
  Chapter 999 QUESTIONS

Noting that Rhodes' remarks emphasized the lack of time, it seems What major event is going to happen, Rowlin is a little puzzled. Is there anything more serious than the attack of the Legendary mage in the city of Sau?

Despite her doubts in the heart, Rowlin didn't ask Rhodes, she knew that Rhodes must have his reasons for saying this.

At this point, Rowlin set his sights on the irregular blade in Rhodes' hands that shone with blue light. Even just looking at this special thing, Rowlin could feel a special power.

"Is this weapon the harvest of big brother's trip?"

In previous battles, Rowlin felt the power of this weapon first-hand The powerful lightning, instantly kills the high-level elemental people in the air, even most high-level mages cannot do this.

It's the first time Rowlin has seen a treasure that can continuously complete magic casting, not to mention the weird shape of this blade. Rowlin understood that this weapon in Rhodes' hands was definitely not an ordinary thing, so he took the initiative to ask.

"Yes. It's the Divine Item I've been collecting, the Titan Arrow." Lightning shot upwards rapidly, penetrating the original cloud layer, and finally disappeared into the sky.

Rhodes has no plans to hide from Rowlin the power he possesses. With the start of the battle, the ability of this Divine Item will inevitably be known by more existences, and Rowlin is also informed in advance. with certain benefits.

Once again sensing the lightning magic released by the blade, Rowlin did not look towards the lightning in the air, but looked towards Rhodes. From his words, Rowlin realized that, counting the previous The cloak, Rhodes at this time, already has a two-piece combination Divine Item.

This discovery surprised Rowlin in the heart. As early as Rhodes' deal with Els, Rowlin realized that he was collecting another Divine Item, but he didn't think he could achieve this.

In Rowlin's impression, the cloak behind Rhodes was enough to turn the entire city of Sao upside down, creating countless corpse witches. If Legendary mage hadn't shot, the previous battle The result is really uncertain, and Rhodes at this time, after having another combination Divine Item, the strength must be significantly improved again.

Compared with this, what Rowlin cares more about is the effect of this Divine Item.

The knowledge in the classics makes Rowlin understand that the effects of Divine Item are all powerful and special, especially Divine Item when it comes to spell. This characteristic makes it impossible for ordinary people to use the existing rules to measure the Divine Item, even the Spell Empire Bracada, which is famous for its magic, has to face the Divine Item such as the forbidden magic ball.

Looking at the Titan Arrow in Rhodes' hands, Rowlin's eyes flashed with curiosity about the true effect of this Divine Item.

Noticing the change in Rowlin, the signal from the bloodline perception made Rhodes understand her thoughts, without too much hesitation, Rhodes handed out the Titan Arrow sideways, and asked: "Try. A moment?"

Rhodes' behavior made Rowlin feel a warm feeling in his heart, and she stretched out her hands and took over the Divine Item.

As soon as the blade started, Rowlin felt a powerful force that was constantly emerging to him from the Divine Item.

The +6 full attribute provided by Titan Arrow is enough to raise the basic attribute of any creature to a very high level. This is reflected in creatures whose basic attribute is not high. more obvious.

With such a light blade in his hand, it can greatly improve his basic attribute. Rowlin looked at the surface of the Titan Arrow, trying to find the special place of this Divine Item.

Seeing that Rowlin didn't notice the real usage of the Titan's Arrow, but was immersed in the basic attributes provided by the Titan's Arrow, Rhodes took the initiative to step forward and held it sideways with Rowlin's hand holding the hilt. , then looked towards Upward Slash.

At this time, Rowlin clearly perceives the process of forming lightning, just like the spell cast by elemental creatures, the irregular blade in his hand has a strong ability to guide all around magic elements, As long as it is waved, there will be corresponding lightning generation.

According to Rowlin's understanding of spell, the lightning formed on the blade has reached the level of fifth-order magic. A powerful fifth-order magic is formed in the swing of a sword. The real ability to combine Divine Items?

Once Rowlin was taught the true use of the Titan's Arrow, Rhodes let go, intending to let her try it herself. Like the high attribute bonus you get when you hold the Divine Item, the drop in attribute reduction after losing the Divine Item is obvious.

Without Rhodes' guidance, Rowlin himself tried to swing the Titan's arrow a few times, and there was still lightning magic shooting out, but the rays of light were too dim, and he could hardly feel the pulsation of lightning. In terms of power, it was no match for the lightning that Rhodes led.

If the previous lightning bolt could become a fifth-order magic in terms of power, what Rowlin is releasing now can only be counted as second rank or third rank magic, and there is a significant difference in power.

This discovery made Rowlin very puzzled. After trying several times, he found that the lightning shape guided by the Divine Item was extremely fixed, and there would not be any deviation with each casting. Rowlin Just accept this fact.

For most creatures, being able to cast lightning magic of ordinary power at will without the consumption of mana is already a huge improvement, and this alone can surpass all sorcerers of the same rank. . But only in Rhodes' hands does this Divine Item show its true power.

After realizing this, Rowlin stopped trying and handed the Divine Item back to Rhodes in front of him.

"What's the big brother's plan after having two Divine Items?"

Before that, Rowlin had prepared all Rhodes' preparations, including the secret accumulation of the corpse witch. , and the collection of Divine Items in her eyes. She has realized that Rhodes is planning something, but she has never gotten the answer from Rhodes.

"Of course it's conquering the world." Rhodes gave a rare smile when he heard Rowlin's question, took the Titan Arrow to his waist, and gave his answer.

"You'll always support me, won't you?" Rhodes raised his hand, palm up, not to cast a spell, but to stop right in front of Rowlin.

Seeing this, Rowlin also stretched out his hand and put it lightly on Rhodes's hand. With her smile, the answer was self-evident.

(end of this chapter)

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