
  Chapter 986 Shot

With the help of the surrounding things, Hoth quickly moved towards this passage approaching .

The surging magic elements all around have already disturbed the corpse witch's perception, even the undead mage beside the corpse witch, in this brief moment, seems to be very preoccupied, and from time to time, she will look at the battlefield. At the center of the room, observing all kinds of things over there, I have no time to take care of the surrounding environment for a while.

In the eyes of these undead mages, the enemy who had attacked earlier had already been repelled by the corpse witch in the city, so naturally they don't need to care anymore. It is really worth noting that the one who can dominate the battle situation is The high-level undead mage guarding this place fights with the enemy mage.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, with the blessing of reconnaissance, Hoth did not make a sound, and came to the passage where there was no defense.

Walking down the aisle, it didn't take long to come to the end. In front of a closed stone chamber, Hoth stopped himself.

The keen perception made Hoth perceive that there was an aura of undead mage activity behind the door. At the same time, when he brought his body close to the door, Hoth could smell a pungent odor. It even shook his spirits.

According to the information learned from other members of the undead corps during this time, the undead mage will use a pungent odor when disposing of some important corpses.

When tracking the signs of undead mage, most of the members of the undead army will use this smell to make judgments. Through this smell, they can find some storage places for the corpses of some higher-ranking creatures.

These corpses that have been preserved by the undead mage and are waiting to be transformed, together with the undead mage, are the objects that the members of the undead army need to destroy.

Noticing the smell coming from behind the door, Hoss realized that this was the place he was looking for, and the space behind the door might have a great relationship with the appearance of those corpse witches.

Although I don't understand why there are no corpses stationed in this space, in Hoth's view, this is undoubtedly an important opportunity for him to obtain information.

Seeing this, Hoth didn't wait any longer. After opening a gap in the stone gate in front of him, a dodge entered it.

Inside the stone chamber, the pungent smell around him became stronger, even making Hoth himself excited. Seemingly noticing the abnormality in his own state, Hoth took several deep breaths in succession, trying to calm down and adjust to the best.

The environment inside the stone chamber was beyond Hoth's expectations. The deep space that he had expected was not seen. Instead, what appeared in front of Hoth's eyes was a medium-sized quiet room.

There is a long table in the center of the quiet room, and various herbs are displayed on the table. Hoth, who has lived in Eli for many years, can call out every herb in front of him. He did not understand why these herbs with different properties appeared in the quiet room.

And at the back of the silent room, a huge cauldron was set up with flames. In front of the cauldron, a silhouette was watching everything in it. Seeing his dress, Hoth immediately understood that it was the undead mage. undoubtedly.

Even though Hoth kept using reconnaissance to control his imposing manner, but in this small space, Mage's keen perception still made the silhouette in front of the crucible aware of the danger and turned around. Hoth looked at the door.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to enter without authorization?"

The voice of the undead mage came from his ear. Although it meant expulsion, Hoth still listened to it. There was a sense of lack of breath.

The flames burned behind the undead mage, and the shielding of the body stretched the shadow of the undead mage, making it difficult for Hoth to see his true face.

Although he didn't understand the situation in this quiet room, Hoss had no plans to mage nonsense with the undead, holding the blade in his hand, Hoss looked towards it and rushed up.

Facing the high-speed rushing enemy, the undead mage obviously did not expect this situation, and immediately fell into a panic.

Relying on his own fighting instinct, the undead mage raised his hand, and several magic divine arrows formed in front of him, quickly moved towards Hoth and shot.

The usual lack of practice makes the action of the undead mage to release multiple magic dive arrows extremely jerky. Even if there is still a large amount of mana remaining in the body, it is difficult for the undead mage to mobilize it for a while. On the contrary, due to a large number of spell castings, the mana is blocked in the body.

Ignoring the re-casting of the spell, a transparent container containing a dark green liquid appeared in the hands of the undead mage and was thrown at Hoth, who was rushing towards him.

During the charge, the black robe was blocked by Hoth in front of him, and the magic divine arrow of First Rank hit the black robe, causing no damage at all, and immediately dissipated. Instead, it was the undead mage. The thrown things made Hoth alert.

Due to the power of the undead mage, the things he threw are not very fast in Hoth's eyes, far less than the arrows shot by the enemy on the battlefield. Sis avoided this.

After resolving all the means of the undead mage, Hoth's speed did not decrease, and he came to the undead mage in a blink of an eye.

What Hoss didn't notice was that the transparent container he avoided shattered immediately after hitting the wall of the stone chamber, and the dark green liquid splashed out, instantly destroying the wall and the ground below. , a large pit was corroded, and the rate of corrosion did not slow down, and continued to spread.

Without the hindrance of undead creatures, the powerful basic attribute enables Hoth to rush to the side of the undead mage in a very short time.

Facing the incoming enemy, the undead mage didn't know what to do, his face was full of panic, even though he had already raised his hands, there was no spell formed.

After joining the undead army and experiencing the death of his comrades, Hoth will not have any pity for the undead mage. The undead mage beheaded on the spot.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed something, and an ominous premonition emerged in Hoth's expression congeals.

Hoth noticed that the hand raised by the undead mage was not in the way of normal magic, with the palm of his hand facing himself, but a fist with one hand, the other hand supported from the side, To himself, it was a ring on the index finger on the hand he made a fist.

The perception of danger made Hoth want to retreat immediately, but under the influence of the inertia of the charge, it was difficult to achieve this, and Hoth could only pour all his power into the blade in his hand, Slash to the undead mage in front of you.

Next moment, a large amount of dark green liquid sprayed out from the ring in the hands of the undead mage, covering the conical area up ahead, and Hoth was within this area.

(end of this chapter)

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