
  Chapter 936 Environment

Looking at the four bottles of potions taken out by North, potions The effect of the system has been judged, and it has reached the standard required by Rhodes, which can improve Rhodes' control spirit attribute. The only thing that makes Rhodes a little regretful is naturally the number of these potions.

According to Rhodes' expectation, a long period of time has passed since he returned to Dia, but in such a long period of time, North only refined four bottles of potion. The number is far from what Rhodes expected. Rhodes is naturally a little dissatisfied with this.

"Is that all?"

Looking at North, Rhodes asked the doubts in his heart.

Rhodes' words came from his ears. After North took out the potions, he took the initiative to explain: "This is all the potions. During this time, the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the city was inside. There has been a great deal of turmoil, and few Business Groups will sell refining materials as before."

"Although the City Lord has issued a task to collect refining materials in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, But it didn't get any results."

"If it weren't for the refining materials you provided me before, and I still have some refining materials left, I'm afraid even these four bottles of magic There's no medicine either."

North's explanation made Rhodes realize something.

In order to complete the refining of potions, refining materials are essential, no matter what method of refining is performed. The importance of refining materials, even before refining methods, without refining materials as a support, potions will not appear out of thin air.

Because of this, refiners often need to spend a lot of effort to collect materials before refining potions.

Similar to North, if there are lords willing to provide material collection, it may be a good idea, which can save the time required to collect materials and concentrate on refining. If no one is willing to provide support, Refiners can only obtain these materials by themselves.

What surprised Rhodes was, of course, what North's explanation was about the Freelance Chamber of Commerce.

According to North's words, he failed to refine enough potions because the refining materials provided to him were insufficient, and the source of these refining materials was naturally the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the city. of various Business Groups.

Rhodes has heard about the Business Group more than once since returning to Verning, and this time he learned it again from North.

Recalling the information I got from Elon before, it seems that not long ago, the centaur leader forced many Business Groups away from the city because of his actions, which led to this situation.

If there is no Freelance Chamber of Commerce in the city, many things will be much more complicated. To obtain the refining materials for potions, you can only choose a more cumbersome way, and cannot directly rely on the Business Group to obtain them.

There are not enough refining materials, even if North has the ability to refine top-level potions, it seems to be of no avail. Without the supply of refining materials, potions cannot be refined at all.

Perhaps for the centaur leader, all it did was to acquire a few special treasures, but this behavior of its own brought great importance to the development of the city. Influence.

Rhodes believes that when this happens, the lack of goods in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce will not only be as simple as the materials needed to make potions, but other basic goods will also be drastically reduced. reduce.

It seems that to make up for this, coupled with the completion of the orders given before Rhodes left, the centaur leader then issued a task to collect refining materials in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, but it is expected that The thing is, it's hard to get much fruit from such a task.

Rhodes realized that if he hadn't returned to his territory in time, this situation might have continued for a longer period of time, and during this time, Noth had been able to refine more potions. .

Rhodes also needs to deal with the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, but not now.

Although there are not enough refining materials for it to be refined, but during this time, North still completed the task given by Rhodes very well. Rhodes believes that this type of potion is not enough. Appears, and can solve the situation of lack of control spirit in a certain period of time.

Putting away the four potions that North took out, Rhodes seemed to remember something and began to carefully examine the environment in the quiet room.

Rhodes noticed that at the rear near the wall, an iron crucible was erected to complete the rough refining of the potion. The spaces are connected to maintain the air circulation during Potion Refining.

Rhodes recalled that after entering the quiet room, he could clearly smell the pungent smell unique to the potion, and it was obvious that the ventilation was not very effective.

In front of North, there was a long table, with various branches, leaves and herbs of different colors scattered on the corner of the table. In the middle of the long table, there were Utensils for handling materials.

Rhodes is all too familiar with the utensils that appear on the table. These utensils exist to complete the refining of crude potions, so as to obtain potions that can be drunk directly.

The utensils on the table are relatively simple. Rhodes did not see any of the silver utensils seen in the potion competition in the past. According to Rhodes' expectation, these utensils are enough to maintain the basic Potion. Refining.

Inside the quiet room, there is a room connected. Rhodes knew that the room inside should be where North lived during this time.

After observing the environment all around, Rhodes confirmed his thoughts.

This quiet room was obviously specially built for North, and all the facilities in it were prepared for refining potions.

Compared to what Rhodes once saw in spell Academy, the facilities in front of them are obviously not complete enough, and some of the refining processing, due to the lack of corresponding utensils, cannot even be carried out, but compared to the quiet room. In the rudimentary environment, these facilities are relatively complete.

Looking at the environment in the quiet room, Rhodes knew that this was the most suitable place for Potion Refining in the entire Sao City.

After getting the Beamon giant beast's heart from Els, Rhodes did not rush to refine the Primordial Demon medicine, except for the lack of other refining materials to match, and the need to deal with other materials in the city. In addition to matters, more importantly, there is still no suitable refining site.

The quiet room where North is now is undoubtedly the most suitable location for Rhodes to perform perfect Potion Refining. The existing refining equipment is enough for Rhodes to use.

(end of this chapter)

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