
  Chapter 985 Action

Hoth, who survived by luck under the blockade of the cloud of death, naturally I heard Hakka West Road's command to the remaining undead corps.

However, Hoth did not obey the command from the agent Captain to retreat to the rear position in time. Instead, he continued to move forward and set his sights on the underground passage where these corpse witches poured out.

The original task of practicing hands-on has had such a big twist. This is something that all the members of the undead corps had not expected before.

The sudden cloud of death killed and injured most of the troops.

Hoss knew in his heart that things had come to an end, and regretting the previous decision would obviously be of no avail. What we really needed to figure out at the moment was the information on the corpse witches in the city.

Whether it is the specific number of those corpse witches, whether there are still corpse witches hidden in the city, or the origin of these corpse witches, which undead mage were transformed by, or which innocent creatures were transformed into them. , in this battle, are extremely critical information.

But these information are not mentioned in the Thief Guild. Hoth believes that if there is any information about these corpses in the Thief Guild, before the battle begins, kill the undead. Members of the troop will be alerted and will not be hit by a completely unprepared corpse that suddenly appears.

Mastering this information early will undoubtedly be able to gain a few advantages for your side in the next battle.

Hoth didn't want his former companions to die so worthless, although in this time's attack, the undead mage exposed their extremely powerful force, that is, the group of corpse witches. There is, but the value of this information is nothing compared to that of a dead comrade.

the thoughts got to this point, and Hoth immediately made a decision in the heart, ignoring the retreat order given by Hakashi Road behind, and heading towards the location where the corpse witch appeared alone.

Directly moved towards the underground passage, which is naturally undesirable, not to mention the corpse witch's keen perception of the living, just the undead mage gathered all around is Hoth alone Difficult to break through obstacles.

The deep alleys in the city, scattered buildings, and the overall darker environment under the shroud of the Dark Sky Curtain undoubtedly gave Hoth the opportunity to act.

Using the cover of shadows, Hoth began to walk through the city. The skill of the fifth-order elf allowed him to avoid all sight. According to what he noticed not long ago, the underground space of the corpse was pouring out. , Hoth tried his best to get around the complicated city.

In the process of moving forward, a single undead mage appeared in front of Hoth, but he suppressed his intention to shoot.

Hidden in the shadows, Hoth watched the undead mage passing by and the undead creatures following him, and used the reconnaissance technique to minimize his sense of existence.

The lone undead mage drove the undead creatures he controlled, and hurried forward to the fighting area, without noticing the enemy lurking in the dark, he didn't know, if it wasn't for the enemy's fear If exposed, his life will be confessed here.

After the undead mage passed by and the alley was calm again, Hoss set off again. As before, in the process of moving forward, Hoss not only restrained his own breath, but also Through the existence of reconnaissance, any traces that may have been left are erased.

Hoth's goal is very clear. Since the death of his companion is inevitable, he wants to use this opportunity to obtain more valuable information that can change the situation on the battlefield.

In Hoth's view, these corpse witches that suddenly appeared in the city undoubtedly showed an unusual meaning. The hidden strength of the undead mage has long exceeded everyone's expectations. Maybe something is being planned in secret. If it weren't for this attack, the anomalies in the city would not be exposed to the eyes of other creatures.

Horth made his way along the collapsed building under the cover of the shadows.

In the process of moving forward, the strong and violent magic element, accompanied by violent explosions, spread wildly in the city, the light of the fire dispelled the surrounding shadows, and the mid-air Dark Sky Curtain could not continue to cover it. environment here.

A wave of flames rolled past Hoss, and Hoss immediately used the black robe on his body to resist, and the continuous flames burned on the black robe held up by Hoss. The anti-magic equipment also appeared charred black at this time.

An anti-magic black robe that could withstand multiple spell attacks, in this brief moment, seems to be showing signs of failing in the face of the continuous flames.

Seeing this situation, Hoss understands that it should be the most powerful mage of the two sides. The powerful mage, without any scruples, will cast the spell to the area where it is fighting. , causing devastating damage.

In Werning, there has been no high-level mage duel for a long time. The last recorded high-level mage duel was the one when the original garrison Mage Witt died in battle. It is said to be a medium-sized battlefield. Supply points are razed to the ground.

The appearance of a large-scale spell did not stop Hoth's footsteps. The chaotic environment made it difficult for the undead mage in the city to be distracted by the hidden enemies.

Even the corpse witches in the city were equally unable to resist the flames that exploded directly among them. Before the cloud of death was released to cover the spell, the flames devoured a large number of corpse witches.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of spell's arrival, Hoth quickened his pace. After passing through a few alleys, Hoth came to the underground entrance where the corpse gushed out.

The previous several large-scale spells had cleaned up more than half of the corpse witches, but there were still many corpse witches standing in front of Hoth.

These corpse witches have no intention of joining the battlefield, they are just stationed at the entrance of the passage, prohibiting any creatures from entering it.

Looking at the corpse witch in front of him, after thinking for a while in the heart, Hoss gave up the idea of ​​directly intruding. Once a big movement is made and the undead are attracted to return to defense, Hoth's action can be considered a failure.

In the process of observing the surrounding environment, Hoth noticed that not far from the entrance of the passage where the corpse witch was stationed, there was another passage that went deep into the ground.

The difference from the previous passage is that there are no creatures stationed in this passage, and there are many sundries around the passage to cover up, but Hoth relies on the existence of reconnaissance to find it at a glance. Exception at this location.

Looking at the passage that appeared in his line of sight, Hoss seemed to realize something and immediately made a decision in the heart.

(end of this chapter)

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