Night Ranger

Chapter 71 Redemption (Re-)

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 71 The Redemption (Also), Gone with the Wind

The night rises from the banks of the river of blood and instantly envelopes the whole army of demons!

The country of night, open!

All demons are instantly forced!

How is this going?

Logically speaking, even if they suddenly entered the night, their own night vision ability can easily see the surrounding situation.

However, at this moment, when the night rises, they suddenly lost all vision!

Even the demons in these legendary areas were trapped in the kingdom of the night!

Abyss deep in the bottomless, vaguely heard the roar of a demon lord.

However, though roaring through the door of the devil, he could not come because he was hosting the blood-flowing ritual of the bottomless abyss.

Only he realized at the first time, who is the comer!

He was very surprised and very angry!

In his calculations, this level of feenan strongmen should all be entangled with the heavenly kingdom of God, has no time to look after himself, how could rescue the highest jungle.

However, he missed a person who disappeared for half a month.

At the same time, he did not know that the man who was regarded as a major problem by the gods already had the power to protect his face!


“This is…Marvin?”

The shadow thief looked at the night rising in the distance and revealed a horrified look: “I heard that the nation of night is in his hands.”

“Marvin is back?”

Lorrent was also somewhat surprised: “Is he prepared to fight one hundred thousand demons with his own strength?”

“Or is he delaying the time for us?”

Ordinary druids are in a state of bleakness, but it is fortunate that several large druids reacted quickly and ordered the withdrawal in time!

Who does not know what Marvin wants to do!

But they know that Marvin’s appearance is definitely good news.

What’s more, he just opened the country of night, so that he could understand Marvin. If you do not have a good grasp, he can never be so easy to shoot!

“Hands-on!” shouted old tree man.

“Huh?” The wrath of the sky was a bit strange.

The next second, the sky suddenly fell bright light!


The old tree man opened his hands. Crazy humming.

The legendary magic star burst into his hands, as if not money began to frenzied.

However, these stars burst the target of attack. Not an endless night.


A comet stares down, directly smashing the eye of a god!

There are countless stars falling, and the goal is to take in the eyes of the gods who have been watching the battle.

The people suddenly wake up!

The old tree man’s goal is this group of villains who are secretly watching!

With the hatred of Marvin now and the heavenly Kingdom of God, it is absolutely impossible for any god of the heavenly kingdom to see Marvin appear here.

There is no trace of resistance, everyone is ready!

Including the heavens deer and shadow thief, this group of migratory birds has long been dissatisfied with the eyes of these gods.

On the surface they did not attack the jungle, but they were always ready to occupy their hometown!

Here is the place where the natural ancient gods believe!

These brazen new gods dare not reach out directly. Actually leveraging on the flow of demons and evil spirits, he also brazenly placed his own eyes beside the river of blood.

This is simply a scum in the gods!

Many eye liners of the heavenly kingdom of God did not expect that the war that was about to be fought was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of nights.

All the legends of the highest jungle are mobilized, frantically tearing down the eyes or the servants of heavenly kingdoms!

The star of the old tree burst no mercy, direct seconds off the eyes and ears of the vast majority of Heaven Kingdom!

In a flash, near the bloody river, under the cover of the big druids, the shadow thief was acting like a ghost and ghostly, reaping the lives of the unguarded servants who were caught off guard!

He was originally an assassination player, although the shadow thief in the legendary career in the loiterers relatively low combat effectiveness. But these god servants or eyeliners have been stunned by the sudden spells of the old trees, and they are at a loss. This time, the best time for him to swim in troubled fish!

The sudden move of the migratory bird parliament. Let the gods of the entire heavenly kingdom disappear instantaneously.

Their hearts are beginning to guilty. How did these Druids suddenly dare to offend their dignity?

Is it the last madness before death?

Most of the gods, however, focused their attention on their own advent and actively developed believers; only a few gods were aware that something was wrong and they tried to open the telescope remotely. However, the supreme jungle was a sanctuary that ignited the order of fire. The blessing of the ancient gods, they also see very vague.


The druids stopped their actions after the gods’ eyes were exhausted.

There is a door to the demon. There was a scream of anger, but never in the night. It is always silent.

About three minutes passed before a lazy voice was heard: “How do you shout? You can’t get up, right?”

It really is Marvin’s voice!

Everyone is shocked by the spirit.

The next second, the night is dispersed.

The look of joy that had just surfaced on their faces suddenly turned into horror!

The blood river is no longer countercurrent, but begins to retreat.

On the banks of the river of blood, hundreds of thousands of demon troops have turned into corpses.

Marvin stood alone between the blood in the corpse and waved a knife at the door of the demon, saying calmly:

“Fernan has always been a guardian.”

When the voice did not fall, he leaped into the air, and Sodom’s blade tore up the space. He actually broke the door of the diabolically incomparable demons in half!

The bloody river in the abyss completely dried up. The roar of the demon lord from the bottomless abyss eventually dissipated in the sky of Fernan.

Hundreds of devils had their bases outside the highest jungle, bloody and raging.

Not to mention those ordinary Druids, even the Grand Druids, have shown a cold color.

They did not expect that Marvin, once again appearing on the stage of the Feinan stage, would unexpectedly have slaughtered a hundred thousand devils in such a strong gesture!

A war crisis enough to overthrow the high jungle was easily solved by the Ma culture.

How is this not shocking?


Whenever the people meet, naturally they are innocent.

Marvin cares about the status of the White River Valley, and the Shadow Thief quickly narrates briefly.

Two weeks ago, Marvin and Tiramisu soon lost their news after they stalked the world.

Time Dragon is said to have been saved by Grant with an artifact. The specific place is unknown to all.

Then came the coming of the gods and began to build up their power on this broken land.

As for the White River Valley, the gods have sent people to explore, but the ancient sanctuary established by Ma Wen is still very powerful.

A god, even if it can break it, will be greatly injured.

In this era of fighting for faith, even if it is the internal kingdom of heaven, it is a state of mutual distrust.

They were tentatively attacking several times. It was estimated that the purpose was to force Marvin to appear.

It is a pity that the response of Constantin and others was very resolute. Together with Marvin’s delay, the gods did not directly engage in the White River Valley.

After hearing the safety of the White River Valley, Marvin was relieved.

In the past two weeks, what he was most worried about was that the gods had vented their fury in the White River Valley. However, at present, the gods seem to be more concerned about the development of the forces in Fernan on the premise that they cannot find a stone of destiny!

It is said that in the past few days, there have even been small-scale frictions that occurred between the gods and the battlefields!

From this we can see that the kingdom of God in heaven is actually different.


Marvin did not stay in the jungle for too long. He knew that once he appeared in Fernan, he would soon be deduced by the gods’ prophecy.

Now for him, time is life!

He must find the remaining Naru book as soon as possible!

Only some regret is that he learned from the old tree people that the Green Sea Wonderland leading to the star lands has not been heard so far. It seems that there is a force that separates the connections between them.

When Ma Wen left, Lao Shuren said that once he had recovered contact with the Green Sea Wonderland, he would inform Marvin at the first time.

After all, this time Marvin alone turned a manpower to save the entire jungle. Whether it is strength or humanity, the migratory bird parliament has fully recognized this step-by-step humanity.

After Marvin left the jungle, he did not return directly to the White River Valley.

He went to Rock Hill.

Because intelligence from the migratory bird’s parliament shows that the goddess Twins is inspiring forces on the West Coast to attack the city of hope.

The days of the three destiny seem not to be too good.

What makes Marvin even more worried is that his apocalyptic imprint turned gray.

There must be something else hidden here.


As the main line is nearing completion, the book of Naru and the mortal world will soon unravel the mystery. There will be a big chapter tomorrow. Then, before the weekend, the night will be smoothly completed. I hope everyone will pay attention to the new book “The Empire of the Star River.” Although the early rhythm is not as fast as the night, it is definitely a very good one. Thank you. (To be continued.)

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