
  Chapter 929 is silent

And among all the undead creatures, there is the Death Knight, which is extremely Special categories exist.

A dead hero can be transformed into a Death Knight among the undead creatures under the action of the undead mage, with all the powers of his life.

Because of this characteristic of Death Knight, among all undead creatures, they also deserve the most special existence, the status of heroes, which not only gives them extremely powerful power, but also gives them to retain their original memory. chance of resurrection.

The emergence of heroes has never had any restrictions on the types of creatures. No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it condenses its own will, it can become a hero, and the chicken gains extremely powerful power.

Because of this, even among elemental creatures whose body structure is completely different from that of conventional creatures, there is also the existence of a hero. With their own heroic will, even elemental creatures can obtain the status of heroes. .

Regular elemental creatures cannot be transformed into undead creatures, but heroes can be transformed into Death Knights. In Rhodes' view, these two rules, which in some places conflict with each other, are exactly what makes Death Knight Vita possible.

Because it was successfully transformed into Death Knight, in Rhodes' impression, Vita was an important credential for elemental creatures, that is, the existence of the elemental core. It was actually broken at the last moment of the transformation of ceremony, and there was no more. No trace left.

When the transformation ceremony is successfully completed, Vita no longer has an elemental core, and instead can be like a regular Death Knight, while retaining her power without being restricted by regular elemental creatures.

However, after the battle in Silvercliff City, when Vita almost exhausted all her strength, the situation changed a lot.

When Vita recovered in the container, its originally broken elemental core reunited, and its consciousness fell into silence.

Before that, Rhodes might not have cared much about the changes that happened to Vita, just waiting for Vita to recover on her own, but now, after mastering the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, in From Rhodes's point of view, the change that happened to Vita was a clear sign of the failure of Death Knight's transformation ceremony.

For some reason, Vita at this time, under the influence of the elemental core, may prefer traditional elemental creatures in her own category, rather than being an undead creature of Death Knight.

However, the real elemental creature, Vita, died a long time ago, and Rhodes really saw only one elemental core in Silvercliff City. In this state, even elemental creatures cannot cross the rules themselves and gain new opportunities.

If it was before this, Rhodes might not know how to deal with the elemental core, and can only wait for Vita to slowly recover. What form it will eventually appear in, Rhodes does not know.

But now, thanks to the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes has been able to use a spell ceremony to manipulate Vita's elemental core back into Death Knight form.

Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique brings, in addition to the powerful controlling ability of death energy and the infinite transformation ability of undead creatures, there are also various knowledge related to undead spell ceremony. All kinds of knowledge gave Rhodes a deeper understanding of the existence of undead creatures.

Most of the undead spell ceremony that comes with the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes has never heard of, let alone used, even in previous games, but now, Rhodes can use it. Master, and unleash the full power of these ceremonys.

Among the ceremony offered by the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes even discovered a special form of the ceremony of the Endless Night. Rhodes can see that the existence of this ceremony is very similar to the traditional endless night ceremony in a lot of details.

However, in this ceremony, for some reason, there is no trace of the undead spell at all. Even Rhodes cannot speculate on the specific effect of this ceremony. It can be regarded as an endless night ceremony, but it can only be regarded as a derivative ceremony with unknown efficacy.

Rhodes doesn't understand why the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique provides such a ceremony. For this special type of endless night ceremony, Rhodes somehow felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen this kind of ceremony before, but Rhodes could not recall the specific situation.

After mastering many undead spell ceremony, Rhodes' ability to deal with undead creatures is not comparable to the original state.

As the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique corresponding to the Divine Rank creatures, the accompanying undead spell ceremony naturally has unimaginable power.

It is also through the existence of these undead spell rituals that Rhodes has the confidence to deal with Vita's elemental core and restore it to the state of Death Knight.

For such a special Death Knight, Rhodes cares about its various connections with elemental creatures.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that Aaron's purpose this time is also for Death Knight Vita.

Recalling all the anomalies in Aaron, Rhodes thought for a moment and decided to grant his request.

By now, with the blessing of the Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes no longer has to spare any creatures he encounters like in the lower ranks.

With the existence of the Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes already has the ability to transform any dead creature into a Witch King, even if the creature's original rank is lower, Rhodes can overcome this limitation.

Because of this, looking at Aaron in front of him, Rhodes values ​​his own abilities more. In Rhodes' view, the most valuable thing about Aaron is his experience in managing the territory.

In Rhodes' view, although there are already centaur leaders to manage the current territory, they are still somewhat lacking in experience. For example, the construction of the city wall, and the digging of trenches, etc., but when it comes to the management of the internal affairs of the territory, perhaps even Rowlin is more suitable than it.

In the early stage of Sao City, the centaur leader may not have shown any problems, and over time, problems will be exposed.

Reminiscent of the upcoming large-scale battle, Rhodes believes that at that time, countless undead mage and undead creatures will come to the city of Sao, and then rely on the centaur leader to manage, it is somehow inappropriate. .

In this case, Rhodes also needs someone who is good at it, and manages the various things in the city of Sao. In Rhodes' opinion, if he can use Death Knight Vita to make Aron work for him, it is undoubtedly a good choice.

(end of this chapter)

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