
  Chapter 923 Inside the Quiet Room

The scene in front of you, if you are seen by other creatures in Sao City In the eyes, there will be a burst of surprise in the heart.

They never imagined that normally the strongest undead mage in the city would have such an embarrassing moment.

Unable to get rid of Rhodes' action on his own, Rhodes finally stopped, and Rowlin raised his hood again.

It seemed to be a signal from the bloodline perception, and Rhodes only felt a bond between himself and Rowlin deepened by doing this.

The hood on Rowlin's head was tidied up again, and the fight between the two did not last too long, and the next topic was opened.

As if recalling something, Rowlin took the initiative to say: "big brother, during this time, several special characters have come to the city and are waiting for your return."

After knowing this from Rowlin's mouth, Rhodes was also a little curious about the people she was talking about, who would be waiting for the time when she didn't return?

Rowlin went on to describe the characteristics of these people, and Rhodes was surprised that among these people, there were still high-level mages of Bracada orthodoxy.

Recalling the abnormality in his own perception, this news undoubtedly made Rhodes realize something.

At this point, Rhodes let the ghost dragon return to the sky to patrol all around through spiritual imprint, and then under the leadership of Rowlin, Rhodes moved towards the quiet room where these people were waiting.


Under Rowlin's signal, Rhodes stretched out his hand and used the spell ceremony to open a closed stone gate in a quiet room.

As soon as he stepped into the quiet room, Rhodes felt the abnormality of the environment. Although all around was still made of stone walls, the interior space was obviously larger than the quiet room Rhodes had visited. too much.

As far as the eye can see, the interior of the quiet room is extremely empty, without any extra accessories, just on the surrounding walls, there are lit candles.

Looking at the large interior area of ​​the quiet room, Rhodes knew that the quiet room was not prepared for mage meditation. If this quiet room is used for meditation, the effect may not be as good as a normal quiet room.

In Rhodes' view, the most important function of this quiet room is to guide the spell ceremony.

For example, the Death Knight transformation ceremony that Rhodes once performed, in a very small space, it is difficult to complete the arrangement of the spell ceremony, let alone perform it completely, only in a wide space like here, spell ceremony to do so.

In order to meet the requirements of mage, the size of the space inside the quiet room will be different. For example, the spacious quiet room in front of Rhodes is prepared for the mage that needs space to arrange ceremony. Generally, there are very few mage. There is a chance to use it.

Rhodes was somewhat surprised that the high-level mage who came to find him would choose such a quiet room.

Under Rhodes' suggestion, Rowlin finally brought him to this position. According to the information provided by Rowlin, the high-level mage has been inside this quiet room since he came here. Wait, don't know what to do.

The signal from the perception made Rhodes realize that there was no trace of a spell ceremony in the quiet room, and even the fluctuations of the magic elements seemed extremely calm. What exactly did you do in the quiet room?

As his gaze swept across the entire quiet room, Rhodes also noticed the depths of the quiet room, and almost brought his entire body to the silhouette of the wall furthest from the door.

At this time, the silhouette also felt the changes at the entrance of the quiet room, stood up from the original sitting position, and kept looking at Rhodes not far away.

There is no room to cast spell, Rhodes just walked forward step by step, and finally stopped his pace at a position not far from the mage.

Rhodes noticed that the mage in front of him was wearing a dark-colored robe. Under the light of the fire, people couldn't tell the original color of the robe, but his face was clearly visible.

The memory of once in Bracada emerged, and Rhodes recognized that the mage in front of him was Els with whom he made an agreement in the Ice Blue Spell Academy.

Because Rowlin had informed Rhodes of what he knew before, Rhodes was not surprised by the identity of this high-level mage.

To Rhodes' surprise, Els would come to Verning to find him even though he had already revealed his identity as an undead mage.

In Rhodes' view, the original agreement with Els may have been voided when he revealed his identity as the undead mage.

The orthodox high-level mage in Bracada, especially those from the Academy, may not be as hostile to the undead mage as the magic guild, but it is always a kind of Disgusting attitude, let alone what agreement is made with the undead mage.

However, upon noticing Eric's silhouette, Rhodes immediately realized that he might be different from the orthodox high mage in Bracadana.

The reward from the inheritance quest allows Rhodes to sense where the Titan Arrow Divine Item component is located.

When Rhodes entered the quiet room, this feeling suddenly became extremely strong, and even the other two Divine Item parts in the Rhodes space ring had a tendency to change.

The appearance of this change made Rhodes even more puzzled, and he was eager to know what Els really meant.

Rowlin did not enter the quiet room with Rhodes in the process, but waited outside.

Looking at Rhodes who appeared here, Els's expression remained unchanged, but the atmosphere in the field seemed to be dignified with the arrival of Rhodes.

After meeting, the two immediately looked at each other without speaking first.

Recalling the situation when he first saw Rhodes in the ice blue spell Academy, compared with the imposing manner of Rhodes at this time, Els was secretly shocked.

Els recalled that he initially chose to reach an agreement with Rhodes in the Ice Blue Spell Academy, and more importantly, he valued his innate talent in refining potions.

In Els's point of view, even though Rhodes at that time seemed to be of average strength, he only needed a demagogic spell to completely fall into the illusion, but he was refining magic medicine. The accomplishments above are worth paying attention to.

Being able to refine the perfect potion without any negative effects in the potion competition, and comprehensively enhance all attributes, has already demonstrated the powerful ability of Rhodes in Potion Refining.

According to Els's knowledge of potions, the only one who can truly surpass Rhodes in the refining of potions is the real potion master in the underground world.

(end of this chapter)

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