
  Chapter 1868 Before leaving
  After exiting the phantom of broken love, Rhodes quickly felt The sight of a nearby demon looking over.

These demons around me want to see how many steps can the giant who has just acquired Strength of Domain return to the illusion of pain, how many steps can he continue to move forward here, and whether there is a chance to surpass the top of the list. of the first echelon, becoming the second demon to enter the gate of pain.

Strength of Domain, like the hero's specialty, cannot be banned by the illusion of pain, and many demons even secretly bet that the content is exactly how many steps the giant can continue to move forward.

However, to the disappointment of these demons, the giant did not seem to have any intention of continuing to move forward, and just after a moment, he withdrew his giant hand from the twenty-step illusion.

For the giant's move, many demons who bet against him showed dissatisfaction in their eyes, while more demons showed a look of surprise and relaxation, especially when they were in Rhodes. Ahead, there are demons who have a chance to compete for the second place.

These demons knew in their hearts that if the Strength of Domain of the Giant was helpful for breaking through the illusion of pain, then he would directly cross the illusion of pain that had trapped him, instead of returning his hands to the original place. Once he got his hands back in place, and then tried to rely on Strength of Domain's help, the probability of breaking through the Painful Vision was much smaller.

Of course, even those demons who lost their bets wouldn't dare complain in Rhodes' face. And Rhodes didn't care what other demons were talking about nearby.

Looking all around, Rhodes took in the expressions of the demons nearby, and everything that happened at the Gate of Pain after that had nothing to do with him.

Facing Rhodes' glances, some demons cowered their eyes, while others stared back at not to be outdone. At the first echelon, fifteen steps away from the Gate of Pain, a Legendary The succubus even threw a wink at Rhodes.

Ignoring the gazes of the nearby demons, Rhodes quickly found his target.

Rhodes did not try to use the power of the Death Domain to forcibly break through the 20-step illusion. He returned to the illusion just to take a look at the two people in his memory again. , even if the power of the painful illusion is strong, it has nothing to do with him.

Rhodes' real plan is to use Archfiend Aglan's bloodline ability to hide in flames and go directly to the location of the Betrayal Gate. Because of this, the ranking of the Gate of Pain itself does not mean much to him, as long as it can surpass Aglan.

However, the departure of the hero Tiss left Rhodes with one less way to fight the enemy, which also made Rhodes a little regretful. After losing the power of the plague, Rhodes can't bind her with the contract of the plague king, maybe it should be converted into a Death Knight sooner.

Rhodes noticed that Aglan also gave up and retreated to the back position, and beside him, there was another succubus.

That was Fries, whom Rhodes had dealt with. To Rhodes' surprise, he also saw Hela next to Fries, and the two succubus seemed to have let go of the past. Conflict, some kind of reconciliation was reached.

After giving up the idea of ​​moving forward, Rhodes retracted the giant hand to Agrand, and soon, the giant hand seemed to have a long mouth, moved towards Agrand and said: "It's your turn to fulfill the bet. The content of the contract."

"Are you worried that I will break the contract? It's a matter of Archfiend's reputation!"

Agland complained to Rhodes in dissatisfaction, and then He said to Fris who was beside him: "I'm going to go to the Ranked 1st's door of treason, it's not like here, you will be tortured by all kinds of abhorrent painful illusions, haven't you always wanted to go to the door of treason? It's time I left."

However, Friss looked at the head: "I changed my mind, I will stay here and face the illusion in the door of pain."

Ah Gran glanced at her, but didn't say much. He directly fanned the demon wings behind him, breaking away from the restriction of the door of pain, and came to Rhodes' giant hand.

And Hela, who was beside Friss, also lifted the head and said to Rhodes: "Elliot, you are a special little monster. With your help, I can come to the door of pain. Now that you have found your goal, I can only wish you good luck in the future."

As a succubus, Hela's goal from the very beginning was ranked sixth The gate of pain, after she came to the gate of pain, she naturally did not need to continue to other Transmission Gates.

Rhodes didn't take Hela very seriously. She didn't have a prerequisite for becoming a Death Knight, that is, the status of a hero, and Rhodes didn't force her. After learning of her choice, he turned his attention. looked towards Aglan.

"In advance, I will only send you to the door of treason. If you want me to send you to another location, then you will be disappointed." Agran said with his head raised.

Rhodes has no objection, this is the content of the bet, and if it weren't for this, perhaps Aglan simply wouldn't agree to the bet.

Soon, Rhodes, after changing his racing achievements, used the Legendary Grade Wisdom Technique to pass the images that existed deep in his memory to Aglan's mind.

"Are you sure, the picture is where the door of treason is located? Why do I think it doesn't look like it at all? Or did you just find a picture in the lake of fire to deceive me?" Agger Lan felt the image in Rhodes' mind, frowning slightly.

"Of course I'm sure, if it wasn't for this picture, how could I bet you? If I had the power to hide in flames, I would have gone to the place in the picture by myself, where would I need it? Bet with you?" Rhodes said confidently, with convincing undertones.

Feeling the confidence that belongs to Rhodes, Agland is also a little unsure. Although he really wants to believe that the picture is where the door of treason is, he is still a little hesitant, because Rhodes passed on the past. In the picture, there are only flowing lava and huge chains, nothing else at all.

This picture doesn't look like the location of the door of betrayal, because the content in the picture is too common, there is no characteristic of the door of betrayal, it is like a random scene of lava in memory.

Those chains, on the other hand, looked a bit special, but Agland didn't know that there were such chains near the Gate of Betrayal.

Chains... Agland seemed to realize something, and after checking the picture carefully, he said to Rhodes:

"I can feel that the picture you sent is just you A selected fragment from memory, that chain, what kind of creature is it used to bind? If I didn't know this, I wouldn't cast Fire Hide."

(end of this chapter)

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