
  Chapter 922 Sao City

Having said that, Rowlin stopped his own words and said Looking at Rhodes beside him like this, brilliance seemed to flow in his eyes.

After noticing Rowlin's expression, Rhodes seemed to realize something and couldn't help but say: "It's just a name, whether it's you or the centaur leader, you should be able to name this city. How can there be a situation where most of the towns have been established and haven't been named yet?"

Hearing Rhodes' words, Rowlin shook the head: "It's different...whether it's me or the Death Knight, Neither can replace the highest will in the territory to name this city, only the big brother can do that."

Speaking of this, Rowlin seemed to recall something, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his expression Some playfully said: "Not long ago, the Death Knight, who said it was to give some advice to the big brother, gathered the undead mage in the city to vote for the name of the city."

"The number of votes Ranked 1st Yes, it turned out to be the city of Silva for no reason. If it wasn't for the fear of being punished and the lack of a response from the big brother, I'm afraid it would have been named that way."

In the conversation , Rowlin's originally dull expression had changed significantly at this time. Looking at Rowlin's smiling face under the hood, Rhodes asked:

"What about you? Since a centaur wants to name this city, in your heart, Do you already have a name you want to give this city?"

Rowlin was stunned for a while by Rhodes' question, she never thought that Rhodes would ask herself such a question.

Perhaps in private, Rowlin had thought about what to name the town that was about to be built, but she never thought that Rhodes would ask herself like this.

After thinking for a while, the original smile on Rowlin's face subsided obviously, replaced by a sad look, and at the same time, he said the thoughts he had before.

"If it were me, I would name this city Sau."

Rowlin's words made Rhodes aware of her thoughts too. In Rhodes' impression, when he first came to this world and felt the memory of his predecessor, he had vaguely heard of this name.

Rhodes recalled that before his own arrival, his former predecessor lived with Rowlin in the village of Sau, but in the end the entire village was destroyed by the undead mage Elliot, and the predecessor died there.

At this point, upon hearing Rowlin say the name, Rhodes realized that she obviously valued the experience of living in the village of Sao, even though she was already stronger than Elliot, who had destroyed the village in the first place. I don't know how much, but she still can't let go of the past experience.

“How about you, big brother?”

I don’t know when, Rowlin looked at Rhodes with a little more hope, longing for what he said, getting his approval.

"What does big brother want to name this city?"

Rowlin's question came from his ear, Rhodes raised his hand as if he couldn't read her eyes. , the surrounding death energy moved, and at the same time replied: "The City of Corpse Witch."

Hearing this name, Rowlin corner of mouth twitching.

In Rhodes' impression, the common town names that can symbolize the mage of the undead, such as the city of death, the city of shadows, etc., have long been occupied by the old undead cities in Dia, and similar names are in Dia. It is more plentiful and easily available.

The name Rhodes came up with, naturally, could not escape this rule. In Rhodes' impression, there seems to be a city of corpses in Dia, and there is more than one city with this name, but Rhodes doesn't care at all.

Rhodes believes that when he fully displays the power of the Divine Item and creates endless corpse witch queens, the name of the city of corpse witches will surely spread to the entire undead mage group.

Even if the city of corpses already exists in Dia, Rhodes doesn't care at all. He believes that when the Shadow of Death campaign is fully launched, renaming the city of corpses in Dia is nothing but his own words. question of words.

In Rhodes' view, there is only one town name that can fully match the power of Divine Item and at the same time deter all enemies. so good.

Raising his hand, he felt a little bit of the abilities attached to the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique. In Rhodes' heart, he was undoubtedly extremely satisfied with the name City of Corpse Witch.

At this time, it seemed that something was abnormal, and Rhodes turned his gaze to Rowlin beside him.

Rhodes noticed that when he heard the name he mentioned, Rowlin's expression changed very obviously. All the hopes he had originally had disappeared completely, his lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were looking at him with resentment. It was as if he had been wronged.

Thinking back to what Rowlin had said earlier, Rhodes understood what she was thinking.

"I'm joking," Rhodes brace oneself. "Actually, I also want to name this city Sau City."

Hearing this remark from Rhodes, Rowlin's expression still did not improve, but as if uncertain, he asked: " Really?"

Rhodes didn't answer, just nodded, in response to Rowlin's query.

At this time, Rowlin's tense expression could no longer be maintained, and a flower-like smile bloomed on Rowlin's face: "That's it!"

Looking at Rowlin in front of him, feeling the waves of joy in his bloodline perception, Rhodes knew that he didn't need to worry about her anymore.

It seems to be affected by emotional fluctuations. The life force in Rowlin's body is also motivated, and the body that was originally eroded by death energy has shown signs of improvement in some parts.

Even at this time, Rowlin has not fully recovered from the erosion of death energy, but it is only a matter of time. Rhodes believes that with the help of the energy capture secret technique, Rowlin will be able to recover soon. into the initial state.

Noticing the change in Rowlin's expression, Rhodes also felt relieved for a while. Even the name of the town changed, it was no longer the city of corpses that he thought, and it was not so important.

In the name of the town, Rhodes realized that he seemed to be placed by Rowlin, but what Rhodes cared more about was the smiling Rowlin in front of him.

The city of corpse witches... Recalling this name that may terrify all creatures in the surface world, Rhodes can only faintly sighed, and it is a little regrettable.

extend the hand, press down the hood above Rowlin's head, this time, the hood doesn't just cover her face, it completely covers her line of sight.

Rowlin naturally didn't want to be teased like this, and extend the hand tried to sort out the hood, but it couldn't be done under Rhodes' control.

(end of this chapter)

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