
  Chapter 934 Confirmation

Although Rhodes expressed his intention to appoint himself in his words, but At this time, Aaron did not show any excitement, and Aaron's own attention was not entirely on this matter.

As if thinking of something, Elon added: "In the construction of towns, undead creatures have the advantages of being unable to compare with other creatures, never tired of physical strength, and never have any complaints. "

"If there is anything wrong, it is that undead creatures can only use the most basic physical actions, and they will never be able to use spells for construction like mage and elemental creatures."

Hearing what Aaron added, Rhodes understood what he meant.

Rhodes did not forget that the real reason why Aaron chose to come to Sao City was not to be attracted by the things in the city, but for a special Death Knight, which was why he chose to come here , Aaron's words at this time undoubtedly hinted at this to Rhodes.

Compared with all the things in the city, what made Elon care about from the bottom of his heart was that special Death Knight.

"You don't have to worry about Death Knight Vita right now, it will take a long time just to prepare for the ceremony, not to mention there are other things to deal with."

"If all goes well, the ceremony will take place within a month, and then you will be able to meet Vita, and hopefully by that time, there will be new changes in Sao."

After telling Elon about Vita, Rhodes seemed to remember something and added:

"I may be out of town for a while soon, remember to keep an eye out for those Bracada mage's Movement."

After explaining a few words to Aaron, let him guard against the mage who came to Verning, and at the same time, Rhodes communicated his decision to the centaur leader through the existence of spiritual imprint, No longer waiting, he took Rowlin and left from the residence.

The noise came from outside the residence. When Rhodes walked out of this residence, he noticed a lot of creatures around him at a glance. Among them, the centaur leader that Rhodes had just passed on through spiritual imprint was in it.

As early as when Rhodes returned, the centaur leader sensed this through his spiritual imprint, and hurried over to meet Rhodes.

Rhodes noticed that the centaur leader seems to be in a different state from the original one. A hideous dark mask covers the centaur leader's face, dressed in a special shape, which can be adjusted to fit it well. The whole body is silver-white armor, two battle axes are hung on the horse, and a deep green bow is carried on the human body.

Reminiscent of what Elon mentioned in his previous words, the centaur leader had seized some special treasure from the Business Group, and when he saw the centaur leader, Rhodes realized that this treasure is probably on it now.

Rhodes knows that the centaur leader is also equipped with a space ring, and can take out equipment such as weapons from the space ring at any time. Even so, he still chooses to equip these things on his body, which obviously shows that difference between these things.

Although he noticed the appearance of the centaur leader, Rhodes at this time did not look into it to find out what treasure it had obtained. Rhodes knew that it was not yet to the centaur leader. when you know about it.

Perhaps the future Rhodes will learn about this from the centaur leader. Now, Rhodes still has more important things to deal with.

Rhodes turned his attention to the creatures that came with the centaur leader. One of them, the existence of this silhouette, was also the target Rhodes planned to find later.

When Rhodes returned, he did not deliberately suppress the momentum caused by the ghost dragon. The undead mage who were sensitive to the energy of death in the city, or other types of creatures, could feel the arrival of the ghost dragon.

For this reason, in addition to the centaur leader, many other creatures came to the residence, including undead mage and non-human race creatures.

These creatures gather here, with various purposes in their hearts, or they want to collect information that is beneficial to themselves, or they want to see the true face of the lord here, or they are just gathered around. Attracted by a large number of creatures.

A large number of creatures gathered, and even the streets in the city seemed extremely crowded. Undead creatures naturally do not feel this. Under the order of the undead mage, even if they are layered, it is not a problem, but ordinary creatures are unbearable.

As Rhodes and Rowlin walked out, the creatures that were still noisy all around fell silent in an instant.

These creatures have already recognized that behind Rhodes, it was the powerful undead mage who had shot in the previous battles and relied on his spellcasting ability to change the entire battle situation. According to these creatures' expectations, The strength of this undead mage is likely to have entered the high-level corresponding to epic creatures.

At this time, the presence of this name is most likely a high-level undead mage, and the posture shown undoubtedly makes these creatures aware of the unusualness of the silhouette in front of her.

The ghost dragon that appeared before also conveyed a very important piece of information to the surrounding creatures. Recalling some of the secret news that had been circulated, these creatures realized that the silhouette in front of them was very likely to be the real owner of this place. If it was placed in Dia, it would correspond to an existence like Lich.

An inconspicuous undead mage exists among the surrounding creatures.

The black robe on the undead mage, combined with the wide hood at the rear, is undoubtedly the best concealment for itself. Under the gathering of many creatures, no one will deliberately observe the hood under the hood. Undead mage face.

The death energy emitted by this undead mage is not strong, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, among the creatures all around, it is even more unremarkable, maybe except Rhodes, there are not many creatures, will pay attention To such a special undead mage.

Through his own observation, Rhodes recognized the true identity of the undead mage at a glance, and it was the North he met in the potion competition.

At this point, the next thing Rhodes needs to look for is North, even if North doesn't appear here, Rhodes will take the initiative to find him. The appearance of North undoubtedly saved Rhodes from the process of looking for him.

After hearing the news of the ghost dragon's return, North immediately realized that Rhodes must also return together, so he put down the matter in his hand and came to find Rhodes.

Seeing Rhodes looking at himself, North seemed to realize something, but he didn't do anything else.

(end of this chapter)

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