
  Chapter 908 Choose a

Leading the many undead kings, Rhodes approached the Lich Stephen.

With the changes, the situation has gradually become clearer now, neither Rhodes nor Lich Stephen, after anticipating the result, did not continue to shoot.

Relying on the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique and the Ghost King cloak, a large number of corpse witch kings have been transformed, and the nature of this special skill itself, Rhodes has completely suppressed this powerful Lich.

If there is only Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes can certainly transform these corpses with death energy in the death tombs into reawakened undead creatures, but in the step position, it will be far Less than the level of the corpse witch king.

According to Rhodes' expectation, if it weren't for the Ghost King's cloak, most of the skeleton undead creatures transformed by him would only have the strength of the skeleton soldier level, or even worse. Although the number is relatively optimistic, the overall Strength may be nothing.

The dead bones have been displayed here for countless years. Although they can provide a cursed earth-like environment for the dead tombs, they can't be considered a kind of undead creatures. Good materials and years of weathering have already made these dead bones extremely fragile.

Under the service of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, these broken bones spliced ​​together into skeleton-like undead creatures, but the gaps and cracks on the body are still extremely obvious. It will fall apart in an instant, and people can't put hope in it.

However, with the Ghost King's cloak, everything is different. Completely disregarding the material of the corpse before the transformation, and forcibly raising the rank of the undead creature after transformation, only the existence of the Ghost King cloak can do this.

Under the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, the undead creatures transformed by Rhodes are even stronger than the corpse witches seen in the Soul Evocation Tower, reaching sixth rank The level of the corpse witch king.

With the huge increase in rank, these transformed corpse witch kings have faint signs of healing in the cracks on their bodies. Under the nourishment of their own death energy, it may not take long for them to heal. The defects of the body itself will be perfected, and the attributes of the body will be restored to the same as the regular corpse witch king.

The corpse witch and the corpse witch king, although only the first rank gap, but their strength is very different.

As the undead king of high-level undead creatures, the cloud of death they cast corresponds to the cloud of death of Lich that level.

All the undead mages who have not undergone the endless long night ceremony transformation and cannot upgrade the Soul Evocation Technique to the Epic Grade, the Death Clouds displayed are far from being comparable to those displayed by the Corpse Witch King.

The difference in First Rank can often determine many things, and it is reflected in the corpse witch king, which is that they are not affected by the death cloud cast by ordinary corpse witches at all, and the death cloud they cast. Cloud can easily completely erode ordinary corpse witches.

In the face of the sudden generation of many corpse witch kings, even these undead creatures under Tamik seemed to be difficult to deal with for a while. Under the pervading clouds of death, it finally led to the present. of this result.

The death of a large number of undead creatures, coupled with the extremely unusual breath he felt from Rhodes, made Stephen finally stop his actions.

Before performing the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes also attempted to use another special effect of the Ghost King's cloak to take control of the surrounding undead creatures.

In Rhodes' impression, about the ability of the Ghost King cloak, Sandro had already used it on the top of the Soul Evocation tower.

Due to his knowledge of the ceremony of the Eternal Night, Rhodes knew that the Lich transformed from the ceremony, although similar in nature to undead creatures as a whole, could not be counted as true undead creatures themselves.

Like Sandro's remarks at the top of the Soul Evocation tower, Lich, transformed by ceremony, is more inclined to elemental creatures, creatures that are purely composed of death energy.

In this case, the existence of spiritual imprint cannot have any effect on the real Lich. No Lich will be controlled by spiritual imprint.

For this reason, Rhodes knew that he could not directly control Lich in Dia by relying on this feature of Ghost King's cloak, and even Sandro in the previous game could not. do it.

In addition to the limitations of Lich, this ability of the Ghost King cloak can be said to have restrained undead creatures to the extreme. No undead creature can resist this ability of Divine Item. Even the epic hero Degal in vampire was cast spiritual imprint in an instant.

It's just that Rhodes didn't choose to use such an ability.

When viewing the system log, Rhodes realized that the ability of the Ghost King cloak was still on cooldown after Sandro's casting.

The Ghost King cloak has no restrictions on the promotion ability of the transformed undead creatures, but this ability to force spiritual imprint has a cooling time limit, and Rhodes cannot be used at this time. .

In addition to the limitation of cooling time, another important attribute also limits Rhodes' ability to perform this ability, that is, the existence of manipulating spirit.

Although he did not use this ability of the Ghost King's cloak himself, Rhodes can also predict that once he uses this ability, the spiritual imprint of these undead creatures will instantly fall on him, occupying own spirit attribute.

According to Rhodes' observation of the number of undead creatures all around, he who has suffered the spiritual imprint of these undead creatures is afraid that he will immediately fall into chaos.

Just as if the spirit attribute is not enough, it is necessary to forcefully control the undead creatures. This kind of behavior will often bring serious repercussions to the undead mage, and even lead to the complete loss of spellcasting ability.

In order to successfully use spell in the future, Rhodes will naturally not force this ability when the spirit attribute is not enough.

According to what Rhodes originally observed in the Soul Evocation tower, in Rhodes' view, even if the cooling time is up, this ability to control all undead creatures in a large area indiscriminately, I am afraid that he will have to come. It will take a long time to use this ability.

However, the situation is quite different for these Witch Kings transformed through the Ghost King cloak.

Under the action of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes quickly transformed, and directly used spiritual imprint to control these corpse witch kings.

Rhodes was able to control these corpse witch kings, not because of his high level of manipulation spirit, but because of the spirit attribute occupied by these corpse witch kings, which was extremely low. spirit attribute , Rhodes can easily control all these transformed Witch Kings.

(end of this chapter)

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