
  Chapter 993 End

Lost the most core Legendary mage to guide, this power is enough to destroy heaven The spell of extinguishing earth was ultimately not displayed in its complete form.

The violent magic elements destroyed the original structure of the spell in an instant, and even the generated parts had internal conflicts.

The flames spread outward in the chaos, accompanied by strong winds, and a firestorm filled the entire area, but it didn't last long, the temperature began to drop, and finally calmed down.

When all the matter condensed by this spell dissipates, in the sky, in addition to the still strong magic element, there is only smoke and dust that obstructs the view.

In the gust of wind, the smoke and dust were not cleaned up, but remained here. When the airflow slowed down and the flames were extinguished, until it became calm, the smoke and dust finally disappeared and existed here.

In the sky, the Dark Sky Curtain that originally shrouded the place completely dissipated, and even the building that generated the Dark Sky Curtain was completely destroyed. The sun shone down, but under the block of smoke and dust, it still looked fuzzy.

On the ground below, a large amount of dust covered a semi-circular barrier. In the space where nothing was left or any buildings were erected, this thing was extremely conspicuous.

As the surrounding magic elements stabilized, the barrier did not continue to maintain. The moment it dissipated, the dust originally covered on the barrier fell down.

Rowlin coughed a few times while waving his arms, trying to disperse the falling dust and observing the scene all around.

The signal from the bloodline perception made Rowlin realize that Rhodes did not fall under the original spell, but the state at this time was not good.

Rowlin looked all around, in addition to trying to confirm the enemy's situation, he was also searching for Rhodes' silhouette.

Looking back, when Rhodes joined the battlefield, Rowlin also wanted to do something with his remaining mana to help him win the battle.

However, the level of the battle was beyond Rowlin's expectations, and Rhodes seemed to be able to solve it with a few spells at will when facing the high-level elemental people. When Rhodes faced the Legendary mage, the feeling reached its peak in Rowlin's mind.

Faced with a battle between the two of them with multiple teleportation, Rowlin couldn't even tell exactly where they would land next. Whenever they appeared somewhere in the air, before Rowlin's eyes locked on anyone, they were instantly disappeared.

In the past, Rowlin had also heard Rhodes mention the special battle method between Legendary mages. Until now, after seeing the situation on the battlefield with his own eyes, Rowlin understood the meaning of Rhodes' words.

In this case, Rowlin, let alone casting spell to attack the Legendary mage, even ordinary buff magic, is difficult to apply to Rhodes.

Rowlin may be able to do this with the special ability provided by bloodline perception, but before she made any attempt, the situation changed again, and the Legendary mage began to guide the most powerful fifth-order Magic, that is, the flame tornado that runs through Heaven and Earth.

There is no record of this fifth-order magic in any of the previous books. Rowlin does not know the origin of this spell, but he can judge it through his own perception.

From this amazing spell, Rowlin at least sensed the existence of two mobilized magic elements, Fire Element and Air Magic Element, which were consistent with Rowlin's original prediction for Phil. , This Legendary mage mobilized the magic elements of the two systems at the same time, forming a mixed fifth-order magic.

Under the spread of the flame tornado, Rowlin doesn't know how to deal with it. With the magic she currently has, no matter how much mana exists, she can't stop the formation of fifth-order magic. She can only cast it. The Titan shield resists.

Following the signal from the bloodline perception, Rowlin had to turn around under the strong light, but she still noticed Rhodes' move, casting a spell to meet the Legendary mage in the center.

Up to now, when the natural phenomenon caused by spell has calmed down, and this fifth-order magic of destroying heaven extinguishing earth has finally failed to show its final posture, Rowlin also understands the result of this battle. .

I deeply feel the Legendary mage's guidance on the fifth-order magic, especially the Legendary mage, which changes the nature of the spell itself, and even the method of integrating spells of different departments. Rowlin has gained a lot, and only feels that his spellcasting ability has been greatly improved compared to before.

Rowlin understands that now is not the time to sort out his gains in spell knowledge, but to find Rhodes' silhouette and confirm his safety.

At this moment, the signal from the bloodline perception, plus the sound, made Rowlin realize something, she raised her head and looked up, the silhouette of the ghost dragon, I don't know when it appeared. In the sky, and moved towards this place and flew quickly.

Soon, with the impact of the strong airflow, a crash sound came, and the ghost dragon landed on the ground, bringing a burst of dust from the surroundings.

Rhodes' silhouette jumped off the dragon's body and came to Rowlin, but it wasn't very good. The original black robe on his body was already a mess, and the cloak behind him seemed to be in a mess. Dilapidated, but spotless.

Because of putting all the mana into that titan arrow, when Rhodes threw the titan arrow, he could no longer cast any spells, even the mana-related treasure, at this time. Not available.

When the strong airflow is generated, even the ghost dragon is blown away, Rhodes on it, because it needs to hold the Titan's arrow tightly, although it has resistance to prevent dizziness, it is still shaking. Was thrown out by the ghost dragon.

There is no way to take advantage of the protection of holy griffins, consuming mana to float in the air, Rhodes can only cast bats, and the transformed bats are also blown away by the air currents, and even most of them are directly killed for no reason. , but at least he has the ability to fly in the air, so he won't fall to his death because he can't cast spells.

When the airflow stopped, Rhodes found the location of the ghost dragon through spiritual imprint, and finally returned to human form on its body, and then came to Rowlin's side.

Without looking for the silhouette of the red robe Legendary mage, Rhodes already knew the result of the battle from the prompt from the system and did not need to personally verify it.


"You killed a seventh rank mage."

"Brilliant victory! You earned 28,000 experience points!"

"You have obtained the racing achievement [Legendary Falls]."

"[Legendary Falls]: Kill any seventh rank creature. All basic bonuses attribute +2. Wear All damage dealt to seventh rank creatures is increased by 50%.”


(end of chapter)

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