
  Chapter 930 Elon's Allegiance

Relying on the existence of blood perception, Rowlin also roughly understood Rhodes' thoughts , so replied:

"Vita's Elemental Core, along with the container, was placed by me in the City Lord's Mansion, and I can fetch it now if needed."

Hearing what Rowlin said, Rhodes looked at the head: "I don't need it for now."

After finishing speaking, Rhodes turned his gaze to Elon, who was standing aside: "I can use the spell ceremony, To restore this mysterious hero to the state of Death Knight, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with you, you must understand that Vita is already my Death Knight."

Aron naturally understands Rhodes' It means that the agreement once in Silver Cliff City will not be used to demand Rhodes in the current state.

Elron knows that the agreement with Rhodes has long since ended. Although the monster hero Weta was successfully transformed, an accident happened at the last moment, and he was not controlled by him. Instead, Rowlin was on the side. controlled.

As of now, Aaron has no confidence in himself, so he successfully asked Rhodes to see the monster hero Vita. According to Aaron's perception, Rhodes' strength has far surpassed himself, and he was rejected by him. It also seems reasonable.

Elon believes that if he uses his former relationship with Rhodes, he may have a chance to meet Vita. When Rhodes and his party are in Silver Cliff City, even if there is an accident in the transformation of ceremony, Aaron, who accepted the result, avoided a conflict by not punishing Rhodes and his party.

However, if you just rely on your past affection, it may not be long before this affection will be exhausted. This is something Aaron does not want to see. I believe Rhodes also No silhouette will be allowed to ring the Death Knight, and by then, Aron may really not be able to see Vita again.

For this reason, Elon said to Rhodes: "As of now, I don't have any treasures that I can hold, and the only ones are lost in the spell Academy, the only ones that have value. , it should be only me."

Aron looked straight, knelt down on one knee, and said solemnly: "I, Edmund Aaron, am willing to swear an oath to the supreme lord of this place, the ghost Dragon Knight Rhodes. Allegiance."

"My strength will be turned into the sharpest weapon in your hands, implementing the will in your heart, sweeping away all obstacles on your way, and not being moved by your own desires. I will give all the thoughts in my heart, crown it with my own wisdom, exhaust everything I know, and have no reservations. Until the end of my life, I will swear allegiance to you, and I will be at your disposal.”

Ear Rhodes' expression didn't change as Elron's words came.

Rhodes never felt that the oath would be so binding on people, just as Rhodes never had to swear to himself.

In Rhodes' view, maybe some real Knights can always keep their oath, and even use it as their own will, but most creatures, in the face of greater interests, will not swear. taking seriously, especially with a presence like Elon.

As far as Rhodes knows the information, the former Aron may really have the potential to become a Knight, including now, his pledge of allegiance is also the same set of Erathia Knight, but his final choice, but He studied spell in Bracada, became the lord of Silver Cliff City, and finally learned Soul Evocation Technique by himself.

In terms of his own potential, Aaron may not be as good as some real heroes, especially someone like Rowlin who has a strong innate talent for learning, but with his own learning, Aaron will eventually Or master these powers.

Similarly, while mastering these powers, it also exposed some problems in Aaron. Aaron never took the original rules of these forces seriously. It sounds ugly, this is total disloyalty to these forces.

Even during the period of the Lord of Silvercliff City, Aaron secretly united with the undead mage to achieve his own purpose. Although this is related to the corrupt environment of Brakada, it also shows that Aaron obviously did not Will teach his spell of Bracada taking seriously.

Rhodes didn't seem to care about this, looked at Aaron beside him, raised his hand and said, "I accept your allegiance."

In view of Aaron The identity of the undead mage, Rhodes did not act like the traditional cumbersome etiquette, just an action, even if he accepted Elon's allegiance.

Elron's purpose of allegiance to Rhodes, more, or for Death Knight Vita, is well known to both of them.

Compared to Death Knight's hard-to-break spiritual imprint, the oath of ordinary creatures is undoubtedly a few grades weaker.

Rhodes doesn't care whether Elon can really keep his oath, all he needs is Elon's act of allegiance to himself and a sufficient role in the construction of the territory. .

Rhodes believes that with the strength he has shown, plus the Death Knight Vita that Rowlin still controls, Aaron does not dare to do anything unusual in the territory.

For Aaron himself, the current situation is the best result he can imagine. The undead mage will not bring any favors to other creatures for no reason. He wants to see Vita, so It is also necessary to do.

On the sidelines, Rowlin did not see the various thoughts between Rhodes and Aaron, and was still happy that Rhodes had received Aaron's allegiance.

Rowlin has a good impression of the former City Lord of Silvercliff City, including the information she mentioned about Elon when she chatted with Vita before, which also made Rowlin have a deeper understanding of Elon. learn.

What made Rhodes a little concerned was the oath that Aron took when he took the oath. In Rhodes' impression, although Aaron's previous words were a kind of Knight's oath of allegiance, they were significantly different from the Knight's oath that players knew in previous games.

Rhodes recalled that the Knight's oath in the previous game, more emphasised, was the eight virtues of being a Knight: honor, humility, bravery, justice, honesty, faith, mercy, sacrifice.

In Erathia at that time, these eight virtues became the creeds of almost all Knights, and even the Knights who did not know the existence of these eight virtues would be deprived of their status as Knights.

Even in Knight's heart, he doesn't recognize any of these eight virtues, nor does he show them, let alone occasions such as the oath of allegiance, which is particularly important. In this process, I mentioned it repeatedly, for fear that others would find the loopholes in my own words.

And this is one of the changes caused by Erathia's current Griffin Hart, after the griffin Heart King took office.

A battle known as the "Battle of Virtue" among the bards broke out in Erathia as the new king took office, which had a very serious impact on the Knights of Erathia. .

(end of this chapter)

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