Night Ranger

Chapter 70 Redemption (Chinese)

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 70 Redemption (Chinese), Gone with the Wind

The bloody abyss quietly flows. Under the mystical ritual of the abyss and the lord, the river runs up against the plane of the plane and reaches the upper world.

Marvin, who was disguised as a man who was arrested, did not know that he was inexplicably mixed into the demonic army and was involved in the invasion of Fernan.

It was not until when the door of the devil appeared to Marvin that he saw the familiar forest from afar. He suddenly reacted.

Here… is actually Fernan? !

Marvin was in tears.

He wandered for a long time in the bottomless abyss and struggled to find ways to return to Fernan.

However, because of the gods’ pursuit, he must carefully narrow his breath. There is no eternal time dragon, Marvin alone, still do not have the ability to transmit across the plane and the only point he can return to the White River Valley, in his attempt to be detected by the heavenly Lord God, almost tracked by Grant.

Today, Marvin is not afraid of facing the three major gods of the heavens and several ancient gods; it is only the flow of Grant and Anubis that makes him have a headache.

Without tiramisu, he was not at all a match for these gods.

The Eternal Time Dragons had no news. He could only rely on his own strength to return to Fernan.

During this time he also tried to contact Jessica with the seal of the heavens. He wanted to use the power of the three sisters and stupid to return to Fernan. However, he was surprised that the imprint of his apocalypse was not known at all. Becomes gray.

The plane of the child halo, but also disappear with it.

Marvin vaguely guessed something.

Until now, he can only use the disguise of the Magic Warlock to become a little devil.

Unexpectedly, after a wandering for two weeks, he directly encountered the bloody abyss, and was arrested by a demon inspector who did not say anything.

Marvin, who is familiar with the abyss, knows. This situation is generally a demon lord ready to go for a certain upper level.

After all, wanting the backwaters of the abyss is a costly one; the abyss and the nine layers of purgatory are parallel, and there is no need for blood to flow backward; then it is worth the devil to do so, only the upper plane.

Whether it is the main material sector Fernan or those subordinate planes, Marvin is happy to see.

At least one step closer to his hometown.

Only he did not think. The smooth ride of the ship was so smooth!

In less than three days, he returned to Fernan from the Abyss!

He also saw a large number of druids and warlocks from Larves.

The old tree people on the bridgehead and the familiar heaven deer are also so prominent.

“I finally came back!”

In the past half a month in the abyss, Marvin had already hauled Tiramisu who had thrown himself in the abyss a thousand times.

On one side, the Demon Warlord suddenly saw a little devil in the field of vision jumped up, and suddenly he began to get angry. He took out his whip and learned lessons.

However, at this time, the ship came to the beach. Under the command of the demon lord, many demon soldiers poured down and the scene was extremely chaotic. The Demon Warlord himself was almost washed away. In a blink of an eye, he couldn’t trace the little demon.


Marvin marched in the chaos.

He had already learned the confusion of the demons. The marching battle was a revelry to them. There was no discipline at all. The only advantage was courage, morale was easy to rise, but it was with the demons of Hell. In comparison, order is simply the worst.

More than 100,000 demon soldiers are transported by the blood river countercurrent!

This number has been very scary in the relatively sparsely populated Fernan.

However, in the eyes of Marvin, this one hundred thousand demons. At least three-fourths of them are as small devils as they are being dragged by strong men.

These little devils are similar in combat to ordinary farmers and have no sense of fighting. It will only add chaos.

Only a quarter of the demons can be considered elite troops.

“Their goal is the highest jungle?”

Marvin responded quickly. As can be seen from the migratory fortifications of the migratory bird parliament, this battle may have been opened long before.

It was just that the delivery of this wave of demon soldiers arrived and blew the horn of the abyss attack!

Sure enough, when the horse culture little devil wanders in the devil camp. No one came to control him.

The Demon Warlords commanded the Little Devils to line up as much as possible, but most of them were in vain.

It took a long time to complete the integration of these demon soldiers who had been transported from the bottomless abyss.

The war is imminent.

The Druids who have militant power in the migratory birds parliament are only about 3,000.

Between 100,000 and 3,000, the figures look very different.

Although the highest jungle sits a lot of big druids. But on the demon side, there are also many high demons in the legendary field of powerful strength.

From the paper alone, the fall of the highest jungle seems to be only a matter of time.

Marvin saw a pair of floating eyes watching the battle naked.

Each pair of floating eyes represents a god!

“The gods have already come?”

“I don’t know what the White River Valley is like… but as long as I’m still alive, they shouldn’t dare to go to the White River Valley underground.”

There was a flash of worry in Ma Wen’s heart.

But the most important thing right now is to help the high jungle overcome this difficulty.

This is because the fifth page of the book of Naru (Redemption) is located in the land of Starfall, and only the Grand Druid can reach it in that place.

Because there is only one entrance to the Star Land, it is the Green Sea Wonderland, which is said to be the back garden of the natural ancient god.

Hundreds of thousands of demon troops, for the previous Marvin, may also taboo three points.

However, today, he already has the power to protect his face!

The so-called plane guardianship is to be able to guard one plane’s super power with one’s own strength!

“The only problems are those eyes.”

“The fastest way to solve this battle must not be to let them find me too soon!”

Marvin knew that the gods’ gaze was not directed at him. They just waited for the harvest and when the demon army swallowed up the highest jungle, they were very likely to send their men to drive out the demons and justly occupy this fertile land.

It’s just a coincidence that it’s really happening.

As long as he takes a shot, the gods will surely immediately realize that even the cloak of concealment will be useless.

Marvin did not want to wrap up with Grant or Anubis without Tiramisu around him.

“It still seems that I have to use artifacts…”

“Fortunately, I spent so long in the abyss, the cooling time has passed.”

Marvin’s figure quickly shuttled back and forth in the demon army and was silently prepared.


After half an hour, the bloody river is no longer countercurrent. The door of the devil was not closed.

A large number of demons gathered outside the highest jungle.

The humming horn finally sounded!

Marvin, who is familiar with the rules of the abyss, knows that this is the trump of launching the total attack!

On the bridgehead, the big Druids showed a look of death.

“Fight it! Natural descendants…”

The old tree people began to express their impassioned war declarations. One by one, the blessings of aura were sprinkled on. All the young druids were extremely excited like chicken blood!

However, at this time, everyone suddenly realized that an endless darkness suddenly broke out from the army of demons!

The next second, it’s getting dark.

… (To be continued.)

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