
  Chapter 998 Rest

After completing the transformation of the Witch King, Rhodes is planning to fight Sao The reconstruction of the city was arranged, and he was pulled by Rowlin behind him.

Seeing this, Rhodes motioned to Aaron beside him, and asked him to distribute the harvest of the surviving undead mage according to his contribution in this battle and the overall situation of these undead mage, and Post-war rest.

The corpse witch king transformed by Rhodes is also among the things waiting to be distributed.

The undead mage that can survive this battle, no matter when it hides in the underground quiet room, is considered to be extremely lucky. After all, there are very few other than this method. Other options can survive under the spell of that spell.

As a special hidden attribute, these undead mage have used their behavior to prove the importance of luck, which is what Rhodes values ​​them.

In large-scale wars, when the influence of personal strength is infinitely reduced, the lucky attributes that were difficult to observe in the past become extremely precious.

After the subsequent counterattack against the mage troops and the transformation of the Witch King, Rhodes could see the frenzy of awe and fear in the eyes of these undead mages. When gathering these undead mage, the best way to gather them is to distribute the corpse witch king.

The way Rhodes chooses to earn the allegiance of these undead mage is not to force them to make long and empty vows, but simply to fully display his power and let these undead mage choose in a frenzy.

In Rhodes' impression, Sandro in the previous game used this method to control the entire Dia, and finally promoted the progress of the battle.

This is more effective than any other way of exploiting the madness of the undead mage itself, allowing them to make their own choices.

Of course, with the usual habit of undead mage, simply showing strength may be able to gain their awe, but it cannot make them truly fanatical, only relying on the Ghost King cloak to transform the corpse witch The king, assigned to the hands of each undead mage, can really do this.

Seeing Aaron begin to deal with it all, Rhodes turns around again, looking at Rowlin behind him.

The signal from the perception made Rhodes unable to ignore Rowlin's feelings, not only because of her strength, but also because Rhodes cared about her.

"What's wrong?" Rhodes asked.

Rowlin looked directly at Rhodes in front of him, and asked softly, "Is the big brother thinking about rebuilding the city of Sao?"

The unique perception provided by bloodline perception, Make it easy for Rowlin to feel what's on Rhodes' mind. Rhodes didn't expect it either, and Rowlin stopped himself for this.

The original Rhodes is still thinking about whether to change the location of the rebuilt Sao City, or directly occupy other towns as their main city, anyway, the most important thing buried here is , The corpse of the Titan has been transformed by Rhodes, and there is no need to rebuild Sao City here.

At this point, Rhodes realized that he might be able to listen to Rowlin's thoughts, so nodded, replied: "Yes, do you have any good suggestions?"

Rowlin did not immediately Giving her own answer, she instead asked: "In the eyes of the big brother, what kind of existence is Sao City?"

Rowlin's question made Rhodes a little puzzled.

Unable to perceive the existence by blood, and perceive the real thoughts in Rowlin's heart, Rhodes has no way to understand what she means, and can only answer according to his own understanding: "Our own main city, the place where the Congress is established, The center of all development, and a symbol that guides all the undead mage to come."

What Rhodes didn't expect was that the answer he made did not satisfy Rowlin, the look in her eyes Among them, there was still some expectation, but Rhodes didn't know what to say.

"What else?"

Rhodes thought for a moment and gave his answer, but there was still uncertainty in his words: "Strategic location?"

Seeing that Rhodes didn't answer the point at all, Rowlin's eyes gradually became more resentful.

Rhodes tried to perceive Rowlin's true thoughts from the bloodline perception, and to know what answer she wanted to get, but could not achieve this, instead, relying on this special ability, she felt more clearly. To the dissatisfaction of Rowlin's heart.

While Rhodes was secretly wondering, Rowlin's words came to him again.

"What big brother said is right! Sao City is our main city, but its true meaning is not only that. This town was built by my big brother and I. Yes, it's because of us."

"big brother...won't you be sad that this town was destroyed and ended up looking like this?" Rowlin said, as if Thinking of something, his expression dropped.

It was only then that Rhodes understood what Rowlin was thinking through the gestures in her bloodline perception, and what she wanted to hear from her own mouth was probably the same.

For this reason, Rhodes felt a little helpless. Unlike Rowlin, Rhodes had no idea about the existence of Sau City.

In Rhodes' view, whether it is the men who died in this battle or the destroyed city of Sao, they only have a very small weight in his heart, and they are not worth griefing. With this time, it is better to start the matter of revenge and reconstruction.

The difference in concerns prevented Rhodes from feeling that way in Rowlin. What made Rhodes a little concerned was that in his words, Rowlin mentioned that this was a town established by the two of them.

Rhodes recalls that before talking to Rowlin, he was thinking about the city of Sau.

In order to prevent the reconstruction of the town from affecting the next battle, Rhodes intends to use the easiest way to abandon the original ruins of the city of Sao and directly occupy other established towns as their own main cities. , changing the name of the town to Sau City if Rowlin wanted it, again just a word.

But at this time, from Rowlin's words, Rhodes realized that she didn't seem to want this to happen, and maybe she wanted to complete the reconstruction of Sau City here.

The existence of kinship perception made Rowlin vaguely aware of Rhodes' thoughts. Perhaps it was after discovering Rhodes' plans before that Rowlin specifically asked.

After realizing this, looking at Rowlin, Rhodes sighed who was waiting for his answer in front of him, he said:

"As for the reconstruction of Sao City, you can use your thoughts on it. Whichever location you think is suitable for rebuilding, you can choose the location and rebuild here, but remember to act fast, we don't have much time."

(End of this chapter)

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