
  Chapter 940 Refinement One

After teleporting to this quiet room, Els Looking around, he noticed that the quality of the refining materials placed around was not very good.

In Els's opinion, the perfect potion refined with these materials is naturally not as good as the combination of Peak materials, so he asked Rhodes: "You still lack the refining materials. Is it?"

Before coming here, Els also collected a lot of materials for Potion Refining in order to complete the refining of potions, so as to avoid the shortage of refining materials, see Rhodes at this time Planning to start refining, I couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

Understanding what Els meant, Rhodes replied: "No need. Although the quality of these materials is not high at the moment, the properties are familiar to me. Those high-quality materials are not easy to compare with the core. Hearing this explanation given by Rhodes, Els no longer insists, he understands that each mage has its own unique characteristics when refining potions. Habit.

Perhaps for some mages, no matter what kind of potions are refined, they must be matched with the highest quality materials before they can start refining with confidence, but for some mages, they can use familiar low-level potions. Materials, refining potions of not low quality, and Mage's own choice regarding the refining method of potions.

The previous Els also learned about Potion Refining from mage, who is good at potions. As far as he knew, the potions in Brakada would not directly use the material of the heart of Beamon giant beast for refining, but the taboo in Brakada involved this.

After learning about Rhodes' choice, Els didn't say much. He wanted to see how Rhodes would carry out Potion Refining.

Seeing that Rhodes was planning to refine the potion here, Noth, who was on the side, naturally wouldn't just wait like this. As early as when Els appeared, Noth took action first and put the crucible in the cauldron. The residual liquid was replaced and the inside of the crucible was cleaned.

These liquids in the crucible are the bottom liquid left over from North's previous refining of the manipulative spiritual potion. If it is used to refine the same kind of potion, these bottom liquids can play an excellent role. The effect helps to reconcile different types of materials, but for the refining of other types of potions, these bottom liquids are no longer suitable.

For this reason, before Rhodes officially starts refining the potion, North needs to replace the bottom liquid and clean the crucible itself to prevent the remaining bottom liquid from affecting the next potion refining.

After finishing everything, relying on the Water Element magic, soon, the crucible was filled with pure water transformed from the Water Element. At this time, North took out a huge Iron spoon, and ignited the flame under the set up crucible, which is the preparation before refining.

The ignited flames brought bursts of heat into the quiet room, and the flames licked the bottom of the crucible, causing the liquid in it to heat up.

North looked at Rhodes, who was standing aside. It stands to reason that at this stage, a potion refiner would need to use fire thaumaturgy to control the temperature required for refining potions. In this way, different kinds of materials can be better combined. To North's surprise, Rhodes does not seem to have this plan.

At this point, Rhodes' attention was not on the control of the refining environment, but on the processing of refining materials.

Different from Bracada potions, Rhodes wanted to use the heart of Beamon giant beast as the main material to refine potions. Go to Potions in the Hex world.

The magician, which the magician is good at, focuses more on the processing of biological materials when refining magic medicine. On the contrary, herbal medicine can only play the role of reconciliation.

In the underground world where magicians exist, potions are an important means for them to improve their strength, and their importance can even be compared with fusion ceremony. In the game of the previous life, Rhodes also went to the Hexer world in the third expansion piece to learn all this.

In order to complete the refining of the potion, the first thing Rhodes needs is to deal with the heart of the giant beast. This step is the top priority in the entire refining process.

According to the refining method that Rhodes has mastered, the first thing Rhodes needs is to extract the essence from the heart of the giant beast of Beamon. reconcile.

The step of extracting the essence is also the most difficult point in the whole process of refining the potion. If Rhodes does not do any processing, or the processing is not in place, the heart of Beamon giant beast will be placed. Putting it into a crucible is no different from boiling it directly.

Rhodes recalled that if he purely followed the refining method of the sorcerer, the first thing he needed to do was to use the refining materials similar to the heart of the giant beast of Beamon to draw out the essence of the heart.

Among the many refining materials, the heart of a werewolf is undoubtedly the best choice. The werewolf has an extremely powerful life force, and the heart is extremely strong. Although it cannot be compared with the giant beast of Beamon, However, since the rank of the werewolf is generally low, it is a more suitable choice. If you choose the heart of the Minotaur, you should worry about the deviation of the main material.

During the process of extracting the essence of the heart, Rhodes needs to add the tongue of the lizardmen to complete the blockade of the essence in order to prevent the essence of refining from running away.

In the end, in order to condense the essence into shape and directly add it to the refining of potions, it is necessary to add both the eye tissue of the caveman and the eye tissue of the evil eye to achieve this.

The cavemen are common inhabitants of the Underground World in which the Hexcaster resides, even before the Hexaman established the Underground World.

Affected by the dark environment of the ground, in the long-term evolution process, the cave people gave up their own eye structure. Living creatures can be their food.

Although the cavemen do not have exposed formed eyes, after the test of the sorcerer, they can actually find undeveloped eyes in the position of the cavemen corresponding to the eyes of ordinary people, under their epidermis structure.

Perhaps countless years ago, these cave people also lived in the sun, which is why they have eye structures, but for some reason, they end up underground.

This undeveloped eye structure is what Rhodes needs when refining the potion.

Perhaps for other creatures, it is extremely difficult to obtain this kind of eye structure from the body of the caveman, but for the sorcerer who is well versed in this way, it is not a big deal. What trouble.

(end of this chapter)

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