
  Chapter 967 Capture

Badu only felt that he had faced the most difficult battle in his life, even if It is the former mage, and it cannot bring such oppression to it.

Ogre's slow speed can't keep up with the agile movements of the werewolf. Badu is always suppressed by the opponent in battle, not to mention the weapons in the hands of the werewolf, which makes Badu even more so. Hard to beat.

The battle has just started, and Badu has already been wounded in many places, the most serious position should be his left arm.

Under the violent attack of the werewolf, in order to block the attack of the chain hammer, Badu had to use his limbs to block.

The blood dripped down Badu's limbs, and the deep bone wound was exposed. By now, it has completely lost the ability to use the left arm, and even the pain has gradually disappeared. go with.

From the powerful strength displayed by the werewolf, Badu saw the ending of his own defeat. It seems that the arrival of death is only a matter of time.

But Badu didn't give up the idea at all. As early as the beginning of the death battle, it expected this situation.

The pain from the wound made ogre calmer at this time, and it was looking for an opportunity to win.

ogre is not weaker than human wisdom, so Badu has a good estimate of his own strength. Badu knows that even if he uses his last cards now, it will be difficult to fight against peak state. of werewolves posed a threat.

In order to find an opportunity to counterattack, Badu can only resist while slowly leaning towards the center of the death battle arena, hoping to involve other powerful creatures in the battle, so as to make the situation worse. Get confused.

It's just that the other creatures around may have seen through Badu's thoughts, or maybe they were unwilling to face the werewolf who was in full swing, so they moved away before Badu approached. shape.

Baddu noticed that when he approached, the wyvern and the bull who were fighting, actually avoided the battle and stopped, giving up the most central field to himself and the werewolf.

This discovery made Bardu swear in the heart, even alien creatures know that they need to retain their strength in the death battle and avoid excessive consumption of stamina before the finals. The werewolf in front of him seemed to ignore this at all, and made all-out efforts to kill himself.

With the acid spitting out from the wyvern on his feet, Badu didn't care about his discomfort at all. All his attention was focused on finding a chance to survive.

Being too distracted to pay attention to the things around him, Badu was in a daze. He was hit by a chain hammer on his chest, and the blood could not stop flowing, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken. , Badu only felt that he was suffocated for a while, and his mind was faintly dizzy, as if his life would be explained here.

The loud sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from not far from Badu, and even caused the entire deathmatch platform to tremble for a while, but at this time, Badu had no time to distract attention. These.

The expected attack did not come. Just as Badu was puzzled, he noticed that the werewolf had stopped attacking for some reason, and instead looked at the sky with a wary expression.

In the sky, a huge creature made of white bones appeared at some point in the sky, and behind this creature, a human dressed in black robe and a lizard warrior were watching the below. everything.

Baddu once heard an old ogre mention this flying creature made of white bones. According to the name of the Brakada mage, it should be called a ghost dragon, and its strength is far from ordinary creatures. able to compete.

"I need your body, that treasure that increases resistance."

Under Badu's gaze, the male human on the ghost dragon's body said, and the voice resounded throughout the entire body. Deathmatch platform, obviously after the role of spell.

In the death battle arena, many creatures became flustered because of the sound of heart startled that suddenly exploded in their ears.

Human's words did not specify the object of conversation. It seemed that all creatures in the death battle field could become the target of his communication, but with his own wisdom, Badu immediately realized that in front of him. What this human was looking for was the werewolf who was fighting with him.

In the face of sudden changes, good fighting qualities made the werewolf not panic, but stood in place, the rage in the previous battle was completely disappeared, and his eyes were calm and turned rapidly The chain hammer in his hand seemed to confront the ghost dragon in the sky.

However, next moment, turning into a werewolf paid the price for his own ideas.

The black fog gathered around the werewolf and drowned it in an instant, without any sound coming out during the process.

When the black fog dissipated, revealing the scene in it, Badu was shocked.

Baddu's eyes are extremely powerful, and even if he uses all means, he can't deal with the werewolf. At this time, he has fallen to the ground, and it seems that he has been dead for a long time.

The original huge body of the werewolf had already been disappeared at this time, and was replaced by a normal human-sized body, which was dilapidated, full of corrosion marks, and even smoking white smoke.

The bone-shaped ghost dragon approached the ground, and Badu hurriedly retreated, fearing that he would end up the same as the werewolf.

The sturdy lizard warrior jumped off the ghost dragon, ignoring Badu beside him.

The lizard warrior came to the corpse of the werewolf, turned it face up, cut open the already broken corpse with a dagger, took out an object from the front chest, and then climbed the ghost dragon again.

Without any stop, after doing all this, the ghost dragon immediately rose into the sky and moved towards one direction away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Badu still felt incredible in his heart.

For a while, Badu thought a lot about this man's actions.

Ogre's wisdom can't make it understand clearly, whether the origin of the black robed man is as he said, just to become a treasure on the werewolf, it only knows, The most difficult enemy in this death battle, the existence that turned into a werewolf, has already died at the hands of this man.

Just as Badu was in doubt, a sense of crisis struck, and Badu hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it.

The bull's sturdy body brushed past Badu's body, and the huge bipedal wyvern on the side blocked Badu's back road.

Badu realized that at this time, he had become the target of these two powerful creatures, just as he would kill the weaker creatures first in a death battle. In his eyes, the severely injured self at this time is undoubtedly the best existence to deal with.

At Badu's feet, the corroded body of the werewolf fell to the side. Although it did not die at the hands of the creatures participating in the death battle, it still reminded Badu of the fate of the loser.

As if noticing something, Badu leaned over and picked up the chain hammer it was holding from the corpse of the werewolf. The chain hammer was a little heavy, but Badu quickly got used to it.

The weapon made him feel at ease. A dazzling red light flashed from Badu's body. Badu only felt that his blood would disappear with the appearance of the red light. It boiled, and it brought back a lot of his state.

Casting the only spell that he has mastered, bloodthirsty thaumaturgy, although Badu still suffers from the pain, the full sense of power in his body makes it seem to return to the Peak state.

Baddu is still not sure whether he can survive to the end in the death battle. It is extremely rare for a miracle like the previous one to happen once, but if he waits like this, there must be only the ending of death.

Without any rules, just relying on his own strength, Badu waved the chain hammer in his hand, and rushed towards the bull.

(end of this chapter)

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