
  Chapter 939 Will

Looking at North in front of him, Rhodes understood that even with martial power Limiting it to the city, the final effect may not be as good as I thought.

The existence of the hero's will often has incredible effects. In the process of practicing the hero's will, the hero can perform actions far beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Rhodes believes that once North becomes a true hero with this will, he will immediately escape from the city. The hero specialties mastered by St.

This situation is undoubtedly something that Rhodes does not want to see. Even if the refining method of this potion can be obtained from the hands of North, the potion refined by other mages has obvious effects. Not as good as North's own refining, even more how Rhodes doesn't have much spare time to recruit other undead mage who are good at Potion Refining.

North's obsession with becoming an undead mage was obviously beyond Rhodes' expectations.

Rhodes wanted to tell him that when he mastered the Soul Evocation Technique, in terms of category, he already belonged to the undead mage of the cemetery department, even if he thought he had mastered the mage of the undead spell, other The creatures will not admit it, and the mage of Bracada will not admit it.

However, Rhodes also knows that his own this remark language may not play any role for North. He wants to be a real undead mage, not just because of the Soul Evocation Technique. Because of this, it was judged to be an undead mage.

What makes Rhodes a little concerned is whether North really understands what it means to be a true undead mage.

As far as Rhodes knows, Brakada's mage, even if he learns the Soul Evocation Technique for some reason and finally comes to Dia, is difficult to adapt to the various environments in Dia, and even because of A careless, dying at the hands of other undead mages lower in rank than them.

Different from the mage in Bracada, who are good at theory and spell research, Dia's undead mage almost all grew up in battles, and the existence of the undead spell Academy further catalyzed With this process, the general mage may be difficult to adapt to it.

Of course, there are also exceptions to this, such as the Sandro that Rhodes had seen before.

It is also the undead mage from Bracada. If it wasn't for the appearance of Rhodes, perhaps by now, Sandro has completed the integration of the Dia forces, became the leader of all undead mage, and launched a A battle sweeping the continent.

Looking at North in front of him, Rhodes didn't think that he had the will of Sandro, even if at this time North already had the obsession that was almost like a hero's will, but Rhodes saw that he had the will of Sandro. Come on, this is more of North's own wishful thinking.

Having never personally experienced the internal environment of Dia, but only heard about it from other undead mage, everything in Dia is unfamiliar to North.

In this case, North may think that after coming to Dia, he can act like a real undead mage, but he still seems extremely concerned about what constitutes a real undead mage. Vague.

For this point, the emergence of the hero's will also cannot change it, only North himself can come up with the answer.

From North's words, seeing that he had already expressed his attitude, Rhodes did not persuade him much.

Reaching out and taking the scroll that North took out, Rhodes took the initiative to change the subject, instead of putting the object of discussion on his promise, he said: "I will perform the perfect magic here. You can watch the refining of the medicine."

During the time Rhodes was talking with North, Rowlin had already teleported and left.

Seeing Rhodes observing the environment of this quiet room, Rowlin immediately understood his thoughts and knew that he planned to refine the potion here, so he teleported one step ahead of time and returned to the original giant. In the quiet room, notify Els in the middle.

In the process of entrusting Potion Refining, both the material provider and the refiner are often required to be present at the same time, so as to ensure that there will be no problems in the final potion distribution.

For this reason, before Rhodes can refine the perfect potion, Rowlin needs to go back to the original huge quiet room and inform Els to come here.

The existence of teleportation undoubtedly leaves a journey for Rowlin to travel. In addition, this place is relatively close to the huge quiet room. With only one teleportation, Rowlin can come to the place where Els is. Location.

Soon, with the emergence of two mana fluctuations, the silhouettes of Rowlin and Els appeared in the quiet room one after another.

Noticing the presence of Els, Rhodes also found something from him.

In Rhodes' opinion, Els should have never been to the quiet room where North was before, so he was not sure of the specific orientation of this quiet room.

In this case, it should be difficult for Els to rely on the existence of teleportation to come directly into the quiet room.

Although the spell of teleportation is extremely powerful, it still has its own limitations. If it does not cooperate with the spell of exploration, it will be difficult for Mage to pass this spell and come to an area that is completely unknown to him, let alone Said that, like Els, he appeared exactly in the quiet room.

Rhodes realized that the reason why Els was able to come to the quiet room directly by teleportation was mostly based on his own spell knowledge, along with the space fluctuation left by Rowlin, and speculated that the moment The drop point of the move, this can directly appear here.

In order to correctly judge the location of the teleportation, Els needs to make his own judgment after Rowlin leaves first. , came to this quiet room.

Rhodes, who was a high-level mage in his previous life, has a very deep research on the various skills that mage should have when performing teleportation.

Rhodes also has this ability. Based on the residual space fluctuation, he can infer the direction of the spell of this type of space, so he can make judgments on Els's behavior and confirm what he is passing through. Way to come to this quiet room.

According to Rhodes' expectation, the ability to track space fluctuations in Bracada can only be mastered by true high-level mage, even many high-level mage. Must be able to master this unique way, a very unique spell knowledge.

Rhodes was not surprised that Els was able to master this ability, but when Els appeared directly after that, Rhodes was a little wary.

After seeing Els's arrival, Rhodes gave him a very simple gesture, and was ready to start refining the potion.

(end of this chapter)

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