
  Chapter 927 Heart

Seeing Rhodes looking over, Els at this time also He understood what Rhodes meant, so he stopped waiting, raised his hand, and a gray cloth bag appeared on the ground in front of him.

With the appearance of the cloth bag, a bloody smell began to spread in the quiet room. I don't know if it was my own illusion, but in Rhodes' sight, the inside of the bag was constantly shaking.

Rhodes noticed that the sealed cloth bag in front of him was the size of the Titan Battle Armor that had changed its shape, and he didn't know what was inside. produce such vibrations.

Soon, Els undid the bag to reveal what was inside.

Under the light of the fire, a huge heart that was beating constantly appeared in Rhodes' eyes.

The surface of the heart is covered with ferocious red blood vessels, which are regularly expanding and contracting with the beating of the heart. The thick blood vessels extending from the heart to the outside, because they are no longer connected to anything, between the beatings of the heart, blood foam continuously overflows from the tips.

According to Rhodes' understanding, all living creatures, including creatures with Soul Fire ignited, cannot be included in the space ring. However, the heart in front of him was taken out of the space ring by Els.

Obviously, under the system's judgment, even if the heart is still beating, it is no longer a living creature.

Even if there are no other parts, just this heart, Rhodes can feel the incomparably strong life force from it at a glance.

It is this extremely strong life force that supports the beating of the heart. Even if there is no other part of the body, even according to the system's judgment, it is already counted as dead and can be included in the space. In the ring, the beating of the heart also does not stop.

The space ring is a completely still space. When the heart is placed in the space ring, any attributes will not change.

Just as the steaming food is put into the space ring, no matter how much time passes, the original heat can still be maintained after taking it out, so the same is true of the heart in front of you, as if it has just been removed from the living creature. His body was cut out, and between the beatings, it also brought a burst of heat to the icy still room.

Rhodes knows that, among all creatures, only the giant beast of Crowlord can have such an incomparably strong heart that contains infinite life force, the huge size of the heart itself, the same Only similar to Beamon giant beast, this kind of giant creature like a hill can fit.

Rhodes once mentioned to Els that if he can get the heart of the giant beast of Beamon, then Rhodes can use this kind of thing as the main body of the potion, and refine it with excellent effect. The perfect potion. At this time, Els's meaning is naturally self-evident.

The incomparably strong life force contained in the heart of the giant beast of Beamon is the essential material for refining potions. Adding it to the refining of potions can make potions. The quality of the potion has been greatly improved.

Rhodes knows that in Brakada's so-called orthodox potions, it is strictly forbidden to use the body parts of living beings as refining materials. The mainstream of witchcraft refining.

Looking at the huge beating heart in front of him, Rhodes was confident that with the blessing of mysterious technique, he could refine it into the perfect potion.

In Rhodes' impression, in the past life, the heart of Beamon giant beast has always been difficult to get, even the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to sell this kind of thing, if you want to get it, you have to come in person. Crowlord, kill Beamon this way.

Recalling the previous battle in Bracada, Rhodes probably knew how Els got the heart in front of him.

In the process of Rhodes observing this heart, the beating of the heart has never stopped, and there is no tendency to slow down. It seems that it can be beaten for a long time just by placing it here.

Rhodes didn't let this happen. In order to prevent the life force in his heart from escaping, Rhodes immediately put it into the space ring, along with the cloth bag, under Els's gaze.

After completing this move, looking at Els, Rhodes said:

"Please wait here for a while, after I get the other required refining materials. , and the refining will begin."

After hearing Rhodes' words, Els nodded, stopped talking, and sat down again in mage's usual meditation posture, with the wall at the end of the quiet room behind him.

After finishing the conversation with Els, Rhodes walked out of the huge quiet room.

Outside the door, Rowlin had been waiting here for a long time, and when Rhodes came out, he immediately greeted him. Even Rowlin outside the quiet room felt the shock previously caused by the Titan Battle Armor.

Looking at Rhodes who came out of the quiet room, even though there was no words between the two, the signal from the bloodline perception had already made Rowlin understand that Rhodes had a lot to gain this time.

The existence of bloodline perception brought an invisible tacit understanding to the two of them. Even if Rhodes didn't say much, Rowlin took the initiative to take Rhodes to the next place.

Out of the area where many quiet rooms were built, Rhodes stopped in front of a residence, led by Rowlin.

Due to the special environment in Werning, various types of creatures may appear in this area. This special environment also leads to the existence of various types of creatures in Werning. occupational system.

If it weren't for the chaos caused by the forces from all over the world, Verning would be extremely loose compared to those forces with complicated rules.

Even under the shroud of Dark Sky Curtain, Sao City has obvious signs of undead city. Although the city is dominated by undead mage, there are still other types of professionals, even Knight dressed up. people, Rhodes also saw a lot.

Rowlin stopped in front of a residence, and Rhodes knew that within the residence, there was another person waiting for him to return.

Along the way, Rowlin also fully informed the person's information, and Rhodes was also a little surprised that this person could survive and find Verning all the way.

Perhaps by accident, or some thought, Rhodes was going to meet this man.

Compared to the secluded house Rhodes saw in the City of Death, this residence is more suitable for ordinary creatures to live in. There is no sky-high death energy, and there is nothing special. , is just a common place to live.

Knocked on the front door of the residence, where Rhodes then waited.

Soon, the main door of the residence opened, revealing the silhouette inside the house. This person was also dressed in a black robe that is common among undead mage, but in Rhodes' impression, he was not an undead mage.

Appearing in the room was none other than Aaron, who once had a certain intersection with Rhodes.

(end of this chapter)

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