
  Chapter 1388 The Power of Revelation

The words of Rhodes changed Erich's complexion, he just Wanting to say something, Rhodes has already attacked.

With a wave of space fluctuations, Rhodes' figure appeared behind Erich, and the blade in his hand flashed a dazzling electric light.

With a single strike, Erich's figure appeared next to Elsa not far away. The moment he sensed Rhodes' intention, he took precautions first.

"This is a very precious Spring of Life, do you really stop thinking about it?" Erich solemnly asked.

The answer to him was a rush of lightning.

The lightning struck on the barrier of dark green, Erich's complexion completely sank, and slowly said: "It seems that you have made a decision, unfortunately, the power of revelation tells me , you are destined to gain nothing, and I won't die here."

A strong wave of mana surged up, and the transparent barrier of silver white enveloped Erich and Aisha, and then a violent explosion occurred inside.

The dull thunder-like explosion spread, causing scattered ripples in the spring water on the side, dust and gravel continuously scattered from the top of the cave, and even the space seemed to be shattered.

It was the purple-haired girl on the side who performed this spell. Seeing Rhodes attacking Erich, she immediately cast a spell to cooperate.

Erich and the two at the center of the explosion, although they got out of the spell range in time, they still looked a little embarrassed and could not maintain the calmness at the beginning.

"Aisha, you go find a way to hold back the others, and I will deal with the holder of the Divine Item." Seeing that the situation was at a disadvantage, Erich hurriedly instructed.

"This is different from what you said at first, you didn't tell me that this kind of conflict would happen." In Elsa's words, with a little grumbling, there were those examples of Lich before. , she is reluctant to intervene in this level of battle.

"I don't want this to happen either." Erich said solemnly, "but you also see the attitude of these undead mage, now is not the time to argue, they won't let us go easily If this goes on like this, none of us may survive."

Aisha was coldly snorted, but decided to do as she did, raising her hand and forming a pale Transmission Gate in front of her.

A large number of humanoid creatures with empty eyes and tattered clothes kept pouring out from the Transmission Gate. They were the corpse witches that Elsa had transformed into during this time. She was gathering her own undead army.

Relying on the corpse witch king Rhodes once handed over to North, Elsa used ordinary creatures to transform a large number of corpse witches. These corpse witches have become an indispensable part of Elsa's overall strength. In part, when mobilizing undead creatures, Elsa will also prioritize these corpse witches.

On the side, Rhodes paid no attention to what was happening behind him. After grabbing the position where Erich was standing, he turned his attention to the turbid spring behind him.

Rhodes quickly took out a dark golden crown. On the surface of the crown, a blue crystal inlaid was shining, and a huge suction force was heard, sucking all the spring water below. Only a dried-up pit remains.

After doing all this, Rhodes looked back at Erich, who now has no capital to negotiate.

However, from Erich's expression, Rhodes did not see his disappointment and anger, but a smile after victory.

This discovery made Rhodes' expression change. He seemed to realize something. Just as he was about to retract the crown in his hand into the space ring, a violent repulsive force came from the crown.

At the same time, the surface of the crown became hot for a while, and Rhodes, who had regained his sense of temperature, was caught off guard and let go of the crown.

Under the pulling of an unknown force, the crown did not fall down, but came to Erich at an extremely fast speed, and was finally held in his hand.

"The crown of the world..." Erich let out a burst of admiration, stroking the surface of the crown with his hand, "After so long, you have finally returned to my hands, don't worry, you will be able to show your true self right away. The strength of the treasure."

On the side, Rhodes' complexion completely sank, he did not expect that even after countless years have passed, Erich's strength control of this treasure is still undiminished, easily Take this treasure back.

More importantly, the Spring of Life collected by Rhodes using the core of the Legendary element lord also fell into Erich's hands at this time.

"Is this the power of revelation..." Rhodes said solemnly, "I knew that the prophet's words were true, and you would be my worst enemy."

Erich shook the head: "I gave you the opportunity to choose, if you agree to my at first proposal, nothing will happen, you can also enjoy those Spring of Life, unfortunately, you refused My proposal."

Rhodes sneered: "You, who have the power of revelation, will become my enemy sooner or later, do you think I will let you go? In this world, there is a person who is loyal to me. Prophets are enough, there is no need for so many people with the power of revelation."

Due to the relationship of the rank, Rhodes cannot grasp the power related to the revelation, and he can only hope that the people with such powerful power will become more and more powerful. Less is better.

The power of revelation is powerful enough to change what happens in the future, and Rhodes doesn't mind personally slaying creatures with that power if necessary.

"I can feel the worry in your heart." Erich's expression became solemn, golden rays of light, covering his eyes completely, until the whole body was bathed in golden, " You're worrying, I'll tell those Lich the truth about that Divine Item behind you."

"Aisha, stop calling undead creatures, these corpses don't belong to you." Seems to be consciousness What happened, Erich's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted to Aisha behind.

"What are you talking about?" Standing in front of the undead creatures, Elsa frowned and said with some doubts, "these all are my undead creatures, and Soul Fire has my spiritual imprint. ."

"You were deceived by Rhodes, Elsa, and the other Lichs were deceived."

Errich said solemnly, even once King of Dia, There is also a hint of unbelievable meaning in the current words.

"All corpse witches transformed by the power of Divine Item, whether or not limited by spiritual imprint, the ultimate controller is Rhodes. He used all Lich to create corpse witches for him."

Looking at the undead creature in front of her, Elsa also realized the seriousness of this problem. Once the news spreads, the deceived Lich in Dia might not just let Rhodes go. .

"This is amazing news...no wonder you want to get rid of Erich, Rhodes."

Aisha said meaningfully.

(end of this chapter)

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