
  Chapter 991 Returns

The field of vision is still pitch black, and the black robe on the body is due to the fire thaumaturgy It didn't burn, but the strong impact of the explosion still caused Rowlin to lose all consciousness.

The weightlessness caused by the rapid fall failed to awaken Rowlin's consciousness. Although he had the majestic life force in his body as support, the dizziness could not be recovered in a short time. At this time, Rowlin was still unable to recover. cast any spell.

In order to deal with Legendary mage Phil, the battlefield has long been pulled to the sky, and the few undead creatures that can fly are not by Rowlin's side. For a time, it seems that there are no creatures that can help the fall. Rowlin.

At this moment, Phil, who had just shot down Rowlin, seemed to have found something. Instead of taking this opportunity, he continued to cast spell on the fallen Rowlin, but turned his gaze to a certain place in the city. place.

Intense mana fluctuations, accompanied by bursts of abnormal feeling, came from Phil's perception, which made her feel vigilant.

Legendary mage's hunch was always accurate, and Phil immediately gave up on his original opponent after sensing the abnormality in his perception.

Neither the battle with Rowlin nor the destruction of Sau City, Phil encountered any decent resistance, which was completely different from what she had expected before the battle began.

Recalling the abnormal state that came from his perception, Phil wanted to know what could have caused him to be so vigilant.

Phil noticed that the position he was looking for was exactly where the hero undead mage was when the battle just started.

The rich knowledge made Phil recognize at a glance that the hollow frame there was exactly the teleportation monument inlaid with the spatial calibration.

During the battle, the large-scale spell cast by Phil also shrouded the location, trying to destroy this special thing, but it failed to achieve the result. The special construction material of the teleportation monument, It is destined to be difficult to be destroyed by spell. On the contrary, it is much more convenient to use physical means directly to pry off the space calibration on the nail.

In Phil's line of sight, the dark green twisted space door, I don't know when, has filled the interior of the teleportation monument.

A ghost dragon, whose whole body is made of white bones, continuously releases huge death energy, and even suppresses the surrounding flames to extinguish the ghost dragon, which is rapidly rising into the sky and moving towards Phil's direction.

From this ghost dragon body, which was infinitely close to the Legendary creature, Phil felt a strong threat, raised his hand, summon, and rolled over it with a violent airflow.

Besides, Rowlin, who was falling, still did not recover under the severe shock, but for some reason, a sense of familiarity and reassurance suddenly came from his heart.

Next moment, Rowlin only felt that he had bumped into something, but there was no pain. Although he still felt the weightlessness caused by falling, the speed was obviously slowed down.

As the speed slowed down, the falling stopped soon, Rowlin's consciousness gradually regained consciousness, a spell dispelled the blindness acting on her, and Rowlin opened her eyes.

Looking at the silhouette holding her, a look of joy appeared on Rowlin's face, and the gesture in her bloodline perception had already made her let go of all her vigilance against the silhouette in front of her.

Surrounded by burned buildings, thick smoke mixed with bursts of heat waves, Rowlin felt a warm feeling in his heart, not because of the environment, but because of the silhouette in front of him. This silhouette is of Rhodes who left from Sau a few weeks ago.

As if realizing that she was still on the battlefield, Rowlin hurriedly stood on the ground, noticing that Rhodes had an odd-shaped blade around her waist compared to when she left.

Feeling the hot environment around, Rhodes brows frowned, with the violent vibration of the magic element, the small area of ​​fire in the city centered on him subsided.

At this moment, as if feeling something, Rhodes took out the blade from his waist and slashed into the air.

A small throbbing lightning, originally moved towards the position of Rhodes, shot straight down, but was immediately defeated by the huge lightning shot from below.

The huge lightning was castrated unabated, as if it had defeated the original small lightning without causing any consumption. .

Between the currents, a violent explosion came from in the sky. After everything was calm, there was no longer anything in the place where the Thunder Element people were. Not even the elemental core remains.

Another Thunder Element person, noticing the appearance of this scene, froze in place for a while, and the lightning condensed in his hand was not thrown.

From the previous violent lightning, Thunder Element people sensed an unusual meaning, that is something that only Sovereigners of Thunder and Lightning can condense, and it comes from the shock of instinct. spread in the hearts of people.

Before it could figure out what was going on, another huge lightning bolt moved towards it, and the next moment wiped out all its consciousness.

He swung two Titan arrows at will, killing two Thunder Elements with high-level strength in the air. Rhodes set his eyes on Phil in the air.

Originally, Rhodes, who had just completed the collection of Divine Items not long ago, was on his way back. For some reason, he sensed a hint of urgency from his bloodline perception.

Knowing about Rowlin, Rhodes understands that there must be a major event that threatens the city of Sao, so that she can call herself by the ability of blood sense.

After receiving the call from blood sense, Rhodes tried to use this special ability to contact Rowlin, but no response came. At that time, Rhodes realized that Rowlin was probably at war with a powerful enemy. , there is no way to be distracted.

Due to the long distance from Verning, Rhodes is still in the sky above Erathia. Even with the Grandmaster Level Earth Element magic and the gate of time and space, Rhodes cannot cross such a long distance and return directly to Sao in the city.

For this reason, Rhodes didn't care about concealment, and after applying the attack acceleration with increased attribute to the ghost dragon, he let it fly at full speed.

There is no need to hide cautiously over Erathia, nor to worry about disturbing any creatures in the territory. For a time, the flying speed of the ghost dragon has been increased to the extreme. A lot of distance.

At the same time, along with the residual energy of death, the breath of the ghost dragon was also exposed in the air, and the undead mage's high-profile behavior naturally attracted the attention of the Erathia creatures, including even in the clouds. city ​​of angel.

(end of this chapter)

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