
  Chapter 938 Commitments

Unlike North's concerns, this Behavior, Rhodes doesn't have too many thoughts, and will not punish him for this.

In Rhodes' view, being able to learn various skills from other mages, including the refining method of potions, by relying on the eagle eye technique and his own innate talent, is a part of his strength. There is no need to deliberately prohibit this behavior.

Noth was able to completely memorize the materials he used to make the perfect potion through a brief observation in the potion competition, which in itself is his powerful innate talent.

Rhodes recalled that in the Brakada in his previous life, there was a hero who used the eagle eye technique as his innate talent. No matter what spell, as long as the hero was cast in front of him, the hero could Master it in a very short period of time, even on a fifth-order spell.

With this extremely powerful innate talent, this mage hero has shocked many Legendary mages in Brakada. What happened to him is far beyond what common sense can measure. Any Legendary mage has this innate talent.

In Rhodes' impression, the mage later joined the Magic Guild and eventually became Peak's Legendary mage.

Compared to North's behavior of stealing and refining potions, such mage heroes are what Rhodes is afraid of. If North can go to the magician world, he may find that he is currently The refining method mastered may be nothing compared to those real Potion Masters.

After checking the surrounding refining materials, Rhodes in the heart summed it up, then moved towards North and asked, "Do you have any other refining materials?"


From Rhodes' words, North also faintly sensed what he meant, and without any hesitation, he took out other refining materials from the space ring.

With North's movements, a large amount of herbs soon filled the long table in front of him.

Because the space ring is a relatively independent space, these herbs are extremely well preserved. The appearance of the herbs dilutes the original irritating smell in the quiet room.

Along with the herbs, there is a unique scroll.

From this scroll, Rhodes did not feel any traces of the magic element fluctuations. Obviously, what was recorded in it was not a shaped spell that could be released by tearing it apart, but other contents.

Noth held this unique scroll in his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, he handed it to Rhodes as if he had made up his mind, and said at the same time:

"The scroll What is recorded is that I improved the refining method of manipulating the spirit attribute potion after I improved it. As long as the above steps are followed, even an apprentice of potions can refine this potion."

North's words undoubtedly made Rhodes realize something, and with the peeping eye, Rhodes also understood North's thoughts.

Noth's willingness to hand over the refining method of this potion has undoubtedly explained an important point to Rhodes, that is, he has no intention of staying in Sao City.

Through this period of observation, North also probably realized that his own value to Rhodes is reflected in this potion that can enhance and manipulate the spirit attribute. Apart from this, he is just a Undead mage can be seen everywhere.

Because of this, North understands that if he wants to leave the city, the first thing he has to do is to hand over the refining method of this potion, otherwise it is impossible to do it anyway. a little.

Every time North walked out of the quiet room and wandered in the city, he could feel a lot of eyes staring at him. Among them, North was most impressed by being a native vampire, no matter where he went. Wherever you go, you can see the silhouette of this vampire when looking all around.

This discovery undoubtedly made North realize that his various actions in the city were monitored by the forces in the city, with the purpose of preventing him from escaping from the city.

Although he discovered this, North also seemed helpless, relying on his own strength, he couldn't even deal with the native vampire, let alone the other creatures in the city.

Noth knew that if he wanted to leave the city, he could only find a way from the real lord of this place, Rhodes.

At this time, North chose to hand over the refining method of the potion to Rhodes, no doubt to achieve this.

Rhodes waved his hand, but did not take the scroll in North's hand.

Rhodes did not forget that he had agreed to North's conditions. Seeing that North still did not change his original idea, Rhodes took the initiative to ask: "Do you still want to go to Dia?"

"Yes." North's expression was firm, and his expression did not change even when he realized the meaning of Rhodes' words.

“The environment in the city is the same as the general undead city in Dia. If you want to learn the undead spell, I can also arrange for someone to teach it, and the effect is even better than the undead spell Academy.”


Rhodes' words came in his ears, but North shook the head.

"Why do you insist on going to Dia? Dia's internal environment is harsh and not suitable for a mage like yours."

Seemingly recalling something, North sighed and explained: " Ever since I mastered the Soul Evocation Technique and went through many things in Bracada, I have always had the idea of ​​becoming a true undead mage."

"Before I came here, I I also thought about this problem. The city does provide me with a very relaxed environment, but it is not what I want."

"If you just study the undead spell, the environment in the city is good, but it is not the same as it used to be. What is the difference in the environment in Bracada? I still only master the mage of the Soul Evocation Technique, can't be called the real mage of the undead."

This remark of North , also let Rhodes understand his until now idea.

Perhaps these past experiences made North have a deep obsession with becoming a real undead mage. In Rhodes' perception, this obsession has been deeply hidden in North's will. Among them, there is even the possibility of becoming a heroic will.

Once the hero's will is fully condensed, the hero's identity is awakened, and the unique hero's specialties and growth potential can be obtained.

The will he felt from North also allowed Rhodes to understand his thoughts. Words alone could no longer affect this will.

Unable to use language to affect North, Rhodes knows that he can use his strength to suppress North and let him refine magic medicine for himself, but after all, it will not last long. count.

Rhodes realized that North, who has such a will, will eventually be affected by the will itself. Even if he restricts it to the city, he will try his best to escape from the city.

(end of this chapter)

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