Night Ranger

Chapter 69 Redemption (I)

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 69 Redemption (I), Gone with the Wind

Central Fernandina.

In the green sea, the gate from the abyss stands impressively in the east of the highest jungle.

Blood from the abyss is slowly flowing into this land.

Thousands of Druids gathered in the eastern defense line. They followed the migratory birds behind the Great Druids and seriously prepared for this battle.

A large number of demons are riding boats from the bottomless abyss to cross the river and reach Fernan.

The sky is almost gray, and there is not much difference with the night since the death of the star beast, its body has been traversing the sky above Fernan, blocking a lot of sunlight.

Such dim weather is just like the mood of the highest jungle residents.

The Devil’s Gate appeared two weeks ago. This was an offensive against Fernan by a famous lord of the Depths.

Because the universe’s magical pool had collapsed, the empty rules were gradually being restored, and those powerful beings could easily approach Fernan.

One after another, the gods have already come.

Most of them are concentrated in the north and west, and they have begun to open up missionary sites. Among them, the three towns in the north were headed. Although the whereabouts of the goddess Eve was unknown, the god of dawn and guardian still held the land and began the construction of prosperity.

The rest of the gods are not like it. They began to descend from the deity to Fernan, and the powerful godhead made it difficult for mortals to rise up.

With the exception of a few forces with orderly fires, the flames of God have ignited every corner of Fernan.

However, it does not include the Supreme Jungle and the Migratory Birds Council.

After a failed negotiation, the stubborn descendants of the natural ancient gods did not accept any “good intentions” from the gods. They firmly guarded their own land and did not accept any missionary demands from the gods.

So this battle happened.

The demon army struck, and the gods looked on.

The warlocks from the northern Principality of Laves looked at thousands of demons carried out from the blood stream, but could not stop it all. There is some sadness in the heart: the times have changed.

The time of God finally came.

Even if they are reluctant to admit that even the most powerful forces of Fernand are barely able to protect themselves.

At present, there is no god who directly fights these forces, but has already declared that these places are not protected by them.

This is the end when creatures from the outer plane prepare to invade Fernan. It will often choose these indigenous forces in Fernandina.

This is also an unavoidable thing.

Even if it is the best fighting demon, it also knows that the persimmon should pick the soft pinch.

So they chose the highest jungle.

The number of Finanites still clinging to it is already small. The White River Valley, which was originally expected to be the most anticipated, became popular because the exodus of Marvin, the leader, two months ago, and Constantine, Lord of the Rings, took refuge under the pressure of the gods. The stubbornness of maintaining the territory without confusion is already very difficult. It is obviously impossible to send someone to support the Supreme Forest; the three sisters of the Rocky Mountains are also subject to the twin goddess’s plot, but only before the other party succeeds. Luo Rui’s talent for intelligence suddenly advanced. The contents of the conspiracy were learned in advance and they were finally avoided. However, the current situation of Chaoshan Mountain is also a mess.

The elves’ attitude towards the ancient Goblin and the kinship is relatively embarrassing.

The high elves, led by butterflies, have not had any movement since the signing of Jewel Bay, but this is obviously not a gesture of weakness but a wait-and-see attitude. The giant elves of Chiba’s Forest, Ibrahimovic, want to help but the result is higher. A letter from the wizard advised him. As for the contents of the letter, it is impossible to know; ancient Goblin and kinship. The former is just returning to Fernan and only wants to stop at its own site. Although the Devil’s Gate is not far from their central mountain range, they can defend themselves against all attacks. Therefore, they are only on the wall; the blood family has been on the path since the first ancestors returned. It has been very strange. They start collective action rare and seem to start searching for something.

Even now, when the migratory bird’s legislature began to seek help from its allies, it suddenly found that the only one who could lend a helping hand was the Laudice Principality, which was founded in the northern part of the Central Mountain Range. Daniela sent a warlock support. However, although this group of warlocks is not bad, but compared with the tens of thousands of demons, it is almost a cup of water.


On the frontal battlefield on which both sides are about to embark, the migrating bird parliament has done a lot of work.

On one of the bridgeheads, the old treeman looked at the distance with dignified eyes.

“I’m very sorry … the task of destroying the Devil’s Gate. I eventually failed.”

The wrath of the Druid’s wrath slightly lowered his head, and he was somewhat embarrassed.

The shadow thief was standing next to him. Because of the special relationship with the Principality of Laves, the old legend also participated in this mission.

However, they always lacked manpower. With the power of the wrath of the sky and the ability of the shadow thief, they could not destroy the door of the demons that the great devil lord had worked so hard to build.

“It does not matter. This is our fate.”

The old tree man silently said: “Perhaps the people of the old league’s Seventh-Fourth Congregation will have different results.”

Behind the crowd is also silent.

Since the advent of the gods, Inheim, who had hunted down the shadow prince, went on the black list of the gods and began to be hunted down day and night. The members of the Seventh Amendment Association of the Old League are still in the sea of ​​innocence. Mm together to avoid the gods and their joint pursuit.

Legends on the list also include top masters such as Professor Chi Copper Dragon and Master Knife Master.

The entire continent was caught in an unprecedented chaos.

The strong mankind is faced with a godly pursuit, and the demons and evil spirits begin to infiltrate Fernan.

As for Hell… God knows what the devil is thinking, and the news from Hell is shocking and disturbing. It is said that Di Roth’s army has almost swept through all nine layers of purgatory. If this man really unified nine layers of purgatory, , then the future of Fernan, I am afraid it will cast a shadow.

What makes the migratory birds desperate is that their number of big druids is not complete!

Before the endless oceans and others went to the Green Sea Wonderland to look for the natural goddess of the goddess, perhaps because of the plane time difference, they have not yet been returned; although the semi-god Minsk has reached the highest jungle as expected, but their strength is still insufficient.

“Perhaps we will die here today.”

The old treeman looked at Lulorante, the uninvited heaven, and exclaimed, “You do not belong to this land and you should not be buried with us.”

Lorient shook his head.

He watched countless demonic forces in front of him and just said a word gently:

“In fact, these are not important.”

“What’s curious about me is, where did that guy go?”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was silent.

In fact, not only they, the entire Fannan people are curious.

Marvin, who disappeared for a long time and saw Marvin, where did he go? !


At the same time, on a sailing ship full of devils, a little devil who had curled his body could not help but yawn.

“There is no cross-plane spell, it is really troublesome.”

“Looking back to Fernan, you have to catch the sailboat… It’s strange to be dragged by a demon squad. This is where to fight?”

“This direction should be on the upper plane… Have they opened the door of demons in Fernand?”

… (To be continued.)

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