
  Chapter 988 Norse II

It's hard to imagine that the name of Norse only knows how to make potions , the overall strength is not strong, and even the undead mage apprentices who can't even reach the fourth rank strength corresponding to the official professionals will have close ties with the tax officials in Sau City.

Perhaps it was the chance encounter between the two in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce when North was purchasing refining materials, and they left a deep impression on each other, or maybe it was a place full of official undead mage and In the city of Sao, the undead creatures, both of them held important positions in the city with low strength, so they found a common topic. When North came back to his senses, this happened.

During this time, Leah was also one of the few people by North's side to talk to.

In the process of exploring the Potion Refining method alone in the quiet room, North felt extremely lonely for a long time, and recalled his life in Bracada. After the Soul Evocation Technique, I had to escape from the orthodox spell Academy, but there are still companions in the spirit society, so I will not be completely alone.

Before Leah appeared, North tried to communicate with vampire outside the door and invited it into the quiet room, but unfortunately vampire didn't want to pay attention to him and ignored him directly.

The experience in Bracada made North always want to become a real undead mage. In his opinion, experiencing and enduring loneliness is what a real undead mage must learn.

From some scriptures, North had known such information.

It is said that in the deepest part of Dia, the gathering place of the undead, there are immortal Lich, these Lich may have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, and the records of their existence can even be traced back to Bracada The golden age of Mage, the most glorious period of the god of mage.

Lich, who has survived for a long time, can be accompanied by anything beside them? Whether it is the Legendary undead creature or the Death Knight, without the final endless night ceremony, they do not have the ability to be truly immortal. Their Soul Fire will still dissipate with the corruption and weathering of the flesh.

In addition to the existence of Lich, there is nothing that can accompany Lich forever. With this ability alone, Lich is enough to consume the enemy of the overwhelming majority, in a sense , this is the truly invincible force.

In North's view, Lich, who exists beyond all undead mage, must spend their almost immortal lives accompanied by loneliness.

The undead mage is alone and can't believe any of his so-called companions. He is afraid that he will be transformed into an undead creature after death, and there are only undead creatures by his side.

This kind of life is lonely enough, and for Lich, it's just the most normal life in their immortal life. They live like this forever, and even the undead creatures that accompany Lich will perish due to decay, and in the end only Lich himself and the new undead creatures are left.

The life in the quiet room for just a few short months made North feel a little unbearable. He didn't know how those Lichs lived this almost immortal life.

He was obviously just an apprentice-level undead mage, but he was worried about Lich. Sometimes, when he thought of this, North would laugh at himself.

There is no doubt that the appearance of Leah, to a great extent, relieved the loneliness in North's heart.

Compared to the beginning, Noth at this time, in the process of refining the potion every day, is not looking forward to the completion of the potion, but the scene of the next meeting with Leah .

North thought that his own will was enough to endure the loneliness of the undead mage, but whenever he thought of meeting Leah, the feeling of excitement made North feel extremely confused. .

The previous life in Bracada did not bring this kind of experience to North, and when he didn't know how to deal with it, North could only let his emotions develop.

Perhaps she felt the instability in North's heart. During this period, Leah came to the quiet room more frequently, but in North's impression, there was no one time when her The look will be so anxious.

Thinking of the black robed man who came to the quiet room to assassinate before, North realized that something unusual seemed to happen.

"The city of Sao is being attacked by mage. The city is no longer safe. Follow me to escape from here."

During the conversation, Leah noticed the inside of the quiet room. black robed man corpse. Looking at the disfigured corpse corroded by acid, she was even more worried about North's situation.

Leah knew that North used his acid ring. It was with the help of Leah that North bought this special space ring.

Hearing Leah's hurried words in his ear, North was stunned for a moment. Before he could understand what was going on, Leah took the hand he had stretched out and began to open up. Run outside the door of the quiet room.

Following the hunch in his heart, North did not doubt Leah's words. If it was replaced by other undead mage, I am afraid that he would not be willing to leave the quiet room until the real situation was found out. .

Walking along the upward stairs, strong red light was scattered from the top of the head, along with the red light, there were also bursts of heat waves, getting used to the shroud of the Dark Sky Curtain, and suddenly saw This scene made North extremely uncomfortable for a while, and he couldn't help but move his eyes to other directions.

Noth felt a sense of shock when he was completely on the ground and got used to the surrounding light.

The Dark Sky Curtain covering the entire earth has long since dissipated, and replaced by a Crimson's canopy, which is the entire sky, dyed red by flames.

Sweat dripped from North's face. He looked around and found that the entire city of Sao was shrouded in a fire sea. Most of the surrounding buildings had collapsed, and black smoke rose continuously. The passage where I am, and the passage in the quiet room where a large number of corpse witches are stationed not far away, are fairly safe.

It seemed that he remembered something, and North was shocked, recalling the impression that Rhodes used to transform a dead creature into a corpse king without any help, and North immediately pulled it. Leah, prepare to take refuge in the underground passage where the corpse is stationed.

However, Leah grabbed North and prepared to take him to flee in the other direction. At the same time, she took out a few magic scrolls and prepared to use them.

In the sky, another explosion came, and the violent flames spread to all directions in the city. Leah tore open a magic scroll, and the familiarity of spell blessing came from Noth, who knew he was under the influence of thaumaturgy.

Before it was too late to argue with Leah, North turned his gaze to the direction of the explosion in the sky, where the two mages were standing out of thin air, engaged in a duel that affected the entire city of Sao.

(end of this chapter)

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