
  Chapter 931 Griffin Hart

For the battle of virtue in Erathia, Rhodes has With more detailed memory, I have understood many matters involved in this battle, and even many players within Erathia in previous lives, their understanding of this battle is far less clear than Rhodes.

In Rhodes' understanding, the arrival of this battle was more caused by the new king of Erathia after he took office, in order to stabilize his own rule and clean up some restless city-state lords. .

As for the idea that Erathia Knight believes in has changed, from the original four virtues of wisdom, bravery, justice, and moderation, to the later eight virtues, in Rhodes' view, more is just to use A pretext to start the battle, a fuse that made the battle break out.

This battle ended with a great victory for the new griffin Heart King. While clearing the unrest in the territory, it also changed some of the original ideas in Erathia.

The change in belief has a great impact on the Knights of Erathia, especially under the surveillance of the new king's followers, these Knights have to talk about these virtues from time to time, This proves that in the battle of virtue, the object of his support is the new griffin heart king, not the lords who have been charged with rebellion.

In the end, the creed that should have been abide by these Knights has become necessary to mention it from time to time to show their loyalty. For these traditional Knights, it is more a kind of sorrow.

Rhodes did not feel this from Aaron's body. On the contrary, in his oath, Rhodes could also feel some shadows of the former Knights. Obviously, Aaron started the War of Virtue. Haven't been back in Erathia and didn't know of this happening.

Recalling all kinds of information about the Battle of Virtue, Rhodes couldn't help but think about the identity of the new king of Erathia. Rhodes recalled that Erathia's current griffin heart king, named Katherine Griffin Hart.

Rhodes has a deep impression on this griffin heart king. In almost every expansion piece, her silhouette appears. In the second and third expansion pieces, her Legion, It is the main battle strength to resist those invading forces, which can be said to promote the process of the entire game.

In the game of the previous life, even Sandro, who had two Divine Items, failed to complete the destruction of Erathia's power. In the end, with the intervention of another Divine Item, the The battle ended in failure. In this process, the Legion under the griffin Heart King played an extremely crucial role.

The almost endless corpse witch did not break the morale of these warriors, but made their fighting intent even higher. The dawn of victory has come.

In addition to the current griffin's ability to manage Erathia, what makes Rhodes more concerned is that she also has the status of a hero.

Different from the traditional heroes who awaken by their own will, or who are born to be heroes, the current griffin Heart King can become a hero, more, relying on Erathia's unique awakening ceremony.

The awakening ceremony carried out by the whole country, coupled with the love of Erathia ordinary person for the current griffin heart king, is enough to make her a real hero, and she is the one with stronger will among many heroes. kind.

Although the existence of the hero template makes the current griffin King of Hearts have great potential on the career path, her own strength is not as outstanding as her management of Erathia.

In Rhodes' impression, the players in the previous life, through some unknown means, learned that by killing the Queen of Hearts griffin who ruled Erathia, they would get an incomparable racing achievement. In the assassination of Queen Catherine, it was during this process that Queen Catherine's poor combat capability was exposed.

Even in the third expansion, this kind of assassination of the griffin heart king still happens from time to time, but it can be resolved every time.

Catherine Griffinhart... Rhodes in the heart recites this name silently, wanting to gain something in the next battle, the ruler of Erathia, to whom countless Knights have allegiance The Queen, is the enemy Rhodes will have to face.

Compared with the forces under Griffin Hart, Rhodes is more afraid of the incomparably powerful Legendary creatures above Erathia who live in the City of Clouds.

Even with the Ghost King cloak in hand, Rhodes always has an inexplicable fear in his heart for angel and Rhodes in Erathia. I don't know because he is familiar with the plot of the expansion film in his previous life, and he knows that in the end it completely shattered Sandro. The aurora of ambition comes from the Divine Item in angel's hands, or because of the pictures seen in the inheritance mission.

The information Rhodes knows about angels in Cloud City is limited to the fact that they are powerful Legendary creatures who rarely interfere in Erathia's political affairs and exist in a detached manner, but they are always in Erathia. Shoot when unable to defend against a strong enemy.

The images seen in the inheritance mission made Rhodes realize that this Legendary creature might not be as simple as he thought. Maybe there are deeper secrets behind these angels, but it's just about these Secret, Rhodes previous life memory, has been unable to bring him more information.

By comparing with the previous life memory, in Rhodes' view, the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique that he currently possesses should be equivalent to Sandro in the final form, that is, it is separated from the human form and uses endless Night ceremony, transforming himself into Sandro of Legendary Lich.

Rhodes believes that, with the blessing of the Ghost King cloak, Lich Sandro in his previous life is likely to have the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique as well. The undead creatures he can forcefully transform are also from ordinary corpse witches. , became a corpse witch king with a higher First Rank, which is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

The endless corpse witches brought about Sandro's comprehensive suppression of Erathia's strength. The traditional means of dealing with the mage of the undead are undoubtedly meaningless in the face of Divine Item. Often after a battle, The number of new corpse witches is several times more than the number of dead witches.

If it's not the end, the aurora that ends the second expansion, with the help of the Divine Item, Sandro is likely to achieve his original idea, destroy the entire Erathia in erosion, and then conquer the entire world.

The information given by the player in the previous life, as well as the pictures in the inheritance mission, made Rhodes realize that the appearance of the aurora originated from the Xeon Divine Item in the hands of angel, the angel alliance.

(end of this chapter)

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