
  Chapter 935 North's Achievements

As North watched, Rhodes walked straight towards him .

He ignored the other creatures around him, didn't even glance in other directions, and even the centaur leader who came here, Rhodes didn't even pay attention. Soon Rhodes was at North's side, and Rowlin followed behind Rhodes.

Looking at North in front of him, Rhodes seemed to want to say something, but noticing the other creatures around him who were constantly observing him, he couldn't help but frowned and said simply: "This is not the place to talk."

Rhodes noticed that there were many undead mage around, with a large number of undead creatures beside them, and it was the existence of these undead creatures that made the streets of the city crowded.

The appearance of a large number of undead creatures undoubtedly means that the centaur leader did not restrict the undead creatures in the city during the original management process, but allowed the undead creatures to enter the city.

Rhodes recalled that when he was in Dia, the undead cities he visited had great restrictions on undead creatures. Many undead cities even prohibited low-level undead creatures from entering the city. This move has undoubtedly greatly reduced the conflicts that may break out in the city. Without the existence of undead creatures, the strength of the undead mage will be greatly reduced.

Looking at the large number of low-level undead creatures around, Rhodes only hoped that Aaron would notice this and deal with it effectively in time.

Through the existence of the spiritual imprint, after issuing his own orders to the centaur leader, the centaur leader soon commanded his subordinates to open up a passage on the crowded street. the way.

Noticing this move of the centaur leader, North also understood what Rhodes meant, so he stopped waiting, took the initiative to walk in front of Rhodes, and walked out along the passage.

Seeing that Rhodes didn't plan to say much, but chose to leave directly, some undead mage with certain ideas wanted to continue to follow behind to find more information, but was met with The centaur leader's block.

Under North's leadership, it didn't take long before Rhodes and his party came to the area where North was refining potions.

Rhodes noticed that this location is relatively close to the quiet room area in the city, also underground, and not too far from each other, even the material of the all around walls, It is also exactly the same as the original quiet room.

The only difference is that the potion refining area is completely independent, unlike the original quiet room, which is almost next to each other. Any mage in need can use it. use.

After entering this area, the first thing Rhodes felt was the bitter taste of herbs, even reaching a pungent level. Rowlin on the side, after entering this area, He had to cover his mouth and nose with his hands.

In Rhodes' view, the bitter taste was strong, but it was not unbearable. Otherwise, Rowlin's actions should be to use spell to disperse the smell, or to make himself Hold the breath, not just isolate it slightly with your hands.

What bothered Rhodes was that although the smell was bitter, after inhaling it, he could clearly feel his spirits refreshed, and even his concentration seemed to be more concentrated.

Rhodes understands from past experience that the appearance of this special aura also means that the refining of the potion is completed.

Recalling that before he left Verning, he had given orders to the centaur leader to make it meet all the requirements of North in refining potions. Rhodes was very interested in knowing that this paragraph of North. What is the outcome of time.

After coming to this area, seeing Rhodes looking at him, North no longer waited, and turned to take out a thing from the space ring and give it to Rhodes.

Rhodes took it, and what Noth handed over to him was a packaged potion.


[Unnamed Refined Potions]

Type: Potions

Completion: 77

Requirements for use: spirit attribute 30 or above

Basic attribute: After drinking, control spirit +4

Special attribute: You can drink the same potion repeatedly, but you can drink it multiple times The effect is halved.


By checking the system log, Rhodes also learned the effect of the potion in front of him.

As expected by Rhodes, by relying on his innate talent in potions, North has refined a potion that can enhance the spirit attribute and can be drunk repeatedly.

Feeling the potion's effects, Rhodes clenched it tighter. Relying on the existence of this potion, Rhodes can solve the problem of insufficient manipulation of spirit attributes.

Until now, the insufficiency of manipulating the spirit attribute greatly limits the development of Rhodes' strength. Due to the lack of this attribute, Rhodes has difficulty controlling powerful undead creatures through spiritual imprint.

Although with the existence of Divine Item, Rhodes can greatly slow down the control spirit required to control the Witch King by relying on the special effect of Ghost King's cloak, but with the increase in the number of undead creatures, Rhodes The spirit attribute will still face the situation of insufficient use.

For Rhodes, the greatest convenience of this potion is undoubtedly saving a lot of time for deep meditation.

As the second expansion draws nearer, Rhodes needs to use this last time to make adequate preparations, leaving less and less time for himself, let alone several days at a time, before he can. A little fruitful deep meditation.

Without deep meditation, Rhodes has no other way to improve the control of the spirit. The attribute points obtained by upgrading alone cannot satisfy the spirit attribute that high-level undead creatures occupy dozens of points. This problem still cannot be solved. .

At this time, with the additional control spirit provided by the potion, the problems plaguing Rhodes were undoubtedly alleviated. At this time, the only thing Rhodes needed to care about was the number of potions in North's hands.

If there is a sufficient amount of potions, it will raise the spirit of manipulation to a very high level. For Rhodes, who has the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique at this time, it is undoubtedly the biggest improvement for himself.

Relying on the existence of Divine Item, Rhodes can control a large number of corpse witch kings, but for conventional high-level undead creatures, Rhodes can only control it in the most traditional way.

Not to mention that the Ghost King cloak also has a unique active effect. At this time, Rhodes who control the lack of energy will not even try to display this effect.

From Rhodes' reaction, North also saw that he was very satisfied with this type of potion, so he took out several other bottles of the same type of potion from the space ring and put them in the in front of Rhodes.

Rhodes noticed that, in addition to the bottle of potion that he handed over to him first, North took out a total of three potions in the subsequent process.

There are four potions in total, which are all the potions that Noth refined during Rhodes' return to Dia.

(end of this chapter)

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