
  Chapter 941 Refinement II

In contrast to the caveman's undeveloped eye structure, in order to In order to condense the essence of the biological material into shape, Rhodes must also add another substance, that is, the fully formed ocular tissue of the evil eye.

In Rhodes' impression, when these two biological materials are combined and used for the refining of potions, they will often produce very special effects. It is also possible to obtain the essence of the material that is completely condensed.

As the body corresponding to this material, the evil eye is also a common creature in the ground. They do not have the torso part of the body that usually constitutes the body. All organs exist on a sphere, including A huge eyeball for vision and a mouth full of fangs for feeding.

apart from this , a large number of strong tentacles will spread out on the surface of the sphere to support the evil eye to walk upright, roll up the things around them, and even in battle, it can also be used as a weapon , attack the enemy directly.

The most special part of a creature like the evil eye is naturally their huge one-eyed.

Different from the completely undeveloped eye tissue of the cave people, the eye tissue of the evil eye can be said to be the most well-developed organ in their entire body. , the ocular tissue of the evil eye undergoes unimaginable changes.

Relying on this one-eyed existence, the evil eye has mastered the most unique means of attack. They can directly stare at themselves and shoot light from their eyes to attack distant enemies.

This kind of long-range attack has greatly improved the position of the evil eye in the Underground World. Even the underground lords in the magic world will recruit a large number of evil eyes to fight for themselves. What the lord valued was the long-range attack method possessed by the Evil Eye.

Rhodes recalled that according to the research of previous players, the unique creatures of the evil eye, their origin, should have a great relationship with the hell creatures in the deepest part of the Underground World.

Even in the third expansion, at the junction of the underground magic world and hell, there are still endless evil eyes. Some powerful evil eyes can even be like hell demons. Gained immunity to Fire Element magic and bathed directly in the scalding lava.

In the secluded passages of the Underground World, as long as there is bright light, be careful of the existence of the evil eye. Compared with those cave people who have no eye structure, the evil eye that can see things has a very natural habit. The big difference is that the evil eye likes to hide at the junction of light and darkness, attacking all creatures that pass by.

When the evil eye's rank is raised to a certain level, they can also be promoted and become more powerful poisonous eyes. While the basic attribute is improved, tentacles with eyeballs will also grow. and emit light in battle.

Few conventional creatures can outperform a creature with specialized body structures such as the evil eye in the development of eye structures.

The emission of light by the evil eye is like the mobilization of magic elements by elemental creatures, and it is not limited by mana. It can be said that the evil eye completely integrates the display of spell into its own body. Among the structures, very few creatures can do this.

Similarly, Medusa in the Underground World can also use sight to cast spells. Unlike the light emitted by the evil eye, Medusa can directly petrify the enemy by relying on its own sight. It is a very special ability.

Perhaps because the body still maintains the form of a regular creature, even if it can also cast spells through sight, compared to the evil eye, Medusa's eye structure is still worse, used for potion refining, Only results related to petrochemicals can be obtained.

In order to study this unique creature, the evil eye has also been treated by sorcerers in Underground World.

Relying on the various means of sorcery, the sorcerer has a very deep understanding of the creature of the evil eye, especially the eye tissue with which the evil eye is extremely developed. extremely clear.

In the eyes of sorcerers, the incomparably developed eye tissue of the evil eye is undoubtedly an excellent biological material, which can be used in many sorcery ceremony.

By fusing the existence of ceremony, the sorcerer can use this material to create many creatures with unique shapes and the characteristics of the evil eye. At the same time, the sorcerer can also apply this material to In potions.

In Underground World, biological material is an extremely important part, even more important than some ceremony. In the hands of sorcerers, biological materials can often play a very unique role.

Some sorcerers have found that adding the eye tissue of the evil eye and the undeveloped eye tissue of the cavemen into the refining of potions at the same time will produce a magical effect. It is to condense the essence of other refining materials, and the effect is even better than traditional potion refining.

The special effects between these two unique biological materials are considered a common combination of witchcraft when performing Potion Refining. All kinds of materials need to be extracted from other biological materials. Part of Potion Refining can add these two special substances to achieve better refining effect.

Because of this, in Rhodes' view, in order to complete the treatment of the giant beast heart, if the conventional magician refining methods are used, these special refining materials are their own. It is necessary, lack of any of them, the final refining potion, the effect may be greatly reduced.

In the process of refining potions, the collection of biological materials is often more difficult than the collection of ordinary materials.

Completely different from the underground world of witchcraft, the surface world has almost no location and will directly sell biological materials composed of bodies. Even the Freelance Chamber of Commerce will not sell such items.

In Underground World, members of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce will directly sell biological materials from different races in order to meet the requirements of the sorcerer.

These biological materials cover almost all the creatures in the surface world, and the price is also high. Some rare biological materials are not affordable for ordinary magicians.

If Rhodes is in the underground world, if Rhodes wants to use these biological materials to refine potions, he only needs to come to the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the large Underground City and purchase these materials from it. .

These biological materials required by Rhodes are not unpopular materials in the potions science that the sorcerers are good at. On the contrary, they are used by a large number of sorcerers. It is undoubtedly very convenient to acquire them in the underground world. .

(end of this chapter)

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