
  Chapter 965 The Colosseum

There are very few creatures that, after winning a deathmatch, Back to the Colosseum again.

If you want to survive the deathmatch, your own strength is certainly a factor, but more importantly, it depends on your luck. The resulting probability will be greatly reduced.

Except for a few incomparably powerful, such as the existence of Beamon giant beast, relying solely on its own strength, it is no longer afraid of any creatures in the death battle to join forces, and only then can we truly grasp the opportunity of victory.

The process of deathmatch is extremely tragic. Even the final winner is often wounded in multiple places, accidentally left disabled, and even loses all combat capabilities.

Because of this, the overwhelming majority creatures, after surviving a death battle, lost the courage to participate again, and even recalled the scenes in the death battle, they would secretly feel lucky.

In this case, the creatures who survived the death battle by chance will lose even the courage to watch the death battle, let alone join the next death battle as a participant. in the fight.

In all living things, however, there are always exceptions.

At this time, Rhodes learned from Savina that the "first warrior" he was looking for had won many death battles as a werewolf.

The bloodthirsty nature of turning into a werewolf is fully stimulated in the death battle. Except for the death battle in the Colosseum, there is no more suitable killing occasion for turning into a werewolf.

For this werewolf, the existence of deathmatch is not something it fears, but instead it becomes the object it yearns for.

It is in this way that the "First Warrior" got his title and became a prominent existence in the Colosseum. According to Savina, the Colosseum even arranged a death fight on the night of the full moon in order to build momentum for the "first warrior".

"We're here."

Rhodes noticed the scene below before Savina's words could be heard.

The number of plants growing on the swamp has been decreasing since I do not know when. At this time, it is completely vacant. Instead, there are various buildings of different heights, and the style is obviously biased towards towers.

Gnolls and lizardmen are the most common creatures here. Moving towards the bottom, Rhodes can't even see many human beings. Since the chaos of Bracada, these alien creatures have become the real Sovereign here.

What appeared in front of Rhodes was a town sitting on a swamp. This was the Moshinko mentioned by Savina.

Returning to the town she left not long ago, Savina felt a little bit in her heart. The members of the slave-catching group that left with it had all died at this time, even Savina herself, at this time. Also became a subordinate of the undead mage.

The cold-blooded nature of the lizardmen made Savina accept the current situation very well. Since she could not get rid of the control of the undead mage by her own means, Savina could only try her best to satisfy him.

Under the guidance of Savina, Rhodes and his party continued to fly towards the city. Many creatures below obviously noticed the arrival of the ghost dragon, and a lot of confusion occurred for a while.

Rhodes looked at the internal structure of Moxinke, and ignored the ordinary creatures below, but continued to let the ghost dragon fly in the direction of the Colosseum.

Soon, this special building appeared in Rhodes' eyes. The Colosseum is so vast that it would be difficult for Rhodes to ignore it.

Rhodes took advantage of the opportunity in the sky to see the whole Colosseum.

The huge circular Colosseum, a large area in the middle, is the main stage of this Colosseum. At this time, there are already corpses everywhere, and blood-reeking qi rises into the sky with the energy of death , a fight to the death is going on.

At the edge of the Colosseum, there is a ring of stands that gradually rises from the inside to the outside. It is already crowded with various creatures, and the number is unknown to the number of creatures participating in the deathmatch. .

Rhodes recalled that there were many players in previous lives who were interested in Titania's Colosseum. Of course, these players are not interested in participating in the deathmatch as fighters, but betting on the creatures participating in the deathmatch to select the one they think is most likely to survive.

Because it is the last one among nearly a hundred or even hundreds of creatures, no matter what the rank of the creature participating in the death battle, there are amazing odds on the body, and it is rich after guessing the result. The harvest is enough to make any player excited.

Not only is this quiz method of the final winning creature in the death battle, it is more popular in the Colosseum, and there are many ways to guess the last dead creature and the number of kills by the winner.

The final profit brought to the Colosseum by the progress of a death battle is the gold coin that these creatures lose in the quiz. The amount of these gold coins is often far more than the ticket money they pay to watch the deathmatch.

In Rhodes' impression, this mode of operation of the Colosseum has strengthened the connection between it and the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, the most special organization in the eyes of players in previous lives.

The animal trainer alone cannot ensure the smooth progress of the Colosseum mode. The calculation of the odds alone is enough to stumped these animal trainers. Only the Freelance Chamber of Commerce Businessmen who are proficient in calculation will come up with this mode of operation.

Compared with the gold coin obtained by guessing in a deathmatch, providing a slave to participate in a deathmatch is nothing at all. This is what makes the deathmatch in the Colosseum enduring. reason.

Compared to the low-level slaves used to make up numbers, it is really difficult to find those high-level creatures with great strength.

Due to various reasons, the Colosseum could not be built in the most prosperous Erathia. If it was during the reign of the old king, as long as you donate enough gold coins to the nobles, there may still be a possibility, but in the Under the current management of Griffin Hart, this is absolutely impossible.

As a type of Business Group recognized by the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, the existence of slave gangs has been prohibited by Erathia's law. Once the traces of slave gangs are found in Erathia, they will immediately Arrested by the local lord.

It was the current Griffin Hart who made this decision. The lords in Erathia also use slaves, and even more than other regions need to buy slaves from the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, but they do not allow slave hunters to operate in the territory.

Because of this decision, there is a lot of trouble between the Freelance Chamber of Commerce and the current Griffin Hart. The lord who was loyal to the old king and the current Griffin Hart resisted, And the war that eventually led to it also had the support of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce behind it.

(end of this chapter)

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