
  Chapter 1000 departs

Wait until the end of the battle, and the deadline set by Rhodes and Stephen has already passed As they got closer, Rhodes went back to the few remaining basement rooms for a final wait.

In the process of waiting, Rhodes carefully studied his existing abilities and got some rewards.

In the past few days, Rowlin also made his own choice and began to rebuild the city of Sau on the original site, although in the Northwest direction, the area closer to Dia has a more geographically occupied area. Advantageous location, but Rowlin still chose this place.

With the conclusion of a meditation, Rhodes walked out of the basement after confirming the deadline through the system log.

Under normal circumstances, after the knowledge attribute is increased, you must go through the process of meditation to increase the upper limit of your mana, while the knowledge attribute provided by treasure and other things is not included in this list.

When Rhodes took the Titan's Arrow in his hand and obtained the full attribute +6, the maximum mana was increased by 60 points, but there was no mana provided by itself, so meditation was needed to replenish the mana.

Arriving on the ground, Rhodes noticed that in addition to Rowlin, who was waiting for him here, in addition to Rowlin, who had already anticipated this, the figure of North and another blond woman also appeared. here.

Seeing Rhodes appearing here, North's relaxed expression suddenly condensed, ignoring Leah beside him, and coming to Rhodes.

At this moment, North just felt that he was being held back by something, and when he looked back, it was Leah who was holding him.

Grabbing North's hand, Leah's eyes were full of pleading: "Do you have to go to Dia?"

Noth looked aside, unable to bear to see To Leia's expression at this time, but the will in his heart is as firm as ever.

"Yes, Lord Rhodes is going to Dia to meet those... Lichs of the Eternal Immortal. If this trip goes well, I can get what I want to know most from these immortal Lichs. The answer."

After the battle, when North gave Rhodes the potion he had refined during this time, he learned from Rhodes that what he would face when he returned to Dia soon after. Is almost all Lich in the whole area.

When he first learned the news, North felt extremely shocked. An inexplicable fear spread in his heart. From the almost endless transformation of corpse witches in the city, North also faintly watched. Out of Rhodes' reliance, North realized that this might also be an opportunity for himself.

After the previous conversation with Rhodes, North realized that if he wants to become a real undead mage, he first needs to figure out what a real undead mage is.

Like orthodox mage, continue to explore and research spell knowledge, but replace conventional spell knowledge with matters related to undead spells. Such undead mage was first excluded by North, Unfortunately, this was North's most time-consuming move besides refining potions.

Unable to get answers on his own, Noth can only turn to other creatures for help.

North believes that, as the most Peak existence in the entire Dia, Lich with immortal ability naturally has profound insights into the mage of the dead. Asking these Lich will not only know the true meaning of the mage of the dead, Also get a way to become a real undead mage.

What reassured North was that Rhodes did not refuse the request after learning his thoughts, but promised to help himself as much as possible in the process. North himself, had no chance to meet those Lichs, let alone let Lichs answer his questions.

Rhodes's help to North was not entirely based on the agreement between the two of them. In addition to Rhodes' own importance to him, some of North's characteristics also attracted Rhodes.

Rhodes praised North's courage to face Lich head-on. Even some heroes who have completed the cohesion of wills, it is difficult for them to have the courage to do this, but North insists on doing so.

Rhodes pays attention to the will that belongs to North's heart. From North's body, Rhodes sees the potential of awakening the hero's will. He is very curious about what will happen if this will continues to develop. To that end, Rhodes doesn't mind offering some help, including getting North to meet the real Lich.

Unlike Rhodes, who values ​​North, only Leah is really worried about North's safety during this trip.

Just from what North said, Leah could feel the extreme danger and dared not imagine what the real situation would be like. What he had to face was the most Peak existence in the whole Dia. , No one knows what the temperamental Lich will do to an ordinary undead mage.

"Although I don't know much about undead mage, I can see that Lord Rhodes, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with many Lichs, is also capable of answering the confusion in your heart, why are you not? Are you going to see those Lichs?"

Hearing Leah's words, North was stunned for a moment, as if hesitating, then shook his head one after another: "Only the real Lich can give me the answer. "

From North's firm words, Leah seemed to realize something, she knew that no matter how she persuaded North, she could not change his already decided thoughts, she could only let out a sigh, her eyes dimmed. Go down and feel lost.

After breaking away from Leah's hand, North no longer hesitated and walked towards Rhodes not far away.

Seeing North's behavior in his eyes, Rhodes was not surprised. The will he possessed made this decision for him.

Noticing Leah who was originally beside North, Rhodes recalled that, according to Elon, she seemed to be the original tax collector of Sao City, but she did not have a rank, and Not worth caring about.

According to Rhodes' original expectation, if the previous battle did not take place, after he returned from Titania, he would be able to complete Aron's request and carry out the transformation of Death Knight Vita.

Before this, Rhodes had made certain preparations for the transformation of this special Death Knight. In the deepest part of the underground quiet room, a lot of materials needed for ceremony were placed.

However, the process of awakening the Titan Corpse Witch King completely destroyed this area. Relying on earth-defying thaumaturgy, although the destroyed area can be restored, the crushed materials are difficult to recovery.

Because of this, for the transformation of Death Knight Vita, it will take a while before it can be restarted.

Rhodes didn't hide from Aaron that the transformation of Vita needed to be postponed, and Aaron didn't say anything unusual after informing him of the situation.

At this point, Rhodes turned his gaze to Rowlin, who was on the side, and Rowlin kept looking at Rhodes.

Rhodes could feel Rowlin's concerns about himself from the bloodline perception, but it may be because of his trust in strength, or perhaps because of fear that this concern will affect Rhodes' judgment. , Rowlin didn't show this, just watched Rhodes go.

After this period of recovery, Rowlin's ruddy complexion was no longer pale and bloodless, and the look in his eyes became more agile.

When he rushed back to deal with the Legendary mage, Rhodes had already discovered this. Under the action of the secret technique, the traces left on Rowlin's body due to the erosion of death energy seemed to have completely disappeared. disappeared, and she returned to her original appearance.

While feeling the magic of this ability developed by Lich, Rhodes also conducted a series of tests on his unique skills, the secret technique of capturing energy.

When Rhodes just got this ability, Rhodes vaguely felt the uniqueness of this ability, but he didn't make a concrete attempt. such an opportunity.

According to the tips given in the system log, the secret technique can be used to quickly replenish the existing life value. Since it involves the existence of the original life force, when the living creature is cast, the secret technique of the secret can be used. The efficacy is even comparable to the blood uptake of king vampire.

In addition to replenishing health, the biggest effect of the secret technique is to repair the damaged maximum health.

According to Rhodes' understanding, when a player's body is severely injured and suffers from disability and other symptoms, his maximum health will be permanently reduced. The lost maximum health is restored.

Some internal injuries on the body will also cause a permanent decrease in the maximum health value. Only with the help of the highest quality Elf Fountain, there is a way to restore it.

The energy secret technique can do this directly, restoring the maximum health of the damage, but it cannot exceed the original limit.

In Rhodes' view, the only drawback of the secret technique is that it can only be used for numerical recovery, and cannot have any effect on the existing wounds on the body, even if only A slight wound cannot heal the wound like healing magic.

For the undead mage like Rowlin, whose body is eroded by death energy due to the upgrade of the Soul Evocation Technique, the emergence of the secret technique has undoubtedly solved the problems that plagued them.

After supplementing the original life force through the secret technique of energy capture, Rowlin also cultivated for a period of time, which made him return to the best state.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that the secret technique of energy absorption can not only act on living creatures, but even undead creatures can become the object of the secret technique of energy absorption.

After many attempts, Rhodes found that the secret technique of energy absorption directly acts on the Soul Fire of undead creatures. Once the absorption of its original life force is completed, it will cause great harm to undead creatures. Damage, can instantly kill any undead creature that is not as good as the sorcerer.

However, in the process of performing the secret technique, it will be strongly resisted by the undead creature itself, which will easily destroy the secret technique unless other means have been used before. Undead creatures are limited to the same place, or they are cast on the undead creatures they control, and they are rashly cast on ordinary undead creatures, and it is difficult to achieve any results.

In addition to the undead creatures, ordinary creatures that are captured by the secret technique to extract life force will not end well. If they survive, they will become the kind Rhodes once saw in Wallen City. life form.

What made Rhodes concerned was that although he got this special secret technique from Stephen, he couldn't find any way to improve the secret technique from the system.

Rhodes realizes that the secret technique he has acquired may only be the most basic part of this secret technique. Although it can be used to solve Rowlin's problems, its more powerful effect cannot really be used. show.

Rhodes believes that Stephen, who has existed in the Tomb of Death for countless years, will definitely make a series of improvements to the existence of the secret technique.

For countless years, the flaws in the secret technique of capturing energy may have been repaired by Stephen long ago. Even if Stephen showed the ability to capture the Soul Fire of the undead creature at will, Rhodes did not feel that there was any problem. What an oddity.

What really concerned Rhodes was whether the ability to capture the secret technique could work on the Witch King transformed by the Ghost King's cloak.

If the Divine Item in his hand only has the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes may be worried about the result of this trip. The last time Stephen didn't use this ability, maybe it was because there was a What scruples, but it doesn't mean this time won't.

However, at this time, Rhodes did not worry much about this. The completion of the collection of Titan Arrows gave Rhodes sufficient confidence to defeat Legendary mage head-on, which is Rhodes' trip. Return to Dia's Reliance.

Even if there are more undead creatures under Lich's hands, or even a combination of Lich who plots the Divine Item, it will be inferior to the Titan's arrow, which can cast infinite spells.

Except for the Divine Item, which has a unique effect like the forbidden magic ball, there is almost nothing that can limit the casting of the Titan Arrow.

During the process of returning to Dia this time, the only thing Rhodes has to worry about is the possibility of losing the Divine Item. Losing any combination of Divine Items in his hand is tantamount to devastating Rhodes' strength. the blow.

What is different from Sandro is that even if Sandro loses a Divine Item, he can still rely on his own spellcasting ability. He has few opponents in the entire Dia, and the current Rhodes must rely on his hands. The combination of the two Divine Items plays a role at the same time, and it has the strength to be on par with the Legendary mage.

At this time, seeing North has come to his side, his expression is a little nervous, but there is no fear, Rhodes realizes that he is ready to go to Dia.

Seeing this, Rhodes turned his gaze to Rowlin, who was on the side. He didn't say much, just a flash of goodbye in his eyes, and then he raised his hand to cast spell.

A deep green Transmission Gate appeared in front of Rhodes. Since the overall distance is not too far, the gate of time and space displayed by Rhodes directly connects to the tomb of death in Dia.

The ghost dragon descended from in the sky, and then entered the Transmission Gate. Rhodes followed closely from behind, body flashed, and submerged into the twisted ripples of deep green.

Looking at the portal of time and space that leads to nowhere, North pursed the corners of his mouth and looked a little nervous.

Finally moved towards Leah, who was not far away, and glanced at it. North strengthened his thoughts and entered the gate of time and space before it closed.

(end of this chapter)

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