
  Chapter 1870 The Betrayal
   In Dark Space, upgraded the Soul Evocation Technique to the Legendary Grade Afterwards, Rhodes replaced the racing achievement that was worn by until now and improved the level of Soul Evocation Technique.

In its place is the "End of Wisdom" racing achievement, which grants Rhodes Legendary Grade Wisdom.

Although Rhodes did not intend to rely on Legendary Grade Wisdom to quickly learn some spells, the existence of Wisdom can always bring inspiration to Rhodes, allowing him to quickly think through various complex issues.

At the moment, Rhodes sees the various skills of Archfiend Aglan when he uses the Flame Hide. He quickly figured out the key, and it seems that among the Legendary creatures, the strength of How could Agran, who is not very powerful, move the giant body that belonged to Goliath.

It's a pity that Rhodes secretly said that if he had another Legendary Grade special skill "Eagle Eye", with the Legendary Grade wisdom after surgery, he would be able to understand what Agland used. All the skills of , and even have a chance to directly learn the Flame Hide, an Archfiend-exclusive bloodline ability.

After any special skill comes to the Legendary Grade, it will undergo essential changes.

Unfortunately, the use of skill points by the system is strictly limited to the Grandmaster Level and below, and only if Rhodes stays in the Dark Space and consumes unimaginable time, can he upgrade his special skill level by himself.

Rhodes was able to upgrade the Soul Evocation Technique to the Legendary Grade because he was extremely familiar with this special skill and even had a taste of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique. If it is replaced with other special skills, if you want to upgrade to the Legendary Grade, it is not as simple as the Soul Evocation Technique, and Rhodes even takes dozens of times. Because of this, Rhodes didn't think about using the dark and decaying illusions to upgrade other special skills.

Just as Rhodes was thinking about it, the special flame released by Aglan on the side had enveloped Rhodes' entire body.

In the eyes of the demons in the vicinity, Rhodes at this time looked like a Flame Giant covered in fire, with an indescribable sense of terror.

"What on earth is that giant doing? Is he planning to attack us because he can't pass through the illusion of pain?" a succubus screamed.

"Idiot! That's clearly a sign of casting flames to hide. The giant saw that he couldn't pass through the illusion of pain, and planned to leave from here. Don't he know that after a while, the power of the door of pain will Is it weakened again?" An insightful abyss lord commented.

"Anyway, his departure is a good thing, I will never have to see that scary giant hand above my head again!" Many cheers also came out.

And near the gate of pain, the mutation that appeared on the giant also attracted the attention of the demons in front.

The demons here did not make a noisy discussion like the demons in the back, but just watched all the changes that took place on the giant, and thoughtful rays of light flashed in their eyes.

"The flames hide!"

Suddenly, when the flames completely wrapped the giant, Agland let out a low growl, and the flames outside Rhodes also moved.

The flames quickly devoured Rhodes' body. Between the flickering light, Rhodes felt that his entire body was dissolved in the flames, and then re-condensed and formed.

Next moment, all the noise in the neighborhood disappeared, and Rhodes came to a strange and familiar space.

His eyes swept all around quickly, the rolling lava, and the unique chain that was so special and unforgettable at a glance, was quickly caught in Rhodes' eyes. This is where Rhodes remembers where Messika was chained.

Agran kept his promise. According to the content of the bet, he used the flame to hide and brought Rhodes to the location of the suspected door of treason.

After arriving here, Agland quickly looked around, and soon, his expression changed slightly, and the eyes he looked at Rhodes also became a little suspicious: "Elliot, who are they? ...Where is the door of treason? Why is it different from what you said here, in the end..."

"pa!" Another giant hand from Rhodes snapped.

Still maintaining the posture of casting flames to hide, Agran, who was standing on Rhodes' arm, obviously did not expect this. After realizing the danger, his eyes showed a terrified look and wanted to dodge. , but it was too late.

The giant hand volleyed into the air, and it brought a force of tens of thousands of pounds, enough to crush all creatures that were hit directly. After the palm was slapped, even Rhodes himself felt his arm go numb, not to mention Archfiend in the middle.

Rhodes slowly moved his hand away, but saw a pool of blood on his palm, as if he had killed a mosquito. The only difference was that it was not his own blood.

Under the action of the Death Domain, Aglan, who was killed by one blow, quickly reassembled his shattered body after being infused with death energy. Soon, he was in good shape, Standing in front of Rhodes again.

"Master, thank you for giving me a new life."

Returning to his original state, Aglan, who lost the blood on the surface of his body, said respectfully to Rhodes.

Rhodes looked at the transformed Archfiend with a satisfied smile on his face.

Under the transformation of the Death Domain, all the dead creatures will retain all the experience consciousness and their own abilities.

Using the Death Domain to transform Agrand, Rhodes is equivalent to completely controlling the Archfiend. In other words, if Rhodes wants Agrand to use the flame to hide himself, he can let him take the Archfiend. Where to take yourself.

After realizing this, Rhodes naturally felt overwhelmed by emotions, he finally found a way to return to the surface world, just wait for the flame to cool down, he doesn't even need to complete this trial, Then he can return to the island he is familiar with, see the people he cares about in his memory, and even go directly back to the treasure house in the cloud to get back the body that is still trapped.

Thinking of this, Rhodes laughed a few times. Everything in hell could no longer trap him. After a long time, he didn't know how many mutations happened to his body, and he finally managed to do it.

"It's you..."

Suddenly, Rhodes was interrupted by an exclamation in his ear.

Looking around, Rhodes saw someone he hadn't expected.

It was Parion the Fallen with the pure white god-killing spear. He was one of the followers of Messika and had a relationship with Rhodes at the Magic Dock.

Rhodes didn't know why he was able to see him here. What really surprised Rhodes was that the huge chain that bound Messika had been completely cut off at this moment, and Messika himself, completely disappeared.

(end of this chapter)

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