
  Chapter 942 Choice

It's just that when the environment changes, Rhodes from the ground where the witches gather world, when you come to the surface world where regular creatures exist, the situation is not so simple.

Due to the difference in the overall environment, the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the surface world will never sell the biological materials that the sorcerers need in large quantities. will not spend a lot of energy on the collection of biological materials.

Some of the Business Groups in Dia also have the task of collecting biological corpses for the undead mage, but they will never collect the most essence of each creature's body for various purposes like the magic world. Hex ceremony.

In this case, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult for Rhodes to collect the required biorefinery materials. Using the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the surface world as a channel may not work. Materials, Rhodes can only think of other ways.

These biological materials needed by Rhodes, the heart of the werewolf and the tongue of the lizardmen, can be obtained in Titania, the habitat of these creatures.

Like Krulod, Titania is also an area enslaved by the Mage Empire Bracada. With the progress of the first expansion, the creatures in it also joined the mage In the revenge, many of the heroes, under the same treatment of Tanan, also obtained the forbidden magic ball fragments to overthrow the rule of Mage.

Due to the distance from Titania, Rhodes doesn't know the specifics of this area, but with the end of the first expansion, the situation in this area is not very good.

According to the information Rhodes knows, in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce near the Titania area, there are likely to be slaves of these two creatures for sale. By purchasing slaves, you can obtain these two unique of biological materials, it is not difficult for Rhodes.

What made Rhodes most difficult was the collection of two other materials.

The other two materials, whether it's the caveman or the eye structure of the evil eye, all come from the creatures in the underground world, even if Rhodes wants to collect them by his own power, except to actually enter the underground Outside of the world, there is no good way.

At this time, Rhodes has no plans to enter the underground world, and the Business Group in the underground world is impossible to transport biological materials to the surface world where there is no magician. Rhodes wants to collect it smoothly. These two refining materials, I don't know when to wait.

The unique environment of the surface world undoubtedly restricts Rhodes from performing Potion Refining. Without enough biological materials to match, Rhodes is best at black magic refining.

Like a conventional mage, when refining potions, it needs a variety of materials with different properties to match, and the magician also needs to use biological materials to achieve this.

According to Rhodes' expectation, if you insist on collecting these materials, unless you have a certain level of good luck, you will not be able to collect these materials within a month, and even delay yourself and those Meeting with Lich.

For this reason, when it is difficult to collect all these materials, Rhodes no longer deliberately pursues the method he is familiar with, but chooses another method, using a method completely different from the traditional witchcraft ceremony. method of refining.

This unique refining method, even for Rhodes in the previous life, may be difficult to achieve. At this time, Rhodes, with the blessing of his various abilities, can surpass the refining in his previous life. means of control.

Coming to the crucible set up, Rhodes took out a cloth bag from the space ring, and after opening it, the things contained in it also appeared in the eyes of the surrounding creatures.

What exists in the cloth bag is a huge red heart that is constantly beating. Els on the side immediately recognizes that this is the heart of Beamon giant beast that he gave to Rhodes. .

With the appearance of this thing, a blood energy also began to surge in the quiet room, until it completely covered the original medicinal smell in the quiet room.

What is contained in the heart is the strong life force that supports the actions of Beamon's giant beast body. Even after so long, the life force in it has not failed.

This point may be related to the complete Independent Space in the space ring, but more depends on its own nature.

Rhodes knows that even in the world of sorcery, the heart of the giant beast in front of him is considered to be the most Peak biological material, precisely because of its very high-quality , can be used as the main material of the perfect potion.

Other creatures in the field may only feel the life force contained in this heart, but Rhodes has a deeper perception of it.

Relying on the existence of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes could feel countless subtle death energy emanating from the heart in front of him, but he was instantly submerged by the surrounding life force, even the death energy. By itself, it cannot be maintained under the action of this life force.

It's just that, because it has already left the giant beast's body, the heart in front of me is not the most complete form after all. Although the death energy emanating from it is extremely small, it really exists. .

If other undead mages come to perceive, without the ultimate perception ability of death energy, maybe they can't perceive the traces of death energy from the heart in front of them. Even Rhodes achieved this with the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

What Rhodes intends to do with this heart is precisely the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

After obtaining the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes noticed that his ability to manufacture undead creatures has been greatly improved. Even if he is only faced with a pile of scattered bones, Rhodes can also deal with it. to be processed.

With this ability, Rhodes was able to deal with the heart in front of him. This treatment of Rhodes is not for the purpose of creating undead creatures, but relying on the control of death energy, through the erosion of death energy, to force out the core life force in the heart, which is no better than the methods of the sorcerer. Difference.

This unique treatment can only be achieved by Rhodes and replaced with another undead mage. Once the control of death energy is not in place, this biological material will be easily destroyed, making it Completely eroded by the energy of death, as if it were placed in the cloud of death, the entire refining eventually failed.

Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique brings, in addition to the meticulous perception of death energy, but also has a variety of unique control methods, Rhodes can use death energy to deal with the heart, it is with the help of A variety of means provided by Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

(end of this chapter)

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