
  Chapter 907 The Awakened Tomb of Death

The rapid spread of death energy makes the entire Tomb of Death, have produced a special change.

The transformation from the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, just like the will of True God, all creatures that have long since died, no matter whether they have enough conditions to produce Soul Fire, or there are only broken bones on the ground , will obey the orders of the God of the Undead and return to the battlefield again.

The first to bear the consequences of this change is naturally the undead creatures all around that belong to Stephen.

When Stephen's spellcasting ability was resolved by Rhodes' Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, the only thing that could pose a threat to Rhodes was the surrounding undead creatures, which had been accumulated by Stephen for countless years. , the Legion of the dead that has long been uncountable.

Relying on the perception brought by the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes realized that just after Stephen's shot, the undead creatures in the entire tomb of death seemed to be activated, which had been silent for a long time. The Undead Creature, in this brief moment also received a summon from Stephen.

In addition to these undead creatures in front of us, there are countless undead creatures that are rushing towards this location. Under Stephen's mobilization, it may not be long before all the undead in the desolate tomb of death. All creatures will gather here.

With the action of a large number of undead creatures in the entire tomb of death, the tomb of death that had been silent for countless years, in this brief moment, seems to have awakened, accompanied by a large amount of death energy. Emerged, and the vibrations continued to spread out in the Tomb of Death.

However, before these undead creatures reached Rhodes' location, things changed.

As the undead creatures rushing towards Rhodes stepped out, what they stepped on was no longer the once densely packed, withered bones that covered the entire ground, but a new kind of thing.

Countless arms made of white bones protruded from the pile of dead bones on the ground, and instantly grabbed the undead creatures on them.

What was originally only a dead tomb of death, under the influence of Rhodes, has already awakened at this time.

Accompanying these arms is a cloud of death that is extremely thick.

A large number of death clouds filled the field, instantly covering all the undead creatures around.

For a time, Stephen, who was hiding beside him, only felt that the spiritual imprint he controlled was greatly reduced, and countless undead creatures fell under the influence of this cloud of death.

Even Stephen himself could feel an unusual meaning from the clouds of death all around. A corpse witch of an ordinary level could not release a cloud of death of this level.

After clearing the undead creatures all around, the cloud of death begins to dissipate. The pale Ghost Fire in the Tomb of Death, after absorbing such a strong death energy, the light also becomes brighter, illuminating the appearance of the new creatures in the field.

It is shattered, it is purely composed of broken bones, and its body is full of dark cracks. The body similar to human beings is the shape of these creatures, and in the position of the eye pupil, it exudes a Crimson's rays of light, bright and bright.

As Lich's Stephen, he recognized the types of these undead creatures at a glance. It is the corpse witch king with the strongest spellcasting ability among all undead creatures. Look at the degree of cohesion of these corpse witch king Soul Fire , the overall strength is much more than the general corpse witch king.

The rank of a single Corpse Witch King has surpassed the sixth rank and entered the ranks of high-level creatures. Regular undead creatures are simply unable to resist the cloud of death released by the Witch King.

Even the corpse witch king controlled by Stephen has only a very small number of existences that can survive the sudden outbreak of the cloud of death.

The corpse witch king who suddenly climbed up from the ground is nothing if there are only a few. However, this scene in front of him undoubtedly exceeded Stephen's expectations.

A large number of corpse witch kings composed of broken bones appeared in Stephen's sight. Almost every position in the entire death tomb, there were corpse witch kings of this type.

Even after Stephen's summon, most of the undead creatures rushing to this place have been lost, and there is still a continuous corpse witch king who crawled out from the ground of the dead tomb.

Stephen even saw with his own eyes, not far in front of her, some relatively complete broken bones, began to be spliced, and finally filled with smaller broken bones, one eye flashed bright red. rays of light, the corpse witch king who could roughly see the human form, appeared in front of her.

"Is this the power of Divine Item..."

Feeling the scene in front of me, even Stephen, who has a deep research on Soul Evocation Technique, can't use himself Explanation of common sense.

Not to mention how the broken bones on the ground were independently spliced ​​and finally transformed into formed undead creatures, it is said that the large number of corpse witch kings that appeared at the end was enough to subvert Stephen until now. Cognition of undead creatures.

The undead creatures transformed by the undead mage are, to a large extent, affected by the strength during their lifetime. A creature with comprehensive strength can naturally be transformed into a powerful undead creature after death. Undead mage recognized wisdom.

However, through the transformation of Rhodes, these corpse witch kings who awakened undoubtedly broke the truth recognized by the undead mage. Apart from the role of the Divine Item, Stephen couldn't think of any other explanation.

Feeling the desolate tombs of death that had undergone tremendous changes, and the large number of corpse witch kings around, Stephen knew that he might not be able to win this Divine Item.

As a large number of corpse witch kings were transformed from the broken bones of the desolate tombs of death, Stephen's undead creatures suffered heavy casualties.

In this process, the only thing that is less affected is probably the undead creatures that can fly above.

In the sky above the Tomb of Death, there are still a large number of undead creatures. Most of them are Resentful Soul, and some vampires that detect something wrong and turn into bats in time, as for ghost-like dragon-like creatures. For powerful undead creatures, it is extremely rare.

At this time, Stephen still has the ability to use spell and cooperate with the flying undead creatures to fight back, but she did not choose to do so.

Stephen knew in his heart that according to the current situation, other than letting these undead creatures evacuate, it would be pointless for her to do anything at this time.

I don't know when, the black mist that enveloped Stephen dissipated, and her figure was revealed.

Heavy footsteps came from one side along with the rubbing of the skeleton. Stephen moved towards the direction where the voice came, and at a glance, he saw Rhodes who caused all these changes, and a large number of corpse witch kings following him.

(end of this chapter)

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