
  Chapter 992 Legendary mage

During his rapid flight, Rhodes was pursued by numerous Erathia creatures.

It is relatively easy to deal with the conventional flying creatures like griffins. Under the high-speed flight of the ghost dragon, their speed cannot keep up at all, and they are easily left behind, failing to bring Rhodes. How much trouble.

Although the ghost dragon flies extremely fast, its straight flight trajectory also reveals the direction of its flight. For a time, most of Erathia's intelligence personnel learned that the ghost dragon appeared in the sky above the territory. news.

Not long after, on the flight path of the ghost dragon, a power grid appeared that covered the entire sky, intercepting all flying creatures in the air.

This time, Rhodes will not be forced to stop by the lightning trap in the sky like he used to face the palace mage. With the resistance treasure collected in Titania, Rhodes can already bear it head-on. General spell.

Faced with the power grid in the air, the ghost dragon did not change its flight direction, but just rushed through it.

Among the many chasing creatures, what really makes Rhodes feel difficult is the pursuit from the double-winged and four-winged angels. As creatures with all attributes reaching the extreme, the angels of the same rank are in the combat capability. The aspect is far superior to the ghost dragon. The shots of these angels can effectively affect the ghost dragon's progress.

The information from the bloodline perception is getting more and more urgent, even to the point of urgency, Rhodes has no time to spend on these angels. To this end, Rhodes swung the titan arrow at them as the angel approached.

Relying on the power of the Divine Item, Rhodes resolved angel's pursuit. Even an angel with a very high basic attribute could not deal with the infinitely cast Titan's Arrow.

Just when Rhodes was about to clean up all these angels, the signal from his perception made Rhodes realize that the city of Sao was already within the casting range of the Gate of Time and Space.

Without any hesitation, Rhodes opened the gate of time and space and entered it with the ghost dragon. As soon as he arrived at Sao City, he noticed the scene of Rowlin falling from the sky.

After Rowlin was successfully rescued and the two Thunder Elements were cleaned up, Rhodes put his sight on the red robe mage in the air, and the signal from his perception made Rhodes understand that she Is a Legendary mage.

The ghost dragon that originally ascended to the sky first to contain Phil was dragged by three famous elemental people.

Under the joint casting of the three high-level air elemental people, the ghost dragon was shrouded in a huge tornado, and the whole body was swept by the violent airflow, and there was no way to resist it by its own strength.

At this time, after relying on the air element people to contain the ghost dragon and noticing the death of the Thunder Element people, Phil also looked at the place where Rowlin fell, just in line with Rhodes' line of sight.

Phil could feel an anger in the eyes of the undead mage who suddenly appeared here, wearing a large cloak and holding a strange-looking blade in his hand.

Phil was disdainful of the anger of the undead mage, and even wanted to sneer a few times. Powerhouses have strength, while weak people only deserve anger, especially those who rely on their will to explode into heroes. Existence, in addition to condensed emotions, it is not even a decent strength to come out.

The previous battle with Rowlin had made Phil see the strength of these undead mage. He knew that the opponent could solve it so easily. War of attrition, just cast spell with all your strength, and no matter what the undead mage is planning, you can solve them all.

At this moment, an omen of crisis that was so strong that it sent chills down the spine suddenly spread in Phil's heart. .

A huge lightning flashed straight through Phil's original position in an instant. Due to Phil's evasion, the lightning failed to hit the target, but moved towards the depths of the sky.

Phil was shocked to feel the aftermath of the lightning in her original position. Even as a Legendary mage, if she was hit by this spell head-on when she failed to cast a spell to resist, she would also It fell.

Three explosions, within a very short time interval, reached Phil's ears. She followed the sound and saw that the three air elemental people who had previously cast spells to trap the ghost dragon were in the same place. Time was completely defeated, although the tornado had not dissipated, but without the guidance of the air elemental people, the ghost dragon successfully escaped from it.

At the same time, Rhodes' figure was also disappeared from the ground. Relying on the mana fluctuations in his perception, Phil quickly turned his gaze to where the ghost dragon was, and Rhodes was behind the ghost dragon body.

Rhodes waved the Titan Arrow in his hand, and the powerful fifth-order magic shot straight out. Without any way to resist, Phil could only use teleportation to avoid it.

For a time, Phil was completely suppressed by the Titan's Arrow. What made Phil even more shocked was that Rhodes cast spell as if he didn't need mana, without any tendency to stop, and the same type of release was released. Fifth-order magic.

Realizing that the situation was not right, Phil planned to use teleportation to escape, but Rhodes' pursuit immediately followed. He didn't even need to rely on the existence of the ghost dragon, but directly used teleportation to pursue in the air.

At this point, Phil didn't feel well. Every landing point she teleported was devastated by Rhodes. Once she hesitated after teleporting, she would be attacked. The thick lightning strikes, for which she must constantly cast this spell.

In the process of being strongly suppressed, Phil realized that what this new undead mage has is the strength of the real Legendary mage, and it is the kind of Peak Legendary mage.

Among the obvious disadvantages, Phil tried to use the space spell to escape directly, but the gate of different dimensions she cast would be directly hit by the thick lightning before it was fully opened, destroying the internal structure, Form a lot of violent space turbulence.

Once you enter the gate of different dimensions in this state, if it is better, you will be involved in the different dimension space where you will be drawn, and the more likely you will be directly crushed in space turbulence.

Phil knew that even if he could rely on teleportation to escape to the mage troops behind him, it would be useless according to the strength displayed by the undead mage in front of him. On the contrary, he would consume a lot of mana. , loses the ability to cast most spells.

All means of escape were limited, and at this brief moment, real anger began to arise in Phil's heart.

Besides the reason why there are few real life and death battles between senior and Legendary mage, in addition to being concerned about the opponent's power, the more important reason is to worry about what kind of cards the opponent has. , whether it can be used to turn defeat into victory, or exchange life for life.

Seeing that all the means of escaping from this place could not take effect, and feeling the rapidly declining mana value of his own, Phil simply gave up his plan to escape, and with a teleportation, he came to the center of the tornado that had not yet dissipated.

The tornado, whose speed had slowed down, suddenly began to spin rapidly, rolling up everything around it.

If this is the only case, the tornado as a barrier is not enough to resist the incoming Titan's arrow. What really prevents the Titan's arrow from penetrating the tornado is the flame that emerges.

The blazing flames are generated inside the tornado, and the rolling winds bring the heat wave to all around, accompanied by the intense high temperature, even Rhodes, who has already applied fire thaumaturgy on his body, can't stop it. Flames ignited on him.

Below, Rowlin had already covered himself with a barrier-like Titan shield, and he turned his head, unable to look directly at the strong firelight in front of him.

The unimaginable thing is that Rowlin's Titan shield, which even the meteor shower strikes can resist head-on, appears to be on the verge of collapse under Phil's spell, at any time. possibility of being destroyed.

A beam of crimson light connecting Heaven and Earth appeared in front of Rhodes' eyes, and under the rapid rotation, there was an ever-expanding trend. The storm blew up and then melted in the pillar of fire.

The earth could not bear the effect of this spell, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface, and even the spread of lava caused by this spell could be seen.

Rhodes knew that the scene in front of him was a scene of a Legendary mage recklessly attacking with all his strength. The large-scale panel damage of several thousand points was enough to destroy all creatures within the range.

At the same time, the signal from the perception also made Rhodes understand that in this state, as the releaser of the spell in front of him, who has faint signs of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the name The red mage, still left in the center of the spell, guided the spell.

Rhodes swung the Titan Arrow in his hand many times, but the lightning he shot couldn't penetrate the huge pillar of fire in front of him.

Under the high panel damage, this spell has undergone a qualitative change, and only spells of the same level can fight against it.

At this point, Rhodes switched the Titan Arrow he had been holding to his left hand, and raised his original right hand upwards after vacating it.

With the dazzling aurora, a bolt of pure white lightning, far thicker than any previous Titan Arrow, began to take shape in Rhodes' hands, and even faintly appeared. The incomprehensible signs, the sharp pain, began to come from Rhodes' hands.

After putting all of his mana into the Titan's Arrow, the power of this spell was beyond Rhodes' expectations, Rhodes facial expression grave, and then he threw the Titan's Arrow. out.

The huge size of the Titan Arrow did not affect its flight speed at all. A bright white light path instantly penetrated the entire scarlet sky, and the white Changhong shot into the rapid with an unstoppable momentum. Inside the scrolling pillar of fire.

The next moment, a violent rumbling sound, came from the up ahead of Rhodes, a strong airflow, accompanied by huge smoke and dust, immediately drowned Rhodes, and even took the ghost dragon under him. Rolled to a very distant location.

(end of this chapter)

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