
  Chapter 925 Changes

Ignoring Els on the side, Rhodes focused his attention on On the giant armor in front of him.

From this armor, Rhodes can perceive waves of familiarity. Like the previous Titan Arrow parts, a special connection spreads between Rhodes and the armor.

Rhodes reached out and affixed to the surface of the armor, and the familiarity that came from the armor became more apparent.

Due to its size, Rhodes is naturally unable to use this giant armor. In Rhodes' opinion, this armor is also the best preserved of all the Titan Arrow Divine Item parts.

Recalling the last scene seen in the inheritance mission, the Divine Item Titan Arrow is divided into four giant parts, all of which are the size of the Titan Battle Armor in front of Rhodes.

According to Rhodes' expectation, the appearance of this Divine Item was originally prepared for the Titans, including the Divine Item parts that were split at the end. According to the corresponding size of this giant armor, Only true Titans can equip it.

However, with the ebbing of time, although the power of the Divine Item itself will not change, the holders of these parts have undergone tremendous changes, and most of the Titans have disappeared in that battle. In the accident, only humanoids can hold these Divine Item parts.

In order to adapt to the changes of users, these Divine Item parts also changed in shape, and finally became a state adapted to humanoids, which is what Rhodes saw when he collected them. In terms of volume, these Divine Item parts may be far from the original state, but the effect is not much different.

Rhodes believes that if the first two Divine Item parts were collected when they were not held by humans, but by some other kind of giant creature, the two Divine Item parts would have been enormous as well.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that, perhaps because of being sealed under the ice for a long time, this change did not appear on the Titan Battle Armor in front of him. At this time, the Titan Battle Armor still maintains the its original form.

With Rhodes' contact with the Titan Battle Armor, the rewards that Rhodes received in the inheritance mission, immediately played a role.

Rhodes noticed that the mountain-like Titan Battle Armor suddenly began to tremble.

Because of the huge size of Battle Armor, the tremors were extremely obvious in the originally peaceful quiet room. As the tremors occurred, a puff of dust began to fall from the top of the quiet room.

Feeling the changes on the Titan Battle Armor, Rhodes seemed to realize something. From the space ring, he took out a shield. The surface of the shield had a special pattern. Under the light of the fire, golden's shield There was a faint glimmer of luster.

Carrying the shield into his hands, Rhodes didn't hesitate to hold it close to the face of the Titan Battle Armor.

As a bright light flashed, Rhodes' action seemed to activate some special features of this Battle Armor. The tremors on the surface of the Battle Armor were more obvious. The entire quiet room was affected by the Battle Armor. Under the influence, the interior began to vibrate.

I don't know how many years it has been buried under the ice sheet. The Battle Armor, which had been silent for a long time, was reactivated in this brief moment because of Rhodes' actions. Looking at the scene in front of me, Els's His expression changed slightly.

Rhodes is in front of Battle Armor, his expression unchanged. Soon, in addition to vibration, some special changes began to occur on Battle Armor.

Under Rhodes' gaze, the giant Battle Armor began to shrink rapidly inward, but it still maintained its original overall shape, only the volume began to shrink rapidly inward.

As the corresponding parts of the Divine Item, most of them have a certain ability to change, even if the volume cannot be changed directly, when all the parts are collected and combined into a complete Divine Item, this change It will show up eventually.

Different from what Rhodes had seen before, the various anomalies that Sandro showed when he assembled the cursed armor, the Titan Battle Armor in front of him would not have such an extremely obvious strange mutation. Out, only the reduction in size.

In the end, when all the changes were completed, a Battle Armor that shrank countless times and became a silver-white Battle Armor in line with the human body size appeared in front of Rhodes.

Through the observation of the things in front of him, Rhodes noticed that this Battle Armor should belong to the type of breastplate, only for the protection function of the chest, abdomen and back, but not matching it. Armguards.

After the change was completed, Rhodes hadn't made any other moves, and Els's voice came first in his ear.

"Is this Battle Armor...a part of a Divine Item?"

Although this Battle Armor has been handed over to Rhodes, what happened on this Battle Armor The change in Ayers still aroused curiosity in Ayers' heart. In order to clear up his doubts, Ayers asked Rhodes a question.

In Els's impression, there is indeed a treasure that can change with the user's body size. Since this treasure does not limit the user, any creature obtained, can use it.

When Els found the Titan Battle Armor from under the ice sheet, he immediately thought of this unique treasure.

However, when he tried to change the size of this giant Battle Armor according to this type of treasure and conventional control methods, he did not get any response from the Battle Armor, as if he was facing Just a piece of cold iron.

After many unsuccessful attempts, Els had no idea about Battle Armor. According to the previous agreement, he handed Battle Armor to Rhodes in Verning.

At this time, Els was surprised that this move by Rhodes caused such a big change in Battle Armor, which eventually turned Battle Armor into a human-like body shape. Obviously beyond his expectations.

Ayers obviously couldn't understand why the Battle Armor, which seemed extremely quiet under his own call, was able to make such a change under the action of Rhodes, just as Ayers could not understand, Why Rhodes is convinced that Battle Armor is just below the ice sheet.

Noticing the shield Rhodes held in his hand when he triggered the Battle Armor change, Els seemed to realize something in his heart. By now, Els has been able to see the special connection between these two things.

In this brief moment, combining the special connection between these two things, Els seems to realize something, in his view, only the combination of Divine Item and other things can have such a effect.

Although the Battle Armor had been handed over to Rhodes, the doubts in his heart still made Els ask this remark. Els looked at Rhodes, trying to get an answer out of his mouth.

(end of this chapter)

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