang Heng and sneered.

"Your strength is nothing more than an ant in front of me. If you want me to kneel down and have my limbs broken, then just kneel down!"

While saying this, Chu Fengmian waved his hand and pressed directly towards Fang Heng.

The huge pressure immediately made Fang Heng's expression look extremely painful and ferocious.

"A little newcomer! How can you make me kneel down! You are so arrogant! Senior Brother Wu will never let you go!"

Fang Heng shouted loudly.

"Brother Wu is coming soon! Your death is coming."

"Really? So what if Wu Fengyun comes? Do you think he can save you? But then he also ran away."

Chu Fengmian spoke calmly, not taking Fang Heng's threat to heart at all.

"Kneel down!"

The moment these words were spoken, Chu Fengmian's heart moved, and another wave of spiritual power emerged and blessed Chu Fengmian's palm.

Suddenly, the pressure on Fang Heng's body increased countless times, making him unable to hold on any longer and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

At the same time, a stream of spiritual power surrounded Fang Heng, causing his limbs to twist and break.

This Fang Heng planned to make Chu Fengmian kneel down and break Chu Fengmian's limbs.

Now Chu Fengmian was treating him in his own way, letting Fang Heng experience all this for himself.

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