
  Chapter 932 asks

Not only in the second expansion stage of the previous life, even in the game Among them, Rhodes also felt the existence of this aurora in a unique way, that is, in the previous inheritance mission.

Recalling the aurora in the inheritance mission, even the body of the Titans could not bear the aurora, Rhodes naturally had a very deep impression on such an aurora.

With the Ghost King cloak, the last thing Rhodes wants is to repeat the mistakes of Sandro, so that this battle will eventually fail due to the appearance of the aurora. For this reason, Rhodes must advance in advance. Make some preparations.

It's just that, even now, Rhodes has not come up with any means to resist this aurora. The power of the Divine Item is far from what common sense can measure. In Rhodes' view, even using a real forbidden magic ball might not have any effect on this aurora.

The scene in his memory made Rhodes clearly realize that the appearance of this aurora can penetrate everything and directly act on the body of the creature, even if he wears heavy armor to avoid his own body. Direct exposure to the aurora will not bring any defensive effects.

Even though it was a titan body that was extremely strong and whose overall strength was not known to be much higher than itself, it was still unable to resist the erosion of this aurora, and Rhodes was even more unsure of how to deal with it.

In Rhodes' view, the existence of this aurora is an important matter that may lead to its own failure. Apart from this, even if it is a real Legendary mage, it is difficult to completely eliminate this large number of corpses. King.

For his own sake, in order to prevent this from happening, Rhodes' plan in the upcoming battle is to avoid the Erathia faction while attacking other factions.

Rhodes doesn't know whether this move of his own can delay angel's joining the battlefield, but it is also better than directly clashing with Erathia's forces.

This decision may slow down the speed at which Rhodes can acquire EXP. Without a large number of low-level creatures in Erathia that can be transformed into the Witch King, the speed of undead mage's acquisition of the Witch King will be seriously slowed down. , and even affect the process of the entire expansion.

However, Rhodes, who knew about the extremely unstable factors in his previous life, still made such a plan.

Except for the angels in Cloud City, the ordinary creatures of Erathia, in Rhodes' view, are not too threatening.

Rhodes believes that under Divine Item's transformation of the corpse witch king, even a powerful Knight will not be afraid, and will only fall under the influence of the cloud of death.

If there is no existence of those angels, compared to other forces, Erathia has the most ordinary creatures. In the second expansion of the previous life, most of the endless corpse witches come from this. .

Looking at Elon who had just sworn allegiance to himself, Rhodes seemed to think of something and asked, "I heard that you were once in Erathia, with a noble status and a territory of your own. How is the situation?"

Rhodes' inquiry undoubtedly reminded Elon of some scenes in his memory, Elon replied helplessly: "My father used to follow the previous griffin Heart King to fight, although he did not I have made great achievements in battle, but after being old and frail, I still get Fiefdom as a reward."

"The father always wanted me to be a Knight, but I didn't want to do so, since I insisted on coming. We have not been in touch for many years since we went to Bracada to learn spell."

Aaron's words undoubtedly made Rhodes aware of some information, and immediately asked: "That is to say, do you even have him now? Don't you know if he is still alive?"

Aaron sneered: "I will still get information about him through the Thief Guild, he should be alive now."

Aaron's seemingly uncertain remarks also made Rhodes dismissed. The idea of ​​using Aaron's identity to contact Erathia forces in advance may have the opposite effect.

Not thinking about Erathia any further, Rhodes turned the subject and asked, "You should have been in Sao for a while. What do you think about the current situation in the city?"

Hearing Rhodes' question, Aaron didn't immediately give his own answer, and instead put his eyes on Rhodes, looking a little hesitant.

"Just say what you want to say, I won't have any thoughts about it."

Rhodes' words were heard again in his ears, and at this time, Elon didn't wait any longer. Instead, he said resolutely: "Dare to ask fief lord, is the ambition just to be the lord of this place?"

Rhodes was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Elon replied: "The current City Lord, when the infrastructure is not completed, the main development energy is put on the construction of fortifications."

"If it is really surrounded by strong enemies, it is possible to face it at any time. The incoming enemy, then this choice is undoubtedly the most appropriate, but in the case of high-level mage, it is not necessary."

Speaking, Elon looked to the side of Rowlin, obviously in the In his heart, Rowlin, who can perform fifth-order spells, has long been regarded as a real high-level mage.

"I see the fief lord, and the ambition in my heart seems not to be satisfied with becoming a lord of a place, but has a more lofty goal. At this time, the actions of the City Lord have undoubtedly limited the city of Sao. development."

"Surrounded by many fortifications, the size of Sao City has long been limited by the outer city wall and trenches. The special environment of the City of the Dead also determines the surrounding area outside the city. Land that cannot be reclaimed for cultivation. These things seriously limit the scale of Sao City."

When it comes to town construction, it is undoubtedly what Elron is good at. The experience, including the knowledge acquired in the territory, also gave Aron a deeper understanding of these things.

When he came to the city and waited for Rhodes, Aaron had never heard the name of the city mentioned. In the words of Rhodes, it is also called the city of Sau.

Seeing that Aron showed a completely different side from the original, Rhodes couldn't help but secretly nodded, and asked: "In your opinion, should the fortifications be demolished and rebuilt to expand the scale of Sao City? "

Elon shook the head and replied: "If I were to deal with it, I would not waste these fortifications, but use it as a boundary to divide the inner city from the outer city."

"At the same time, since the fief lord has lofty aspirations, the original City Lord's Mansion of normal size is undoubtedly no longer suitable, and it should be expanded into a more versatile castle like a formal city-state for the lords. and important men.”

(end of this chapter)

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