
  Chapter 987 North

In a messy quiet room, North stared at the scene in front of him in shock. scene.

In front of him, most of his body was corroded, and his clothes were mixed with the broken body, leaving only a corpse whose legs were relatively intact, lying on the sunken ground. After the strong corrosion of the acid, the ground still shows signs of subsidence.

North didn't know the identity of the black robed man who broke into the quiet room, but the actions he made and the strong hostility he exuded made North understand that this man came here. are not good.

In order to survive from the black robed man's hands, North seized the opportunity to use the only winning treasure on his body, the one that sprayed acid. space ring.

In the city of the dead, which is dangerous lurks on every side, even though he promised the lord of this place, that is, Rhodes, who led him here, to refine potions, North still kept an eye on it.

With the gold coins accumulated by refining potions, North bought this unique space ring from the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the city.

In the space ring, there is a lot of acid, which is what North has before buying this space ring, and it is also the most different from the regular space ring.

Because it is a completely static space, these acids will not be worn out due to long-term storage. In addition, the space ring itself has also been treated. When North turns it on, it can directly The acid in it is sprayed towards the cone area up ahead.

According to the members of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, this space ring, the work of a Master Alchemist, combines the ideas of concealed weapons and one-shot victory believed in the Thief Guild, and from the The far-flung exiled land has obtained high-quality acid, which is what makes it.

This special space ring is still in the experimental stage, and North was able to obtain it. In addition to paying a lot of gold coins, it was achieved with the help of a companion.

North has also done some research on the acid in the space ring, hoping to find a corresponding refining method. Things taken out of the space ring.

In North's opinion, if he can find a way to refine the acid, after all the acid in the space ring has been sprayed, he can replenish himself without having to go through the treatment of the Master Alchemist , but to no avail.

In actual combat, the effect of this space ring was beyond North's expectations. Such a difficult enemy, without any precautions, was poured directly by the acid in the ring, and he would also be severely affected. Serious injury, lose all combat capability.

After suffering the damage of the acid, the strong life force made the black robed man not die for a while, but struggled in the quiet room, all around was left by the splash of acid Traces, many herbs are destroyed. North took another shot of acid before killing the black robed man.

After destroying the intruding enemy, North did not feel the joy of defeating the powerful enemy at all. The previous tension and panic still remained in North's mind. For such a fierce battle, North seemed Extremely uncomfortable.

Although he is an undead mage, North has little combat experience. He has not experienced the cruel test in Dia, but has completed the mastery of spell in Brakada. Only this time in the real battle, even the spell can't be cast smoothly.

North knew that if it wasn't for the fact that he had purchased this special attribute space ring for self-protection some time ago, and faced a strong enemy, he had found the right time to release the acid. Most of the people who fell to the ground were themselves.

In this brief moment, North couldn't help but complained about the original guards of this place because he didn't receive any warning of strong enemy attack.

In North's impression, just after he came to the quiet room to refine, a vampire was arranged at the entrance of the quiet room as a guard. Whenever he left from the quiet room, he could The meaning of a gaze that is perceived is also derived from the name vampire.

However, when there was a real strong enemy attacking, and it seemed that he planned to assassinate, the vampire disappeared completely, which is what puzzled North.

According to the strength shown by this black robed man, maybe vampire has been killed, or maybe it is a conspiracy at all, vampire deliberately let this black robed man in, just to complete a cleanup Not sure.

In this brief moment, North thought a lot, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

Not far away is the door of the quiet room, half-open and half-closed, bringing a deep meaning to North, looking at this hidden door, North has no courage. Push out.

Just when North was extremely hesitant, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the quiet room door. The sound became louder and louder, apparently approaching the quiet room.

The sudden abnormal situation made North completely vigilant. After confirming the amount of acid remaining in the space ring through perception, North stared at him. At the door of the quiet room.

Soon, the door of the quiet room was slammed open, and with a strong crash, a blond silhouette rushed in quickly.

Noticing the silhouette in front of him, North couldn't help sighed in relief, and his tense expression gradually loosened. He knew that the blond woman who came to the quiet room at this time was Sasha. Leah, the current tax officer of Europe City.

In North's impression, the selection of the tax officer happened after Elon took over as City Lord. Before that, when the centaur leader was in charge, there was no clear decision in the city. of this office.

Even though there are many undead mage in Sao City, the selection of a tax officer is not an easy matter. Compared with any other position in the city, the tax officer has higher requirements for candidates.

A good tax officer can detect the urgently needed development and hidden dangers in the city from the circulation of gold coins, which is enough to make the town gradually stronger, while an unqualified tax officer, in addition to using strict In addition to hindering the development of towns, it is also the root cause of urban corruption.

Unable to find a suitable candidate from the undead mage, in the end, City Lord Elron invited a female human who was not an undead mage from the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, that is, Li in front of North. Ya, the tax collector in the city.

It is said that Leah is particularly sensitive to changes in the amount of money, and has an excellent innate talent in financial management. Elon is also using spell. After confirming this, she will be appointed.

(end of this chapter)

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