
  Chapter 984 Haka West Road

The sudden cloud of death caused black robed man to be killed and injured for a while Seriously, they never imagined that such a change in the situation would occur in a mission that seemed to be guaranteed.

The hidden strength of the undead mage is beyond the expectations of all black robed man. In the face of the sudden emergence of corpse witches, they can only pay enough price for the lack of information. This kind of price is often is their life.

The damage that can be caused by the cloud of death released by the superposition of many corpses has reached a terrifying level. The anti-magic equipment on the black robed man can no longer provide effective protection. Touched by the cloud of death, the body will rot and fester under the erosion of death energy.

The blockade of the cloud of death shrouded the black robed man's retreat. Except for a few black robed man with spellcasting ability, when facing the cloud of death, the black robed man of the overwhelming majority has no way to exert his ability, and can only lose his life under the erosion of the cloud of death.

Of course, there are also a few black robed man who are either lucky enough, or make the right decision, or both, in short, they are not harmed by the cloud of death, And retained enough strength, while looking for the key to breaking the game.

Hoth is one of the surviving black robed man.

After saying goodbye to his old friends from the quiet city, Hoth followed the undead army and walked along the Miles River, bypassing the undead mage's base camp Dia, and came to Vail smoothly. Ningzhong.

When passing through the Giant Willow Land, Eli, the real leader of the undead army, who was awarded the title of immortal hero by the Spirit King, seemed to have received some news and decided to split his troops.

Eli's admirer and his most trusted subordinate, the elf Hakka Xilu, led some of the staff, especially the newcomers who had just joined the undead corps, to carry out the established tasks. Familiarize yourself with the fighting style of the entire unit as you clear the undead mage in Verning, and prepare for future battles.

And this immortal hero himself is leading the most elite part of the undead corps to go to the territory of Dia to perform other tasks.

The mission of the immortal hero Eli to Dia is not a secret among the undead corps, and even Hoth knows a thing or two.

Dia's many Lich's, for some reason, became restless at the same time, became extremely connected with each other, and seemed to be secretly planning something, and according to the sayings circulating in Dia, It seems that a supreme powerhouse that can restrain many Lichs is coming, and all this is to prepare for it.

Hoth doesn't know about the real situation of these Lichs, but it is only a fake news released by Dia's undead mage to cover up the real intentions of these Lichs. I heard that the hero Eli chose to lead the elite People went to Dia to start investigating the matter.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this mission, acting as Captain Hakka West Road, chooses to unite with the orthodox mage in Verning, which is deeply conflicted with the undead mage, and together destroy the undead mage force that has arisen during this period.

A lot of senior elves in the team are deeply dissatisfied with Hakka West Road's approach. Under the leadership of , the killing undead troops are invincible, and there is no undead mage that can stand in front of them.

Among these spirited eyes, Hakka West Road is just a guy who was lucky enough to gain the command of the team based on Eli's trust, apart from this, whether it is strength, decision-making, or her background , not even the best candidate.

Killing the undead troops will be used as an advance troop. In the case of throwing away a large part of the rear mage troops, they will give priority to attack the undead mage, which is also the result of the pressure of these elves.

For the elves of proud and arrogant, especially those in the undead slaying army, the strong self-confidence brought about by the successive victories makes them not need the assistance of any forces, but only clean up a Mage of the undead, even if there are some high-level creatures among them, is still not a problem in their eyes.

Until now, after noticing this endless corpse witch and feeling the power of the cloud of death they cast, these elves realized that Hakashi Road's decision was how correct.

The upcoming mage reinforcements from the rear gave the spirits who killed the undead troops the courage to continue to persevere, so as not to fall into a state of moral collapse when their companions suffered heavy casualties.

The surviving black robe elves retreated towards the suspension bridge at the entrance of the city gate. In front of such a large number of corpse witches, even if they tried their best to pass through the blockade of the cloud of death, they successfully killed one or two. Names, even dozens of corpse witches, also seemed to be useless.

The most urgent task is to preserve the remaining power, cooperate with mage's golem puppet army, and then launch an attack after rectification.

In this case, the only thing that can fight against such a large number of corpses is the existence of mage, and the Legendary mage must personally take action to change the situation of the battle.

Apart from this , any means would be useless, even those lifeless golems would collapse quickly under the erosion of the cloud of death, and could not be controlled by spiritual imprint.

At the periphery of the cloud of death, Hakka Xilu was loudly calling out to the remaining elves on the battlefield, making his own arrangements, and personally starting to rescue the disabled elves.

The anti-magic black robe on Hakaxilu's body has long been corroded by the cloud of death, and even one arm has been festered and looks unrecognizable. At this time, she can't see it at all. Out of the arrogance of elves normally.

There was no blood coming out of the wound on Hakaxilu's arm, but an unknown thick slurry flowed out. lock up.

Hakka Xilu didn't care about her abnormality. She knew that when the battle was over, all the elves who killed the undead army would enter the Spring of Life in the royal city. , with the help of the things in it, to repair its damaged body.

This is the Spirit King's award to the immortal hero Eli. It is only a treatment for the undead army, but the premise of enjoying all this is to survive the battle.

Spring of Life can repair any injuries on the body, and even regenerate broken limbs, just like the Legendary mage of cream of the crop, which casts healing magic, but it cannot revive dead creatures.

Hakka Xilu only hopes that her own rescue can make as many of her original teammates survive as possible. Only in this way can they recover from their injuries through Spring of Life. The remedy made by the slaying the undead troops.

(end of this chapter)

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