
  Chapter 1869 Memories of the picture
  Although I received the picture from Rhodes, Agland Instead of casting Flame Hide immediately, he asked Rhodes warily.

Aglan could feel that the picture Rhodes passed down was only a small part of the picture somewhere in his memory, and it was impossible to tell anything from this small part alone.

It was the uniquely shaped chains in the picture that deeply attracted the attention of the Archfiend. Chains spread out from the bottom of the lake of fire full of lava. I don't know what kind of creature is qualified to be bound by such chains.

"We are going to the door of treason, those bound by chains are naturally treacherous people." Rhodes answered at a moderate pace, "You don't know everything about the door of treason, right? Or are you going to cheat?"

Agran snorted. As Rhodes said, this is the first time he has participated in the king's trial. The last time such a large-scale trial was hundreds of years ago. pass.

Even so, Agland still insisted on the original idea: "I will not cast Fire Escape until I see the complete picture."

Use Fire Escape After the shape spans a long-distance space, this ability will fall into a long-term cooling period and cannot be used for a while. At that time, Aglan will be at his weakest time. Because of this, it is particularly important to ensure his own safety. , if that location is not the door of treason, Aglan is likely to be in danger.

The Gate of Betrayal is the target chosen by countless Archfiends. There are many demons that Agran is familiar with. If the target is really the Gate of Betrayal, Agran does not need to worry about his own safety.

"Okay, since you are very persistent..." Seeing Aglan's incomparable persistence, Rhodes was also a little helpless, and immediately sent another relatively complete picture to Archfiend.

"This is..."

Feeling the content in the picture, Agran, who was originally calm, also showed a surprised look in his eyes.

In the picture from the monster, the true content of the chains is fully revealed, and countless dark chains intersect with the lava of the scarlet, binding the only creature in the picture, which looks like a Kerrigan people.

And above the creature's head, hot lava dripped from a height, burning the man's body constantly, which also made Aglan unable to see the man's face.

Everything in the picture shows a deep ominous omen to Agland, but it is this ominous omen that makes Agland excited, he knows that this It just shows that the position in the picture is the door of betrayal.

"You can't be wrong... Those who break their trust will be judged cruelly at the gate of breaking their trust!" Looking at everything in the picture again, Agland's breathing became thicker, and he was already able to confirm that , this wicked picture must be related to the door of betrayal.

Rhodes felt the change in Aglan's expression and sighed slightly in relief.

In that picture, the person tightly bound by the chains is exactly the target Rhodes is looking for in this trip, the prophet Messika, or in other words, the greedy king Messika.

Once, when Rhodes was still on the island, after discovering that Messika was missing, he used the treasure [long-sighted pendant] on his body to remotely probe where Messika was.

The picture from the [Hyperopia Pendant] made Rhodes suspicious. He didn't understand what happened to Messika, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​finding her and just kept this picture in his heart. , didn't expect At this moment, this picture comes in handy.

Knowing where Messika is is not enough for Rhodes to rescue her, Rhodes also needs the help of creatures who are good at top space spells. Archfiend, who has the ability to hide in flames, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

For this reason, Rhodes immediately plunged into the Mirage of Pain after betting with Agland, and defeated the Archfiend with a slight lead.

"You already know where the door of treason is, do you have anything else to say?" Rhodes spread his hands and asked Aglan, the meaning of the words seemed to be urging Aglan Lan hurry up.

Agrand nodded: "I don't want to stay here, let's go now."

After saying that, Agrand stopped on Rhodes' giant hand , while leaning down, touching the surface of Rhodes' body with the palm of your hand.

The fire light ignited from the Archfiend's body, and at the same time, it rushed towards Rhodes' giant body, wrapping Rhodes a little bit. Strangely, Rhodes could not feel any burning sensation. , but a warm feeling all over him.

Observing Aglan's use of flame escape, Rhodes also had a clear comprehension in his heart.

A long time ago, Rhodes and Rowlin had a discussion about flame hiding. The ability of the flame to hide is to move Archfiend, along with everything he touches, across space, including other living creatures.

This is something that cannot be achieved by teleportation anyway. Mage's use of teleportation is at most limited to carrying clothing, weapons and other equipment across space together, and cannot carry other large items.

Archfiend can hide by flames and carry the weight of items across the space together. In theory, there is no upper limit. As long as Archfiend's body can withstand the tremendous pressure of carrying heavy objects across space, then they can rely on flames to escape, moving huge mountains and even boundless oceans.

The previous Rhodes, although mastered the ability to hide in flames, were extremely limited in the weight they could bear.

According to Rhodes' prediction, the limit that he could bear in the past was probably the weight of two Inota bodies. If this weight was exceeded, his body would be torn apart by the unstoppable space backlash. Cracked and severely injured.

The body of Goliath currently controlled by Rhodes is many times heavier than the fairy dragon. If the former Rhodes were to move this body, it would definitely not move, even if it was a flame The powerful ability to hide is difficult to work on this body.

Only a spell like the gate of another dimension, which is specially born for the limitation of breakthrough space, can let Rhodes' body also cross the space.

But Agland was able to do this, relying only on his own control of the flames to hide, and moved this enormous giant body.

Rhodes believes that this must have something to do with the special fire that burns around Aglan.

This is Archfiend's unique technique when he casts flames to hide. If you change it to other demons, you may not see anything, or even feel a little strange, but Rhodes can see the subtlety at a glance, and he secretly will These methods are written down, and some kind of clear comprehension flashes in my eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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