
  Chapter 921 Intelligence

Looking at Rowlin in front of him, Rhodes didn't hesitate, and went from the space ring He took out one thing, then raised the hand that was put down again, and handed the thing in his hand to Rowlin.

Rowlin reached for it, noticing that what Rhodes had given her was a sealed parchment. The black silk thread of the parchment is sealed at will, and it seems that it should have been opened before this.

Although Rhodes did not specify what was recorded in the scroll, Rowlin at this time could also guess it.

Understanding the importance Rhodes places on himself, Rowlin realizes that what is recorded in the parchment is most likely the secret technique to solve the erosion of death energy, and this is also the harvest of Rhodes' trip.

Rowlin never thought that this secret technique would appear in front of him in such a form. Even before that, Rowlin was informed of the smooth return of Rhodes, but Rowlin unimaginable, Rhodes really brought this secret technique back.

According to what Rowlin knew in the classics, the undead mage would not pay attention to this abnormality in the face at all. Even if there was such an undead mage, it would take Rhodes how long it would take to find it.

Perhaps I couldn't believe it in my heart, and the secret technique I longed for appeared in front of me. Rowlin's voice trembled slightly and asked: "This is...?"

"Recorded in the scroll is the secret technique of energy absorption created by a Lich, which can be used to resist the erosion of death energy. I believe that with your innate talent, it will take a long time to master it."

Rhodes' words came from his ears, and Rowlin also confirmed the things recorded on this parchment from his mouth.

Rowlin's hand holding the parchment roll became more and more forceful at some point, and even with the parchment roll that had been folded, a lot of folds appeared at this time, but Rowlin didn't care about it. a little.

Having not immediately looked at what was recorded in the parchment scroll, in Rowlin's perception, the presence of Rhodes was so strong, not just the result of the attribute effect of blood perception, in this brief moment, Rowlin seemed to be able to Deeply felt the will in Rhodes.

Recalling Rhodes' act of tidying up his hood when he just returned, Rowlin understands that no matter what he has become under the erosion of death energy, Rhodes will not despise himself for it.

In addition to the parchment scroll in his hand, although Rowlin doesn't know what Rhodes has experienced in Dia, this secret technique is obviously not easy to obtain.

Thinking of this, Rowlin at this time, finally as if he couldn't help it, stepped forward and hugged Rhodes gently.

Rowlin was surprised by the incomparably smooth touch in his hand that Rhodes looked old and even had a slightly damaged cloak on the back. It felt like this, obviously not Mortal Grade. .

Rowlin's move made Rhodes a little surprised, but Rhodes didn't make any move, just relied on the existence of blood perception and carefully perceived the state of Rowlin.

The experience of the past life made Rhodes deeply understand how important self-confidence is for a mage.

There are many battles that can be won. If the mage has been terrified and over-cautious, no matter how high the rank is, you may only be able to deal with it passively. rather than take the initiative to counterattack.

Rhodes has always believed that even a strong mage will not manifest this self-confidence, but it will still exist in their hearts.

When she just met Rowlin, Rhodes suddenly discovered that the confidence that existed in her in the past seemed to be hidden at this time. When she looked over, she didn't even dare to face herself. , just lowered his head.

Noticing this situation, Rhodes realized that although the erosion brought about by death energy did not significantly reduce Rowlin's strength, this change in mentality may have the greatest impact.

Rhodes recalled that he had seen in Dia, a very confident undead mage, that was Sandro's hero Videnina.

In Rhodes' impression, the Videnina at that time, although wearing a hood like a regular undead mage, completely erected the hood without any meaning to hide her face.

Unlike regular undead mage, there is no erosion of death energy in Vid Nina, but Rhodes believes that even if this happens to Vid Nina, she Maybe not like Rowlin, who has any idea of ​​hiding his face.

The self-confidence of the undead mage is a kind of self-confidence in its own strength, believing that relying on its own strength, it can ignore all other matters, but Rhodes did not see this in Rowlin.

In order to help Rowlin change this, Rhodes can only give Rowlin some guidance based on the way Vidnina wears the hood from memory, and finally hand over the secret technique to her.

Relying on the existence of blood perception and realizing the change in Rowlin's heart, Rhodes did not say anything to disturb her.

It wasn't until Rowlin's emotions completely calmed down that Rhodes asked her what he wanted to know:

"Have you ever been in the territory during my absence? What happened?"

Hearing Rhodes' question, Rowlin let go of his hand, also turning serious.

"After you left, the remaining Bracada forces in Werning began to stir and planned to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, but I was eventually beaten back."

" Other large forces did not intervene in the battle at this time. I heard that Brakada has dispatched Legendary mage to this place in order to solve the battle situation here. Fortunately, you returned in time.”

“ Except for Bracada's forces, the situation in Verning is relatively calm."

"When the high-ranking mage Witt died, other forces began to dispatch personnel to Verning, especially Egypt. The elves here, but I haven't seen them take action on the battlefield for the time being."

After hearing Rhodes' question, Rowlin said what he knew one after another.

Perhaps it was because of Rhodes' attitude that affected Rowlin at this time, or maybe it was because he knew that he would soon recover from the eroded state, and Rowlin turned positive. When she no longer hides her face under the hood, even Rhodes can't fault her current state.

"Compared to the external situation, during this period, the construction of the territory has also achieved good results."

"The undead mage in Verning has already learned The newly established undead city here, many choose to come here.”

“The only regret is that this undead city does not have a specific name until now, resulting in the undead mage in the It's extremely inconvenient to call this here."

(end of this chapter)

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