
  Chapter 966 Deathmatch

Erathia's ban on the Colosseum and the slave-catchers did not The deathmatch could disappear, but the venue where the deathmatch took place was officially moved to Titania.

The gathering place of alien creatures will not be controlled by Erathia. Compared with those Knights, the animal trainers here and the original mage can talk too much.

Xenogeneic creatures have a different kind of enthusiasm for the deathmatch, even more fanatical than the human lords who are keen on this. In the bodies of these alien creatures, there is blood that is eager to fight, and the existence of deathmatch undoubtedly releases their nature.

As early as before the Colosseum was expelled by Erathia, in some remote areas of the continent, such as Titania at this time, the Colosseum developed extremely prosperously, and the gold coin harvested, although the Not as good as the Colosseum in Erathia, but the number of alien creatures who come to watch is far more than the nobles who are eligible to watch in Erathia.

After being expelled by Erathia, the Colosseum simply existed in Titania. Even so, every time a death battle happened, there were still many nobles of Erathia who came to watch, and more importantly. , bet on the player you think is most likely to win.

Rhodes wasn't much interested in the deathmatch in the Colosseum or in other activities while the audience was watching.

If it wasn't for the treasure Rhodes needed, right on the "first warrior" of the Colosseum, he wouldn't be here at all.

moved towards the Colosseum below and glanced at the Colosseum, Rhodes also had a general understanding of the situation at this time.

Outside the Colosseum, on the open space connected to it, various iron cages of different sizes were lying slanted aside at this time, and many of them were deeply immersed in the mud. to the existence of living creatures.

Noticing this situation, Rhodes turned his attention to the ongoing death battle.

According to Savina, when she left Moxinke, a mid-sized deathmatch was being prepared here.

In a death battle of this scale, there will be no ridiculously strong high-level creatures, and a werewolf who has many experience in death battles has a great possibility to get involved and win the final victory. .

Savina had no doubts that the werewolf would win. Rhodes could feel Savina's reverence for the werewolf who had won the battle of death. Killing can also arouse Savina's interest.

Rhodes, who understands how the Colosseum works, understands better than Savina what the title of "First Warrior" means.

When the name of the first warrior is known by more creatures, and every game, there are a large number of creatures betting gold coin on it, it is not far from death .

The scene in front of him also made Rhodes realize that the first warrior he was looking for was probably in the middle of this death battle.

Moving his gaze towards the bottom, after a short search, Rhodes fixed his gaze on a werewolf shaking a chain hammer.

The werewolf's huge physique made it difficult for Rhodes to pay attention to it. Among the few large creatures in the field, only this werewolf existed, which was in line with Rhodes' impression of becoming a werewolf.

"It's the 'First Warrior' Messer."

Also noticing the existence of the werewolf, Savina next to Rhodes took the initiative to say, confirming what Rhodes had in mind .

What makes Rhodes a little concerned is that along the way, Savina is very familiar with the existence of the Colosseum. A frequent visitor to the Colosseum.

Before Rhodes could answer Savina's words, another voice in his ear disrupted his thoughts.

"I don't know what the undead Lord Mage came to Moxinke to deal with?"

The arrival of Rhodes has already alarmed the creatures in the city. It had a very serious impact.

Some creatures felt panic in their hearts after they noticed the ghost dragon above the Colosseum. There were many weak spots in the battle, and a few creatures were not affected by the arrival of the ghost dragon at all, but seized it. The opportunity for the opponent to reveal the breaking the formation gives him a great advantage.

In Rhodes' line of sight, the werewolf below is undoubtedly the latter's existence, and its battle is not affected by the ghost dragon at all.

The one who fought against the werewolf was a larger ogre, perhaps because of the appearance of the ghost dragon, ogre was distracted a lot. The two iron balls with spikes hit ogre's chest, instantly causing several rows of extremely deep blood holes to appear on ogre's body.

For this result, the werewolf's heart was not satisfied. If it weren't for the ogre good luck in front of him, he would have reacted when the chain hammer approached, and the thorn ball should have hit its head. right.

"I'm the captain of the bodyguard, Bazel, and the animal trainer is already on his way. If you have nothing to deal with, please don't interfere with the deathmatch."


The words in his ears again made Rhodes look over.

Not far from the ghost dragon, a bipedal wyvern appeared in the sky. Standing behind the bipedal wyvern was a lizardmen with a long bow, who was also talking to Rhodes at this time. Object.

Moxinke's response was much slower than Rhodes expected. It wasn't until he found the first warrior in the Colosseum that the guards in the town responded and seemed to be able to come. In the sky, only the lizardmen riding the wyvern in front of me.

In Rhodes' impression, this kind of situation will hardly happen in Erathia. In the city-state of Erathia, there are special griffin guards to deal with this kind of situation.

Looking at the lizardmen who appeared in front of him, the tiny blue scales covered its face. At first glance, except for the difference in body size, Rhodes couldn't tell the difference between it and Savina. s difference.

The lizardmen's facial features could not be seen, but Rhodes was able to confirm its true state from its reactions.

The bipedal wyvern that this lizardmen rides is keenly aware of the presence of danger. When there is still a distance from the ghost dragon, it is reluctant to continue flying forward, and instead starts in the vicinity. circling.

Rhodes had no plans to talk to him. Seeing that he couldn't get any more information from the lizardmen, Rhodes raised his hand, and the cloud of death instantly took the lizardmen and the twins under his seat. Foot wyvern shrouded together.

Ignoring the lizardmen and the bipedal wyvern that fell below after being eroded by the cloud of death, Rhodes once again turned his attention to the werewolf below.

(end of this chapter)

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