
  Chapter 926 Protocol

Hearing Els' question, Rhodes glanced back at him, but However, no specific answer was given that could be used to verify Els's guess.

Rhodes did not admit or deny the fact that Els mentioned whether this thing was a Divine Item part, but Rhodes did not deny it. In his eyes, he undoubtedly acquiesced to what he said.

Els turned his gaze to the shield that Rhodes was holding in the other hand. Els recalled that it was the touch of this shield that triggered a series of changes in Battle Armor.

In Els's opinion, if this Battle Armor is a Divine Item part, then the shield in Rhodes' hands is likely to belong to one of the corresponding Divine Item parts.

Ignoring Els on the side and letting him guess in the heart, Rhodes stretched out his hand and covered the silver white Battle Armor in front of him.


【Titan Battle Armor】

Quality: treasure

Type: Armor

Equipment requirements: none

Basic attribute: physique +4, speed +4, strength -2, indestructible

Special attribute: when spell directly hits the Titan Battle Armor, reduce 60 points base damage. When receiving physical attacks, most of the shocks received are reduced.

Evaluation: The silver white Battle Armor of unknown material has excellent defensive ability and can be adjusted according to the user's size under some special conditions.


I simply checked the attributes of the Titan Battle Armor, which is consistent with Rhodes’ expectation. The Titan Battle Armor is still increasing the attribute’s attributes like the previous Divine Item parts. At the same time, some attributes are also reduced.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that due to the excellent defensive ability of the Titan Battle Armor, it is almost impossible to be destroyed by any means. After the Titan Battle Armor is equipped, Rhodes equivalent to can be immune to most of the damage to its own body. Part of the physical attack.

Coupled with the reduction in impact mentioned in the special attribute, Rhodes believes that even in the face of some concussion-type physical damage, the Titan Battle Armor can defend it well.

Compared with the additional attributes attached, the defensive ability of the Titan Battle Armor is what Rhodes values ​​most.

The defensive ability of armor-like equipment is largely related to the nature of its material. When forging armor, the more materials used, the thicker the armor as a whole, and the better the defensive power. .

When the volume changes, the weight of the Titan Battle Armor also changes. Although it is still extremely heavy, it is within the range that can be tolerated. With its own strength, Rhodes can put this piece. Battle Armor brought up.

Even though in Rhodes' eyes, the Titan Battle Armor has shrunk many times, but he still will not forget the incomparably huge form of the previous Battle Armor.

The Titan Battle Armor with this original form naturally has a defensive ability to attack far beyond everything else. Rhodes does not believe that ordinary attacks can have any effect on the Titan Battle Armor.

In addition to its defensive ability against physical attacks, the Titan Battle Armor can also reduce magic damage by 60 points, which may not be comparable to the other two Divine Item parts numerically, but it is far superior to normal armor.

When the Titan Battle Armor completed the adjustment of the form, in Rhodes' perception, the call from the Titan Battle Armor was still unabated.

Rhodes only felt that the shield of the Guardian God in his hand was hot for a while, even if Rhodes was holding the handle of the shield of the Guardian God, he could clearly feel this.

With the Titan Battle Armor, Rhodes is clearly taking the Divine Item collection a step further.

Each Divine Item part will have a certain influence on each other. Rhodes believes that when he equips the three Divine Item parts he owns at the same time, there may be new changes, but At this point, Rhodes did not verify this.

At this point, Rhodes didn't look at the changes to the Divine Item parts in his hands, but put them directly into the space ring.

There was no resistance, the shield Rhodes held in one hand, and the Battle Armor who raised to check, were all disappeared in the field.

After getting the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes also put it to the test.

Rhodes noticed that ordinary Divine Item parts, no matter what kind of Divine Item they correspond to, Rhodes can easily put them into the space ring.

As for Divine Items like the Ghost King cloak, which are already in full form, Rhodes could feel extremely strong resistance when he tried to put them into the space ring. The full form of Divine Item does not seem to be included in the space ring.

Similar to the Forbidden Ball Fragment Rhodes once got, the formed Divine Item is one of the few things that cannot be put into the space ring.

After putting away the two Divine Item parts in his hand, Rhodes turned his attention to Els in the field.

According to the original agreement, Els brought the Divine Item parts to Rhodes, and after confirming that it was the Titan Battle Armor he needed to collect, now, Rhodes fulfilled his promise.

Rhodes recalled that in the previous game, due to the geographical location, Brakada suffered relatively little impact before and after the second expansion, and even Dia's undead mage could not overcome it. From an extremely long distance, they launched an attack on Bracada.

Bracada at that time received more of the shock from within them. According to the information Rhodes knew, it would not be long before the biggest rebellion occurred in Bracada.

Recalling Els' strength, Rhodes, after some thought, decided to complete his part of the agreement.

In Rhodes' impression, Els is good at mental magic, and with his own strength, Rhodes is also difficult to kill him.

Since he has obtained the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes at this time is no longer worried about the way to obtain EXP. Compared with the EXP obtained by killing high-level mage, Rhodes hopes that Els will be in the future. In the process, it can provide itself with information on Brakada.

And Rhodes himself, is also not worried that Els will leak the information of the Titan Battle Armor.

Rhodes believes that it won't be long before he completes the collection of the last Divine Item parts, and he will be able to be like Sandro in his previous life, without having to hide the existence of the Divine Item, in a complete gesture, in front of all creatures.

In addition to his confidence in his own strength, in Rhodes' view, the identity of Elsbraccada mage is also a shackle that binds him and prevents him from easily leaking information.

Unless Els intends to relinquish his identity as Bracada mage, under the strict prohibition of the Magic Guild, he may be expelled from the cloth immediately if the transaction with the undead mage comes out. Lakada.

In this case, Els should probably be more worried than Rhodes about the leak of information about the deal.

(end of this chapter)

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