
  Chapter 909 Choice 2

Before that, when Rhodes was in the Soul Evocation tower, kill When the corpse witches were transformed by Sandro, he had noticed one thing.

Even if the rank corresponding to normal corpse witches is above the fifth rank, the corpse witches killed by Rhodes can only provide extremely low EXP, which is far below the standard of fifth rank creatures. It's more like the EXP that Second Rank creatures can provide.

This discovery undoubtedly made Rhodes at that time aware of a trace of anomaly, but Rhodes at that time thought deeply, and when he looked back, Rhodes noticed something unusual.

According to Rhodes' information, there is a certain correspondence between the EXP provided by undead creatures and the spirit attributes they occupy.

If the EXP that these corpse witches can provide is only the level of low-level creatures, then the same is true for the control spirit they occupy, and there will not be much deviation between the two.

According to Rhodes' own understanding, the EXP provided by undead creatures mostly depends on the strength of their Soul Fire. The stronger Soul Fire, the stronger the corresponding undead creature, the more EXP it can provide, and the more spirit attribute it will take to control it.

In Rhodes' view, the corpse witch transformed by the Ghost King's cloak, the spiritual imprint occupied, and the EXP provided should all depend on the creature transformed into the corpse witch, and what is in front of him. Corresponding rank strength.

This also applies to the Witch King transformed by Rhodes.

Because the EXP provided by the Witch King has not changed with the increase of the rank, Rhodes can't get a lot of EXP by killing the Witch King he transformed, so he wants to rely on Divine With the power of Item and raising his rank, Rhodes has to start a war like Sandro did.

Relying on the various effects of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes transformed the original broken bones in the dead tombs into a large number of undead creatures.

Originally, these transformed undead creatures can only be counted as low-level undead creatures such as skeleton soldiers. Due to the poor materials used for transformation, they cannot be expected to have much combat capability at all.

Only, under the influence of Ghost King's cloak, the situation immediately changed.

Relying on the unique effect of the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes has the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which is enough to make any dead creature be transformed into the sixth rank corpse witch king.

In the desolate tombs of death, these corpse witch kings transformed by Rhodes, although the strength is the same as the real corpse witch king, but the spirit attributes they occupy are pitiful.

In Rhodes' perception, the spirit attribute occupied by these corpse witch kings is only similar to that of skeleton soldiers, or even lower, which undoubtedly gives Rhodes the opportunity to control a large number of corpse witch kings.

With the powerful effect of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique combined with Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes finally achieved this move, relying on the power brought by these Witch Kings, Rhodes finally made Stephen completely suppress.

Under the cloud of death cast by the corpse witch king, the original undead creatures in the death tombs died in large numbers. Even Lich Stephen would not let the undead creatures under him die in vain. In such a situation, the choice of both sides is not to fight again.

For Rhodes, the reason he chose the truce was not only because of the need for Stephen's secret technique, but more importantly, Rhodes knew in his heart that even if he had a big advantage, he might not be able to. Kill this mighty Lich at any chance.

The existence of space spells brings great convenience for mastering the mage of these spells. Any mage who has mastered the spatial spell above the fourth rank can go directly from one place to another, and even on the battlefield, it can also use the spatial spell to complete the effect of rapid evacuation.

In this regard, Rhodes, who had a lot of experience in dealing with high-level mage in his previous life, naturally knew in his heart that even some real assassin professionals could not have any advantages when mage cast spatial spells. Rhodes at the time was even more helpless.

Through the magic scroll leading to the Tomb of Death, Rhodes understood that Stephen's attainment in space spell is definitely not low, even surpassing the orthodox mage of the overwhelming majority, Rhodes is not sure that he can She kills it before using the Time Gate to escape.

The existence of space spell makes the battles between many high-level mage only end in reconciliation. Before the absolute crushing of strength is formed, even the high-level mage itself will be the same. Nothing can counter the moves of space spell.

Maybe the Legendary Mage, who has mastered the gate of different dimensions, can chase all the way along the waves left by the space spell, so as to pursue the mage that escaped with the space spell.

Even in an area that has never been reached before, these mages can pass through the existence of the gate of different dimensions and appear there directly, but the mastery of the gate of different dimensions is extremely harsh, even in Brahma. In Qatar, not many Legendary mage can master it.

Relying on the space spell mastered by itself, mage can protect its own safety very well. Unless it is a truly irreconcilable battle, there are few high-level mages that will not use it when encountering danger. Space spell to escape.

And this is the reason why Rhodes did not continue to choose to fight Stephen at this time.

In Rhodes's impression, in the game of the previous life, there was a piece that could counter the treasure of mage's space spell, the war shackles.

Although the war shackles are only of treasure quality, Rhodes always believes that the real effect of this treasure, especially its restraint on spatial spells, will never be inferior to ordinary Divine Items.

Once this treasure takes effect, all creatures in a large area centered on it cannot leave this area in any way.

Even the space spell that mage casts, under the action of the war shackles, also loses all the previous effects and cannot make mage escape from this area.

Rhodes recalled that the existence of war shackles is also one of the few treasures that can directly restrain space spells. Except for the forbidden magic ball, war shackles are the best treasures to restrain space spells.

According to the understanding of the game information of the previous life, in Rhodes' impression, the place where the war shackles first appeared in the eyes of the players was in the Crulod where barbaric creatures gathered.

The one who holds this treasure is also a powerful Barbarian hero, and he is also known as the successor of the hero Tanan.

In subsequent battles, the shackles of war were also used by this Barbarian hero to restrain the mage who was good at using space spell to escape.

(end of this chapter)

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